R.I.P 3 Gen Strat

Now with no counter to keys. SWF can easily escape your 3 gen strat with a key.
What a shame.
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People just wont stop the bait...
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Oh stop being so dramatic, Jesus Christ you killers.
I'm a killer main and I've had 0 issues with keys. My GOD you overreact.
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That has always been the case...
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That's easily countered, just don't kill anyone and they can't get the hatch with a gen still left.
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Just play better
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This is the most common use of keys I see, at least a couple times a week. And I don't play a while lot these days. Survivors 3-gen themselves, then key out when someone dies.
I'm usually one of the survivors.
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Meg's a killer now?
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In almost every post you bring up Jesus or god. Are you very religious person? 🤣🤣
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"You killers"
"I'm a killer main"
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Then kill everyone before there is only 1 gen left. Don't purposely let a 3 gen happen, just try and kill everyone asap. Slug if necessary.
Keys are to strong but they can be played around without the need of certain Perks, Add-Ons or Offerings.
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No she is just a Meghead.
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as in 'you "other" killers'..?
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She always was and forever will be, but she can't rival P3 Claudettes
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Personally, I think that the trapdoor is not the real problem with the keys, but that with its accessories you can see the killer's aura and the killer can't see yours, which in SWF , it can be beastly besides that it can add more seconds of use so that if it is used well, you can know where the killer is going, where it is moving, communicate it with colleagues and disappear by the time the killer arrive. I am not saying that the complete one is removed or was eliminated (although it is much more cheto than OoO and that the mementos) only that they put as a sound or a warning to tell or know if you have that complete or not, to give more priority to the key,
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Look, if a killer wants someone out of the game it just takes longer now.
if you see a key in lobby you can still just tunnel them into the ground.
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Yep. I see this Strategy as a Killer all the time. I see someone come in with a Key, and then when I'm chasing them later they don't have it. I often herd my Survivors and build a 3-Gen, and late game they go back and get the Key from where ever they stashed it. Franklin's Demise does nothing if the Survivor puts the Key down themselves. They just stash it at a place they can easily find later (and I won't notice). Then go do their thing until it is needed.
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Eh if that happens then that means you got your 2 kills which evens out. Not every game is a 4k.
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what happened to gamers man? is this just some new new new generation?
Where are my fellow 90s gamers who would spend days, weeks, on the same level in megaman or something jeez.
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If you 3 gen knowing the survivors have a key thats just silly. You're giving them free reign to search the entire map.
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Same reason fighting games died. People don't like knowing they lost because they got outplayed and not because their team "sucked" or the other had an unfair advantage.
That's why team games dominate eSports now.
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LMFAO. The way this is written is so perfect, you can hear the inflection. 😆
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Thank God I'm not the only one like this. I was starting to think I was losing my mind. Do either of you remember the big deal people were making because Cuphead was "too hard"? People were saying content shouldn't be locked behind difficulty and other nonsensical things like that. I was so bewildered because I found games like Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels to be fun and engaging, that was a normal gaming experience for me.
Gibblywibblywoo is completely on the money. The rise of MOBAs for instance is directly because of this. All of the modern MOBAs have (at least tried to) fix their games so that one person on a team can only have so much influence. Even in something like Overwatch, theres no kill counter.
The younger generations have made gaming communities wack.
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Let this current generation go and try to beat the original ninja gaiden on NES. I broke more then one controller when I was young playing that game. It made me appreciate beating it all the more.
too many participation trophies these days to ever commit to anything that presents a challenge
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Oh yes that's perfect I'm sure that survivors would just not be killed and thus they get all 5 gens done, exit gates opened, and still get out via the hatch that reveals after the 5th gen is complete!!!!! I know lets SLUG EVERYONE and let them bleed out that's a better way than letting them win!
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For real, let them find the report button in an NES cartridge.
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There seems to be a disagreement amongst killers about the recent key influx that is going on. I'm wondering if it's related to time of day being played or region or something. I'm useast and I play very frequently. I can tell you at rank 1 I am seeing the largest frequency of keys being used or found in chests since launch.
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Well, one thing is for sure. I've had keys in every game today, and I've played for 2 hours so far. I don't usually mind keys but today has been excruciating. Keys are rewarding survivors for getting themselves in a three gen. Prooooobably should make it so the hatch doesn't spawn with 4 survivors alive.
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I don't really think your generalization is very accurate. Fighting games and other hard games are still popular among the younger generations, including my own. Me and my friends are constantly playing fighting games like Lost Saga, Brawlhalla, Tekken, and Smash Bros, and we are also playing hard single player games like Spelunky, Barony, and some other games on the hardest difficulties (notably 7 Days to Die and SteamWorld Heist). Hell, one of my friends even beat the two Ghost and Goblin games in the past year.
