When will the gen speed be addressed?

Considering my tinkerer most of the times pops up 25 seconds into a game. How can this even be possible?

Just wondering, cause playing handicapped with one gen less in not even a minute of match is not my cup of tea.

(and corrupt intervention doesn't get rid of the problem, just delays it).


  • YoshisCookies
    YoshisCookies Member Posts: 67

    gen speed isnt the issue its the garbage maps

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I just had my level 18 Billy go against four green ranks (not the worst match making I've had) but they certainly seemed SWF-y with Prove Thyself and BT. They flew by. If they're SWF or have Prove Thyself and bring an offering to spawn with someone else, a gen can get done very quickly. I don't play killer a lot but Discordance always helps me.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    Survivors think gens are the ONLY objective.

    2 people on 1 gen shortens total gen time by 33 or more seconds.

    The real issue I've been seeing is:

    When I'm killer, gens gets rushed and no other objectives get done forcing me to use ruin/undying/corrupt just to balance this. Then survivors just dc or suicide.

    When I'm solo survivor, nobody wants to do gens, everybody heals without thanataphobia against legion. So I'm carrying gens, and looping killer while no gens get done.

    The only way to effectively play is in swf or by using meta as killer.

    It is so dumb, that I've decided to stop carrying entirely.

    Survivors can get mad at me for running meta as killer.

    Survivors get mad when I suicide first hook.

    Killers have a specific and required meta build to avoid swf gen rushing.

    Solo survivors have NO counter to coward teammates and killers running meta.

    Darned if you do, darned if you don't.

    So don't.

    Literally, don't try to win any match, yet you're still expected to "have fun" losing match after match after match after match........

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    If you keep asking they'll probably give you a free yellow toolbox effect for the first few seconds into any gen you touch to make the game more fair and fun for both sides

  • Wongrath
    Wongrath Member Posts: 17

    Imho, gens being done early on isn't an issue in and of itself. If you put adequate pressure on them, they will usually have a harder time finishing the last 2-3 gens.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    Unless it's %1000 broken, and/or can be abused, probably never.

    The last thing they want to mess with is gen speed, and movement speed... for survivors.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Ummm, yes? Gens are the only objectives. The survivors' objectives are to repair five generators and then escape from the map. That is the goal of the game. There is no other win condition for survivors.

    This is like saying that killers think that killing survivors is the only objective. If not, then what, pray tell, is the objective?

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    To say gens are the ONLY objective is incorrect. Totems, altruism, chests.

    For killer, gen pressure, opening potential loops so they can't be abused.

    They're called SECONDARY objectives. So to say gens are the ONLY objective just because it is the win condition is wrong.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited December 2020

    I mean, I guess, but that's all in service of the main game objective. They do those things because it helps the process of completing the main objective, which is to repair five generators and exit the map.

    Your goal in chess isn't to take pieces. It's to checkmate the King. You take other pieces because it is conducive to this goal. If you can force a checkmate with a bunch of other pieces still in play, you do it.

    Your goal in Street Fighter isn't to throw 40 fireballs in a row and dragon punch the guy every time he jumps at you. It's to reduce their health to zero before he does the same to you. You just do that stuff because it is your character's game plan for accomplishing the main goal, which is reducing the opponent's life to zero.

    Your goal in League of Legends isn't to kill minions, it isn't to defeat Baron or dragon or whatever they've been replaced with these days. The goal is to breach the enemy team's base and destroy their Nexus. You do that other stuff in service of this goal. If the opposing side is not offering enough resistance that it is necessary, then you destroy their Nexus as quickly as you can.

    The survivors' goal in Dead by Daylight is to repair five generators and then escape from the map. They have every incentive to do this as efficiently as possible.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    There’s no problem with gens. If you get bogged down on the first couple of gen pops then of course you’re never going to win. Gen pops are not comparable to that of hooks and state in the game. The first gens will always pop much faster and are often far less out of control. It’s how you do with the last 2-3 gens that determines a game.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited December 2020

    And if you're getting mad at survivors because they're focusing hard on gens instead of cleansing totems or opening chests... why? Why would they do that if those things aren't urgently helping them to their goal? I'll look for totems if there's a hex up (or I'll sometimes cleanse them if I just happen to run across a dull totem), and I'll open a chest here or there if I specifically need a med kit or something. But I'm not going to ignore the main goal in favor of those things if there's no pressing need.

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    I'm not mad at survivors for doing gens, I'm just mad at the devs I suppose, for having something so broken as the heart of the game. And what's even worse, they said they don't want killers to be running full slowdown builds, completely out of their mind.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    I get the ends justify the means, but as killer in high ranks you feel FORCED to run specific perks in order to counter the ONLY survivor objective.

