Actual Feedback on Mori

I want to make something clear. I do not use moris because they were very overpowered and punished you by giving you less bp and less emblem progress so technically I lose nothing but this change really irks me none the less. I am about to list why.

  1. You changed it in a way where it is worthless. I know people wanna say that it saves you from ds, flashlight, pallet, etc but no, no, no, and no. It does not. What it does is making it useless. Ds because of how broken op it is will be gone by then, and flashlight as well as pallets are easy to not get hit by. What you essentially doing is trading a hook for a mori that takes about as much time, gives less bp, and no bonuses that you can get from a hook like bbq or totem stack. It's a useless offering now, it is not a good change, get that straight.
  2. You changed it without changing they keys. I understand that it is easier to change moris in the way you did it but it does not matter, you needed to wait and I will explain why in the next point, not to mention that your mori change is one of the worst changes I have seen you make.
  3. You are known for having a survivor bias. I do not care if you say you don't, neither do countless killer mains care if you say you don't, it does not change ta fact that this is how we feel and you have done very little to disprove it as most of our pleas are ignored. No ds nerf, no ds/unbrabkale combo nerf, nothing about about swf, nothing done about keys, mean while pop and mori are nerfed and bloodlust was turned off for a weekend. You are alienating your killer player base and thats why survivors wait for so long to get a match.
  4. You listened to survivor mains on how to nerf a mori. Are you going to listen to killer mains on how to nerf a DS? not a chance I bet. Here 3 ways to nerf a mori without making it useless of the top of my head. Make Mori prompt appear only after every single survivor been hooked at least once. Or make it where ivory could only be used once and only on obsession after they been hooked once while ebony can be used once in a match as well but on any survivor that been hooked once. OR make it work like devour hope, where you can kill one survivor after you achieved anywhere from 3 to 5 hooks. Any of these changes would still make it worth while offering but not make it pointless like it is now.

For my closing statement I want to say this. I want to play this game less and less and it shows in my hours played recently because of your "fair" treatment of the killer side. I do not care if you disagree, because once again, thats how I am and many others feel. Knowing the wonderful internet community I am sure the replies will be like "fine, quit" and to that I have to say this. Sure, I can quit and likely will if things don't change. What your survivor mains gonna do when most killer player base quit? Their lobby time is already long, and it will get longer. As for you devs, let me say this. I have bought this game for myself and others as a gift, got almost all dlcs for myself and some for other people and all through real money, not shards because I wanted to support the game. I got your cells for cosmetics and for rifts every time just to support your game. Needless to say I spent on this game a decent amount of money but I do not feel like buying anything anymore from you. I do not intend on getting rifts, cosmetics, cells, or spending any cash on any killer/survivor unless you like bring pinhead or pennywise. So keep going, keep pushing away your paying player base.


  • Sciffer
    Sciffer Member Posts: 41

    Looks like devs going the good old hide the head in the sand route. Cool.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    I am a rank 1 killer and was a rank 1 survivor. I am only rank 4 survivor now, and only play enough to get to rank 4 each rank reset because of how long the queue times are. This is the first time I have not had my rifts done before the next one came out, just because it takes so damn long to do survivor ones, and for less BP, that I just don't feel like doing it.

    On the killer side, I am playing less because I am becoming increasingly frustrated. We take some real good steps forward, but far too many steps back. The biggest issue I have seen is that whenever there is a killer problem, you make a perk for it. But when there is a survivor problem, you nerf killers. Survivor bugs are also taken more seriously and fixed quicker. It took over 9 months to fix the no sound on the floor bug for killers. (Is it even fixed? I think it is, I haven't seen it, but like I said, I have been playing less). After 2 years, Billy still has ghost saws. Recently, Huntress and Deathslinger lost the ability to shoot over a lot of things in the updated maps. Trapper's traps are stuck in impossible to reach locations. Plague still has people get hit by vomit, REACT to being hit by vomit, but not start a timer. Legion has almost no power. Blight still slides on random things, making him very inconsistent. But Viktor, already a weaker power/killer with a very hard counterable ability, when he can down people in lockers like every other killer? Emergency meeting, all hands on deck.

    With an ever increasing list of bugged perks, add ons, and killers, with no indication they are being addressed, and a number of uncounterable, no gameplay situations caused by survivor perks, we are losing killers fast. I will admit, fixing the maps and most of the unplayable loops has been a huge boon though. But then you nerf Moris while leaving keys in, and don't even let us sell them back. Moris, as mentioned above, are now a handicap. They do nothing to help the killer. And we just lost a lot of BP that we cannot get back.

  • Sciffer
    Sciffer Member Posts: 41

    Basically that ^^.

    Also I came to forums quite a few times and from what I saw is that there way more complaints on keys and ds rather than moris and noed lets say. Why? Cause you hardly ever encounter a mori, so it's not that much of an issue. I can play for weeks before I get hit with one. While ds is nearly every game, keys every day.

    Yet devs decide to nerf mori first, and pop for a good measure, as if anyone asked for it. But wait, rejoyce, because they said they will get keys too at some point. For one I have absolutely no faith that they will make keys fair or nerf them into a ground like a mori, but also to this day, not a single ######### word on ds.