When a Survivor Main says a Killer is "boring"



  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    While i hate doctor hes definitely less boring then he was before imo

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417
  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    I mean, playing against legion is boring. #mending simulator

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    That's a bit backwards. Survivor is far more boring than Killer. Having a team that can distract the Killer on the other side of the map while I do the three gens over by me is far more boring than whatever they think is boring for Killer. Only time Killer is boring is when everyone is being stealthy and isn't making any mistake to reveal their position. Walking around from gen to gen, breaking them and not finding anyone, and repeat is very boring compared to having minimal interaction with the Killer because your team has their complete attention the whole game.

  • Mhew
    Mhew Member Posts: 38

    Freddy for example is boring to play against.

  • Silentfox
    Silentfox Member Posts: 12

    Thoughts is that it seems like all you do is play killer. Play the other side too. I play both side evenly and it all boils down to the players playing the role. A camping killer is gonna be boring, solo queue suck, swf is too powerful. I don’t like this survivor and killer thing like it’s a race war at times, play both sides and then you’ll understand how it sucks for both. Gen rush and swf is god awful to go against but going against a killer with teams that don’t know how to play also suck.

  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 735

    I call the Executioner boring because every time I see someone, they never break a palett besides the god palett, always bloodlust me and they play him like Deathslinger. Fake the ability until you get a safe hit. It's not that they are bad or dumb, actually that's kinda smart but as survivor its so boring. Thats not a chase. I always try to avoid using anything and run to the next loop but he is a 4.6 m/s killer so..

    Since The Executioner is a part of dbd I find Spirits way more attractive and fun. And that has to say something. T.T

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    listen, if the survivors spread out in the map you are just an m1 killer, trust me.

  • rottmeister
    rottmeister Member Posts: 316

    Imo it's mostly the players that can make a match boring. Like facecampers or tunnellers. Or when the player decides to run an ebony mori + the strongest add ons on said killer and moris off first hook.

    Boring killers I'd say Spirit and Freddy. Against Spirit it feels like you can't do anything without Iron Will if you're in an open map.

    Freddy if the player chooses to go all in on gen regression. It's so sleep inducing that you're fixing a gen for so long, just to have him pop it with PGTW right in front of you, then chase you around and by the time you escape him, your gen is at 0%.

  • Kate_cx
    Kate_cx Member Posts: 181

    I'm not a survivor main, I play both sides and I think Freddy is really boring/disappointing to go against because I don't like his character, so avoid the generalisations please.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    I hear (and feel) this with Legion. His power causes you to have to mend and/or heal almost the entire match. Given that those actions are not very exciting and generator repair isn't that thrilling either, the whole experience is a big bore. Legion's entire power should be changed to something more interesting that doesn't involve literally being bent over the whole match.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    We interact with pretty much every single killer in the same way. We run around stuff, period.

    It bogles my mind that Freddy, a killer in which you have to actively play around his snares, keep track of your sleep, be aware of your surroundings cause of his tr, is considered boring, while no one mentions Wraith, GF, Myers. These have literally zero interaction between their power and survivors, yet, they're not boring, I wonder why.

    Bet there's nothing to do with their power level right.

    Seriously, can we stop with this "boring Fredy" Bs?

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,366

    Please show me 3 consecutive matches in which each and every survivor is using META perks because I highly doubt you'll be able to. Not to mention the fact that killers can use META perks too, don't act as though killers never abuse the strongest perks at their disposal.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    I find Killers that are difficult to mindgame fairly boring. Deathslinger with no wind up animation, Spirit with just standing still. Effortless and boring. I''l admit, apart of it is that I dislike being put in lose-lose situations which is also a problem with so many tiles in the game for both sides.

    Billy Nurse and Huntress are all my favourite because of the interactivity with their kits. Makes for some good chases which is all that matters to me.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Whenever I destroy people with Spirit they say 'boring'. So i guess its when you play a killer who's good.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I'm a killer main, but I find some killers boring to play against, and not in the sense that I can't loop them for days. Spirit is just so annoying to play against for how braindead she is to master and how uninteractive she is. Hillbilly is one of them as well, because most Billy's I get are absolute trash, they don't even M1, they use chainsaw when it isn't necessary and I never get downed because of it.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Most boring killers have a single predictable playstyle. Hag, catch a person then set a minefield of traps and use them to tunnel that person to death. Same with Trapper. Meanwhile you have Billy who is one of the strongest killers in the game. You can have exciting chases and fun near misses with his saw. They generally don't tunnel you down. Strength doesn't make a killer boring to face. Obnoxious playstyles do.

  • ramvayne
    ramvayne Member Posts: 21

    Playing against the Shape who's at Tier III Evil Within is just not fun.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246


    It's not the killer being boring, it's more of the fact you beat the survivors and used specific perks they don't like.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    That isn't true and you know it. Most people(including me)refer to legion as boring, even if they escape, and even if the legion didn't use perks. There are certain killers that are actually boring, you know.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    legion and spirit are boring

    legion is the m1 simulator 2020 experiance with no other option. i sure do love mending 8 times a game

    spirit is one sided weighed gambling. if i wanted one sided gambling i would bet i could roll an even number on a die. this isnt competion or player vs. player interaction and isnt fun

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    I agree, but it is true, if you use monitor on deathslinger or STBFL on demo, you're not "boring", you're using the same meta that survivors use against you. Which in truth can be boring but, but is a form of hypocrisy when the killer could say the same thing about the survivor loadouts

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    Thanks for necroing this thread. I finally found where killer mains go to die.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    I find killers boring to verse if they are full on sweat. Like there is no need to have ruin+undying (+tinkerer too possibly) and go on a full slugging rampage.

  • Rybe
    Rybe Member Posts: 44

    All the legion haters lol. I'm mostly a survivor main and I've enjoyed pretty much all my legion matches. They add a level of chaos most matches just don't have, which I find fun. I also don't face them much so it's a nice change of pace from the 100000th nightmare.

    With legion as I guess my killer "main" I will admit matches run longer, but I find people who complain post game are those who don't know how to counter them... Shout out to everyone who got a FF stab, assumed I would run off, and immediately started mending in the middle of nowhere only to go down immediately when I end FF and stab them for real... If I had a nickel every time... I'd have a few hearty meals of chicken nuggets by now. And I'm sure many more to come.

    Boring killers imo are like campers and people intentionally being lame... There are killers I enjoy going against more than others, but that's personal preference/not really the killer players fault. There's killers with powers/kits I have gripes about... Or ones I see too often... Who may be one in the same obnoxious sleep butthole. but whatever. Better than waiting in queue.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    What makes a killer boring to play against?

    1-A killer that lacks counterplay, think huntress vs slinger. Huntress has windup time, you can prepare to juke, call bluffs and interact with the killer. Furthermore, seeing a huntress land a a long shot is hilarious. Slinger delay between lifting the weapon and shooting is close to none, whatever movement you do is preemptive and lag makes it impossible to react to his animation. Also, the best way to catch a survivor is to walk to him in a straight line while occasionally lifting your weapon and not shooting. Spirit is also in this category.

    2-Killers that slow the game too much. No one likes being stuck in a match for 20 minutes. Freddy being the worst offender bc of his addons, other killers not so much.

    3-No killer specifically, but addons that remove intended counterplay: Silent Bell Wraith, pre-nerf prayer beads spirit.