Since gaming is much more popular than it was in the 80s and 90s, you're going to see a lot more variation in the difficulties of games than you would back then. I don't think it's very responsible to demonize younger folks because of this.
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Heavy multiplayer games changed a lot of people. In a megaman game if a boss was hard you learned its patterns and eventually got better. The problem in this game, especially being an asymmetrical pvp game. Is that there are tools that break the balance of the game and cause problems.
In megaman for example most bosses dont have abilities that undid your progress, maybe one or two (cant recall every single kne off the top of my head) but they usually couldnt regen health or have, say, an ability that inhibited your gameplay. At least not that wasnt work aroundable.
Now look at DBD with keys. Heres an iyem, anyone can bring that simply allows the game to end early, or keep perfect track of the killer no skill required, just click a button and instacounter. I love spendjng hours on a game, even on the same level if i can improve, but when it feels like it isnt my skill level, but the game telling me "Oops, looks like you gotta git gud cuz they has an item that trashes your game" that isnt fun. Thats (at least in my opinion) really dumb, nerfing moris was fine cuz of that but keys HAD to go with the mori. They have been unintentionally linked together in how people play
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Idk why people are blaming my generation for being used the products we consume. We're not the ones who create those products because, funnily enough, we are/were too young to do so when they were made. It's not the "younger generation" ruining things, it's that we're getting used to the products and features presented to us. Stop trying to make it an age thing.
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It still is a younger generation than those who made those older games, also you do not need to look at products and features presented to you, you can look for things yourself.
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The products and features presented to us being those games. Games like Overwatch, Resident Evil 2 Remake, Cup head, etc, are those products with those features. Rese2 remake and Cup head are known as some of the best games (from what I've heard) for good reason, and people enjoy them. On the flip side more simple games like SDV is a classic even though it tells you what to do and when.
Different genres, different markets. Gaming is a lot more popular now than ever before so of course people want different difficulties for their games. My mum hates hard games but I love em, and naturally she's a lot older than I am lmao. On the flip side my sister loves easier ones and she's younger than me.
It's not an age thing. Don't try and make it one.
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Moris were a counter to keys just as much as sacrificing survivors. Just hook them.
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"other hard games"
"smash bros, brawlhalla"
yeah ok, I'll stick to my generalization. Stop trying to convince me with your list of hard games, junior.
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My point still stands that you do not need to settle with what is presented currently, you can seek out lesser known products or well known products from the past.
What do you mean to achieve by just stating Different genres and Different markets, yes theres a wide array of genres but the markets tend to overlap, for example I mainly enjoy strategy game and games which involve predicting an opponent and rather dislike games such as most FPSs and Racing games which tend to focus more on the action rather than planning and preparation.
Show me where I tried to make anything an age thing, you claimed it was not a younger generation causing it because they were too young at the time, but it still is a younger generation just not the one you're being quite defensive about, that I suspect we both belong to.
also on a sidenote what is SDV, never heard of it and when I looked it up all that came up was about Swimmer Delivery Vehicles.
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I'm making a public announcement: younger gamers are weaker and worse people than older gamers, and I suggest we light torches, find some pitchforks, and chase em into the woods. THEY HAVE TO BE ELIMINATED!!! Whos with me.
On a serious note, its true that its not an age thing, its an ERA thing, and this era creates really lame, fragile gamers.
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Oh sdv being stardew Valley
I'm not talking about you with the age thing comment but the original 2 I replied to.
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Thanks, I hadn't heard it called that before, then again I never paid much attention to it
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But it's your choice to use those products. No one is forcing you. There are always people trying to get your money in life. This is especially true for the young as they are gullible, because they don't take the time to analyze the situation. There is a grain of truth to what they said.
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You're right, nobody is forcing us to use those products. Nobody is making me play the remake of resident evil 2 over the original. Nobody is making me play Overwatch or Paladins or whatever. Nobody is making me play New Super Mario Bros Deluxe Switch Edition, over the original one, except for me.
My point was that you can't blame it on the younger generation for being wimps when we're not the ones designing the games we play.
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Always has been.
no gun no ban
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We're blaming the younger generation for being wimps because they're acting like wimps. Theres a huge, HUGE catalog of video games in existence, you don't have to play the new garbage thats being released.
I can blame them, and I will blame them.
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So because we want to enjoy games that looks good instead of low poly ######### it's our fault the gameplay is arse?
Okay boomer.
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You slipped when you referred to your 'fellows' as "you killers" Joe.
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Or just don't play killer until they do something about swf, simple solution. The forums and steam threads are more entertaining than the game right now.
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Plenty of games that look good that aren't of this era. Keep trying, c'mon.
EDIT: Not to mention theres new games that don't look that great too. Games looking good are more about how the creators are able to utilize the tools they have, not the amount of "polys". And yes, its your fault because you accept garbage gameplay for the sake of games that "look good". Yes. Its your fault.
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Franklin's demise is still a thing