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With moris being much weaker, a changed version of the yellow mori should be base kit

Member Posts: 5,781

Please read first.

I have made a post about this before, but I feel that it is more relevant especially right now with moris being nerfed and I feel that this should definitely be implemented as it is not crazy big of a change.

The current yellow mori: Allows you to kill a survivor if they are the last one remaining in the trial regardless if they have been hooked or not.

This is not used often and most of the time, you probably aren't even going to get to use it if you do run it.

The could-be base kit mori: Allows you to kill the last remaining survivor in the trial only if all other survivors have been sacrificed. Grants you as many points as you would have gotten if they were hooked and sacrificed.

It makes sense with the lore of the game "You worked well, the last one is yours.", gives moris more of a use just in general gameplay, is not OP, and gives you the rest of the points you would have gotten sacrificing them.

What are your thoughts? Do you agree with me, or do you think something else could work? Just keep it professional.

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  • Member Posts: 190

    No I don’t like that. As the last survivor you still have a chance to wiggle off and escape. I’ve done it multiple times and I’ve seen other people do that. What they could do for the yellow one, is make it so that you’re able to Mori 1 person even if they aren’t the last survivor. Regardless of whether or not they’ve been hooked. Of course that is, after the doors have been powered.

  • Member Posts: 5,781
    edited December 2020

    Let's be honest though, it is extremely rare to wiggle off like that. Even if you do, you will probably be slaughtered fairly quickly. I can't remember the last time that has happened to me even in general gameplay. I feel like your suggested change is a bit too similar to the green variation and can allow a killer to get an undeserved and unfair kill in the endgame especially since it doesn't require the survivor to be hooked.

  • Member Posts: 190

    i didn’t see/register the part where you said “only if all other survivors have been sacrificed”

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Good idea but I still feel like this could be a wee bit strong. You would only be able to get this if everyone has been hooked twice (if not, then you were probably going to win anyways by killing someone really early on) with one of the survivors being sacrificed. This means that the remaining match becomes a 3v1 but the killer can mori the next survivor he/she finds, giving very little room for error on the survivor side. Most of the time at high ranks, you are still probably going to struggle to get everyone hooked the right amount of times. This might get confusing now that I think of it.

  • Member Posts: 5,781
    edited December 2020

    I said it when I explained the possible new version of the yellow mori. "The could-be base kit mori: Allows you to kill the last remaining survivor in the trial only if all other survivors have been sacrificed. Grants you as many points as you would have gotten if they were hooked and sacrificed." I did say "please read first" lol.

  • Member Posts: 378

    Would be cool. A stylish finish to end a won match.

  • Member Posts: 1,274

    To be clear (because it seemed to be misunderstood), the mori earned would only affect the last survivor remaining in the trial (they couldn't be mori'd unless all other survivors were sacrificed, dead, or escaped, much like how the Cypress offering already works). It's not a free kill on-the-spot because the killer just got 9-10 hooks unless there's literally no one else left.

    It would be a reward for playing very well during the trial that ideally should be difficult to regularly achieve unless the killer is consistently playing at a high level.

    I don't see how it would be particularly confusing either. Hooks are already the killer's main method of achieving their goal and the devs could simply add some sort of small UI pop-up to let the killer know if/when they'd achieved the stipulations to get their end-of-game mori.

  • Member Posts: 190

    And like I said. No. You still have a chance to escape. And this totally negates DS. “lol”

  • Member Posts: 5,781
    edited December 2020

    Think about it, the only situation you could have a slight chance of using DS with this mori change is if you are saved by the second to last survivor (you are the only ones left) but the killer comes up to the hook decides to not hit you because they fear BT. So they get the other person, put them on the hook, and they die. Then you start running for your life. That is the only situation you could be in where you could have a slight chance to use DS. And you know what? The killer would just slug you anyways, so I am not sure how this totally negates DS. Also, when I said the chance of you wiggling off was rare, I meant it was really really rare to the point where you could probably play for a good 900 hours and never see it happen to you. DS is useless in this case if the killer has a brain.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    It could definitely add some variety to the game. Especially for those who don't really use them

  • Member Posts: 6

    Am I the only one that doesn't get the chance to wiggle off the hook anymore if I'm the only one left? It's been like this for a few weeks now where I haven't been hooked yet, and when all others are either dead/sacrificed/ or already hooked I immediately die. There is no usual waiting still for x amount of time, it just goes straight to me getting stabbed to death....

  • Member Posts: 21

    I get the idea and the sentiment, but I think we shouldn't look at the Mori adjustment as a nerf. This is a legit rebalancing. (I know they're usually synonyms, but the distinction helps here.)

    Moris were rebalanced because their effect was too strong and it hampered enjoyment of the game. With this and whatever comes from keys ( assuming that it is acceptable ( I know it's in the future and people WILL complain, but let's assume good faith and acceptable compromise)) we should see it as something unhealthy being removed that doesn't need something to be added to compensate.

    In this instance, that's the better move for game health. Otherwise we end up in a recursive loop of diminishing returns, lol.

