The twins is by far the absolute worst chapter to come out for this game.

Gamergirl69OWO Member Posts: 73
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

So far I have played 40 games with the new killer in Dbd, I have over 1000 hours (on console) and stay within the 1-3 rank as killer. Here are my thoughts on Twins

The twins is the worst killer in the game period. I'd even go as far to say shes worse then pre rework Freddy. Her power is beyond useless, her character design is god awful, lore is boring as hell, the map tweaks range from eh to worse then before, and shes far too easy counter if you have an iq above seven.

First off lets talk about the power, its just plain terrible and helps you in no way. In short you release this tiny man to go hunt survivors for you while you stand still in our current space. He has no terror radius and can launch himself at survs to attack them, and if you decide to give up on the chase you can go back to control Charlotte and leave him there to act like a mini radar to see if any survs are near his location. That sounds great right? Id have to agree, but only cause on paper it sounds alright but in practice its a ######### nightmare. I have to assume they made Vic with the purpose he was suppose to be a Stealth killer due to his no TR and small size, but then why does he shriek and groin louder then a ducking rabid caged animal banging their head on the bars? You have to actually deaf if you cant hear Vic near you and make a quick and ACTUALLY STEALTHY getaway. This basically makes him have the worst stealth in the game, but lets assume you somehow managed to get up to the surv? Well then youre screwed cause pounce is also god awful. The only time your ever gonna get this off is if you A) Snuck up on them (good ducking luck) B) Are in a wide area with no structures, garbage, or anything else to block you, or C) the Surv has crayon brain because anyone who doesnt can easily screw you over and destroy Vic. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, if you miss youre basically impossible to hit attack a surv can run up to you while youre helpless and destroy victor completely wasting your time and forcing you to move your slow ass all the way to them which will give them more then enough time to get a gen to bout 75-80%.

Now lets assume for a moment you somehow actual HIT a surv with Vic? Well youre ducked as well. By the very design of the killer once you hit someone as vic you must then go back to play Charlotte to move all the way to where the surv is. Once again that isnt bad on paper, but in actual gameplay its infurating. Its really up to luck the RNG map placement didnt mess you up because getting to the downed could be either 5 to 10 seconds. You see Survs actual move around unlike Charlotte so you best hope to god they dont know how to juke and loop because they can get very far from where you decided to unbind, and waste all your precious time. Time is everything to a Killer and this ones ability it made to waste your own time. By the time you finnaly get over to the downed a gens gone up 40% and more then likely their team is there ready to pick them up and bodyblock. TL:DR Her power is terrible in design and completely fails at stealth while only working to waste your own time.

Her Character design is just bad IMO. I dont like how she looks and the Cosmetics dont help in the slightest. I cant pinpoint why I exactly hate her look but its so gross in all the wrong ways. The closest killer I can compare her to is Plague (whos design I like) Plague looks like a rotting corpse or a decaying body thats being forced to animate movement. This fits perfectly with her power of giving diseases to survs that they cleanse of, only to then backfire on them by making her disease stronger. The Twins look like some Chubby girl got drunk at a party and decided to put on some grandma clothes oh and also theres this 80s level cgi baby man in her right boob. Charlottes design doesnt fit her power at all she just looks like the average possessed farm girl NPC you would save in some bad RPG , Vicktors does but thats only because he IS the power but even then he is in no way pleasing to look at as he clips through Charlottes model or just stands there looking goofy. Conjoined twins could have worked but the design is awful and does the worst thing you can do when designing a horror villain, Look goofy as hell.

Lets talk lore and for this comparison I will use Hillbilly. Max Jr was the son of a wealthy southern man who came out deformed as heck So Max sr his own father locked him in a basement and tortured him his entire life. The only reason his name is Max jr is because he never actually knew his name and "Max" was all he knew. After many years of abuse he snapped one day after once again being forced to kill harmless animals by the civilized "people" around him so he killed all those who bullied him and lived on the farm until taken by the Entity only to be forced to kill the harmless again. Simple, Easy to understand, Straight to the point, and sympathetic to the killer. Now lets look at the lore of the Twins. Salem witch trials victim with conjoined twin and mother that gets hunted by people for being a witch until her mom dies and she kills people. Her reason for wanting to kill more people is because she wants to make others feel the oppression she felt. Eh I guess. Everyone can feel however they want about this but personally its so cliché and boring. That's not to say Hillbilles lore is also not cliché but I find it definitely not boring and contrived as The twins. Maybe its because I already hate everything else about the twins but whateva. I just find her lore uncompelling and bad.