    Tldr- No. I get it and appreciate the perspective. But no.

  • Member Posts: 344

    Im not really a fan of that idea. That encourages killers to slug to get the mori animation if only 2 survivors are remaining.

    Some people already want their 4k so badly that they will extend a match for 10+ mins and if you add a animation for that you can bet they want it even more.

    Not something im looking forward to.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    So you basically want the Cypress Mori to become a weaker Pocket Rancor?

    Wiggling of as the last Survivor isn't that common and happens if the Killer turns off their brain since they already won. A basekit Cypress would be a good thing. You can now "final Judgement" the last Survivor with any Killer.

    I can't remember when I wiggled as the last Survivor since there are hooks every 2 cm anyway. Mori animations are cool, with a base Cypress you could at least see those every Match.

  • Member Posts: 618
    edited December 2020

    I've posted this just before but I'll post it again. Just remove the mori's entirely. Instead, add mori animation as basekit on downing any survivor after second hook. That not only solves the problem of mori's but decisive strike as well.

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited December 2020

    Survivor has hatch if it gets that far if they couldnt find it or it got closed it should be over mori or hook so im all for moring last survivor they had their chance and its debatable whether the hatch should exist in the first place. You lost the game so just take the L.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    I'd like to see in the future more of a killer vs entity aspect and hooks/moris could be a nice interface.The entity demanding hook sacrifices and the killer going against that by murdering with their own hands.

    Each hook would please the entity and concede game benefits to the killer, but if the killer takes the easy route and mori a survivor the entity would become enraged. That could be shown as visual effects like a glimpse of the ECG and game benefits to the survivors.

    That way BHVR could explore more the killer/entity dynamics, where the latter tries to force the former into submission and the killer's acts of rebellion taking the survivors to himself could cause repercussions by enraging the entity that feeds on despair.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    I have always stated yellow mori should be basekit.

    As is, no changes. You get to kill the last survivor left.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Honestly, Yellow Mori as-is is straight-up balanced enough to be base kit (as in, it is a trash offering).

  • Member Posts: 405

    My sincere thought is no.

    I've been running flip flop with tenacity. I've escaped like 2 times from the killer grasp when I was the last one alive, due to the famous slug for the 4k and got the hatch while running away.

    It's not a regular thing, but I don't think you should have a power that denies my perks like that base-kit (I mean, flip flop for me usually just works for me in situations like that). As an offering, I think it is ok, because you consumed something for it, if it makes sense.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    But how would slugging activate it though? It would only work if 3 survivors were sacrificed, if you moried or bleed out survivors you wouldn't get use out of the mori.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Wiggling off is extremely rare and if you are downed as final survivor in the trial, and due to how situational a cypress mori is making the offering basekit would do literally nothing but make the matches quicker

  • Member Posts: 328
  • Member Posts: 190

    No bro that happens to everybody. I meant wiggle off the killers shoulders as they’re walking. Not attempt to escape on the hook

    Well I’d rather have that than have a mori be base kit. Think about it, what is the most cypress moris you have on one of your killers? I’ve level a couple of my killers up a ######### ton and all I have is 5. Meanwhile I have 35 of the ebony. (This is the max I have on one killer, not the total on all killers). It would give the cypress mori more of a use. Maybe take out the “no hook requirements” and make it be “have to be hooked once” or something. But even then, it would be nearly as OP as the ebony mori because you rarely are able to get the cypress moris. I thought OP was saying if 3 people leave then you should be able to mori the last guy, but I’ve thought of dozens of times where there was 1 guy on the hook and we saved him and ran to the exit gates, the killer downed him and pushed us out. Then picked up the guy and got DS’d and was able to escape. If the cypress mori was basekit it would change end game a lot. But that’s just my thoughts, I don’t feel like arguing

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    That still seems pretty uncommon to happen. I can understand being able to wiggle out with help from tenacity and flip flop, but that combination is pretty rare to see.

    But hey, idk much about that perk combo since I have played tons of hours and never seen that come into play, usually people just use unbreakable + soul guard in my face, so I can't really say for sure if flip flop + tenacity is more common than I think. Then again, I still don't see this perk combo often at all. I will start taking into account how often I see flip flop and tenacity, even though I can guarantee you that I will not see it at all for like 20 games. Who knows?

  • Member Posts: 405

    I know it is unlikely. I personally tend to use perks no one else does (from the dlcs I have, not the "common" ones). It's just a single touch, but it's fun because the killers normally don't expect anyone to use flip flop, so they don't even "stress" that much when going to a hook far away. I think it's fun hahahaha.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Actually, I expect literally everything from survivors. I may not panic about it, but I am always watching for sneaky moves. For example, a really satisfying thing I like to do is when I slug a survivor for a short time and down someone else, I go back to the first one who crawled onto a pallet. This immediately makes me think that they have unbreakable and want to use it and drop the pallet on my face, so I lunge right before I go to pick them up and down them if they attempt to do it to hit them. It has happened twice to me, but it was incredibly satisfying and boosted my ego for a good while afterwards. Same thing for other cheesy survivor jukes like the CJ tech, or locker-flashlight tech.

    I always have a little feeling in my chest when expecting flip flop to come into play, but for as long as it has been around I have not seen it work like that once.

  • Member Posts: 1,246

    I would say yes, only having an issue with one aspect;

    If the survivor loses the hatch search, and has poor gate spawn, they have no chance to escape, and then the killer gets to kill them.

    It's not a major issue but it's demoralizing to survivors to be killed in such a way, I would know, I was there for the original mori/iri head/noed huntresses who head nod and spam chat with rude statements. Having a killer slaughter you regardless of how well you played is going to be a pretty big ego smasher, and if I know anything about survivor main egos, it's that they DC, spam chat, and stop playing the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    They are kind of dead regardless though. But yeah, gate spawns can be pretty BS and unfair for survivors sometimes. Still, if you find hatch first they still have a chance of escaping through the gates.

  • Member Posts: 405

    Oh boy, I even forgot flashlight from a locker grab existed hahaha.

    I got some uses of flip flop without escaping with it. I like it with tenacity because I can just crawl to somewhere where the killer won't be able to carry me to the hook and then I can figure my way out. But, sincerely, the 2 times I got the hatch. One of them the killer was careless. The hillbilly didn't close the hatch that wasn't so far from me and went for the hook first (maybe he was afraid of losing me, since I made myself clearly visible while walking away from the hook).

    The second time, the hatch just happened to spawn not close from the hook the killer was taking me to.

    On the other hand, last week I was facecamped by a clown because I managed to use it on the first down, because he went to kick the gen before picking me up... and I was like "ok, flip flop is op" hahahaha.

    I like these moments. I'm new to the game so I don't really feel proud of many of my moves. I make lots of mistakes, but at least I can have fun with perks like these.

  • Member Posts: 1,246

    It's all RNG, it can feel demoralizing to not win a coin flip and be murdered.

    For example imagine the matchmaking screws up as usual and you're matched with bad teammates who do nothing, they all die, and then the killer finds the hatch, and shuts it. The exit gates spawn so close that you can't do anything, or they're playing trapper, or twins, or whatever.

    They either find you or the endgame collapse gets you, you get moried regardless, and lose without there being anything you can do.

    I solo que, this happens a lot more then anyone in their right mind think should, and it's very demoralizing.

    I want Cypress to become basekit, but before that I want the matchmaking fixed.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    I see what you mean, I also mainly play solo survivor. The base kit mori doesn't really seem to be the problem here though because bad teammates and exit gate RNG is another issue entirely that happens to make the mori feel even more unfair and helpless. I am pretty sure they will come out with some sort of mmr system soon (next 3 months or next big update), I really hope it comes out soon. Even a decent mmr system will be an improvement.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Great idea...however looking at it shortly you'll see it encourages slugging for a 4k style gameplay. Not that that isnt common, just it's something that would cause a lot more division in a game that already has a lot of division in it already

  • Member Posts: 21

    Ah yes moris ruin fun but crap totems, infinites, abusing ds , dc or ######### on first hook, swfs using OoO, 3 BNPs and a key, are totally fun. It's great to see the Devs "balance " killer perks and offerings but where is the ds rework though.

  • Member Posts: 57

    We'll since we're talking a base kit mori I think it only fair that the last survivor in this situation gets a built in longer adrenaline and can open gates fast, it's only fair since we're trying to ruin base gameplay apparently, as someone has stated there's plays that can be done if ur last survivor so this built in mori nonsense is abit much I'd say

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I'd rather not see moris ever became base kit like this. Even like this, it may not seem that bad but it does make decisive strike useless.

    And yeah, I know killers hate DS (Myself included) but DS is supposed to be an escape option in desperate measures. A killer having base kit mori that could potentially make that entire perk slot a survivor brought obsolete would feel bad (I'm trying to feel both sides here) and be unfair.

    Personally what I really want to see are more perks like Rancor and Devour Hope that give the potential to mori. I'm actually shocked we haven't gotten any new ones. My only guess is that they're probably very scared to add perks that can enable moris since that might be scary to balance but I mean.. Rancor and Devour Hope are perfectly fine in their current state.

  • Member Posts: 1,414

    This is a simple change that would make the continuously dwindling lore of the game a tiny bit more relevant again and make matches some a tiny bit quicker.

    I see no reason not to add it.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Moris were not nerfed or buffed. They were just attached to a stipulation to make you play fair.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    You can still tunnel someone out of the game, it just takes longer now. They were definitely nerfed, just not creatively.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    But DS doesn't even get used every game though, you could play a few games and the killer would just ignore or slug you to avoid it. It doesn't make DS useless because it happens at the end of the game. If you are the last person, I am not sure how DS would come into play.

  • Member Posts: 5,781
    edited December 2020

    True, but like you said this isn't common. By the time they would find the last guy (if they did), the slugged person would already have bled out meaning they don't get the mori they want. If not then eh, you probably would have died regardless.

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