So thats my thoughts on the killer, let me know yours or you can just call me biased or whatever idc.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    I completely agree I hate to admit it but Legions lore design and power are 100 times better than the Twins Franks lore is easy to understand his power while not great can actually be Lethal and I like his and the gangs designs I’m going to admit it this was the worst chapter in dbd history even worse than the legions

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    i disagree on the Twins being so weak. It's actually not that hard to get hits with Victor, it just takes a bit of practice. I had a hard time at first too but it's getting easier and easier for me. Victor is ridiculously strong in chases actually, because of his movement speed and lunge.

    You can also split the map pressure with them by having them on different sides of the map. But that doesn't always work so well.

    If anything, I think they aren't fully viable just because their ability is time consuming to make usage of. Switching between Victor and Charlotte wastes a bit of time, and if you down survivor with Victor further away, you have to spend time just walking to the downed survivor with Charlotte. Add to that the fact that Victor can lose map pressure to survivors that hop into lockers, forcing Charlotte to go to the locker which in return denies them their split map pressure, and I am not yet convinced that the Twins are viable killers, but I don't think they are that weak either.

  • Healthore77992
    Healthore77992 Member Posts: 570

    I don't agree, i think they are strong

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    Personally, I have found that the Twins work best when use Victor as sort of a scout, then bring in Charlotte shortly after as the big gun. Victor is recon and picking off weak targets. Charlotte is for healthy targets. I also DON'T like having Victor too far away when playing Charlotte. His KI can be valuable intel if someone is trying to sneak past you. Therefor, I sort of leap-frog the two around, keeping each other within a brisk walking distance, in order to utilize both of them in a scenario.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    My favorite example of Twins being absolutely broken and overpowered is when you down someone with Victor, and then another Survivor walks up and kicks you in the face and then picks up their friend before Charlotte ever gets there.

    What a top-tier Killer.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    That does work but I just don't know if you are applying enough map pressure that way when going against a good survivor team. Gens go fast, so you need to be able to pressure survivors off of gens, and splitting them up helps you cover a bigger area.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    The idea of the twins is very cool and I am happy they are trying something different. It does need some tweaks, as the only valid strat I have seen is slugging, and that is not fun for anyone invovled.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    It's a build up. Obviously, you are going to start with low pressure. However, if you are leap-frogging around, which allows Victor to act as a sentry, you will catch people trying to sneak by for a rescue. Either they will have to waste time going around the long way, or will be caught trying to go directly past you, which can start a snowball.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Fair enough, it can work I guess. I need to play them more before I consider them viable or not for me personally.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    I forced myself to play them for a bit to know if I hated them as bad as I thought I would.

    I honestly don't, and found some kinda neat things they can do. Mostly, though, they can go through a segment of the map with a fine-tooth comb, and pick off anyone trying to straggle through their moving territory.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah can't say I'm enthused about this one. I picked up blight because I liked the idea, had to give him a chance, but ping pong is not horror.

    traffic cone head, ping pong, kick the baby, three bum DLC's in a row. I'm so happy they reworked LeatherFace, he's my thematic go to.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    id still give that spot to the Darkness Among Us Chapter (old Legion).

    A Binding Of Kin makes a close second tho

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    Uh.... hate to be that guy, but um... Pretty sure the honor of "worst chapter" goes to Legion's. I love Legion, but... yeah, that initial release was disgusting.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    LEts not forget the Nightmare chapter and Darkness among us.

  • NeanderChaos
    NeanderChaos Member Posts: 29

    The problems with the Twins revolve around their power. The best way to use Charlotte is to park her somewhere & camp. Every match I face versus the Twins involves hook camping, basement camping, blocking doorways to gens, blocking exit gate levers, and camping the exit gate. The Killer is literally a 'How to' guide for terrible camping style game play. I honestly think that BHVR needs to go back to the drawing board with the Twins and rework their power to remove the camping style of game play it promotes. The longer the Killer is out, the worse it's gonna get.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    I agree with you on most points except two;

    The power is way longer than a 'little bit' of time. The CD on her power is, I think, the longest in the game, tied with Legion, and she has to catch up after that. I think a big way to make her more viable, given the distance she has to move, is to lower the cooldown drastically if Viktor is used to hold a locker or jump on a person. I also don't think Viktor should be kickable when he successfully hits someone. She gets punished way too often for being successful.

  • NeeliaR
    NeeliaR Member Posts: 22

    first. How does a console player knows, how many hours they've played the game lol

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I think reducing the time it takes Charlotte to wake up from her slumber after hitting a healthy survivor or holding a locker closed would be great.

    But I do feel like the reason to why you can kill Victor when he downs a survivor is to give survivors a slight chance to prevent Victor to slug survivors like crazy, which I personally think is good.