    It's daunting, having countless perks that become useless because they don't influence the main objective.

    Gotta run ruin/undying/corrupt just to keep this from happening on killer side.

    Gotta play in swf, otherwise a solo survivor is vs 1 killer and 3 other survivors that like to run around the map aimless.

    This game is "balanced" around swf. Solo survivors are at a massive disadvantage and killers are required to use the same perks every game.

    It's frustrating, daunting, not fun.

    So... Don't try. Only go 10% effort on either side.

    "Have fun, it's just a game"

    Loss after loss after loss.

    Can only run meta as killer, can only swf as survivor.

    It suuuuuucckkks

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited December 2020

    Sorry, that was directed at @keygun as an addendum to the post above it.

    Here's what I think. Yes, it sucks to have a bunch of generators get popped really quickly. But gen completion speed is not the problem. It's a symptom of the actual problem, which is that many of the map designs aren't suitable for most killers' mobility situation. Nurse, Spirit, Nightmare, Oni, and Hillbilly are the only killers who can move around very quickly, so it's no surprise that they are commonly hailed as the strongest killers in the game, simply because they can get to the gens efficiently. The maps aren't suited to killers who can't do that, because they're too big for most killers to sustain this game of whack-a-mole unless the survivors are making harebrained mistakes.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    3 or 4 survivors on the same gen in the begining is not a issue. The problem is when all 4 go on a different one

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    If you're a killer and complaining about gen speeds, try playing survivor with only 3 survivors left and 3 or more gens remaining, and then tell me how bad the gen speed really is. It may feel like a rush with 4 survivors left, but with 3 and pressure the repair speed could not be slower.

    The current gen speed is so low on the totem pole of things in need of immediate fixing that I would be concerned if devs even took this suggestion seriously at the moment

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    I think it's both sided?

    Killers nor survivors should have any match end in 5 minutes.

    If I get 4 people on hooks within the first few minutes, yeah it's a win, but it's not fun.

    If 5 gens get done in 5 minutes, yeah it's a win, but it's not fun.

    It takes at the very minimum 3 minutes to get into a match. At most? Wow it can take forever.

    The real issue is the average game will only take less than 10 minutes.

    The real issue is the lack of game modes that could extend, or even shorten this average time.

    Personally, I want the game to last at LEAST 30 minutes.

    I can understand wanting 10 minutes or an hour. But one size doesn't fit all. Stage size is getting smaller, when what I think we can all agree on is match times should be longer.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    To some extent, this is a byproduct of high-level play in any remotely competitive game. There are 56 characters in Marvel vs. Capcom 2, but good luck finding tournament-caliber players who play anyone other than Cable, Magento, Sentinel, and Storm. League of Legends is a flavor-of-the-month standoff that's only mitigated by an enforced counterban mechanic. Heck, "high-level" Friday the 13th: The Game (such as it was) boiled down to three survivors and three specific weapons because everything else was trash.

    You find more variety in lower levels of play in any game, because people haven't figured out how to optimize their strategies yet. But if you're a high-rank player in a game like this, yes, you're going to face a bunch of optimized stuff. Yes, there's a degree of expression and experimentation that gets left by the roadside because of this, but it's a consequence of being that good.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Gen speeds aren't the problem!

    With the amount of second chance perks survivor's can run, the fact that 90% of the killer roaster has to capitalize on survivor's mistakes to even remotely win a chase; the problem lies within the fact that survivor's don't have enough objectives (imo)! Survivor's have to depend on the killer for more objectives!

    For example, Ruin and Undying! If the killer has too much pressure on survivor's they tend to go totem hunting, which is an optional objective, but I firmly think survivor's need a secondary objective that has to do with gens!

  • Punisher2001
    Punisher2001 Member Posts: 49

    I really hate when my opponents play the objective, it's not fair

  • Mistercookie
    Mistercookie Member Posts: 147

    You don't necessarily need to kill everyone to have fun. (unsure about how many points you can get without sacrifices)

    You don't need to escape the trial alive to have fun (or even have max points)

    So basically the fundamental fun in this game are chases. Chasing a survivor gives you a rush, getting chased gives you a rush. Hiding around and hearing the heartbeat and terror radius music, hoping the killer won't find you.

    Catching a survivor off guard because you had a strategy they didn't think about.

    Winning the game means nothing in a game where the same amount of points can be acquired by everyone in the same game. You don't necessarily need the last hook on someone or the 5k for escaping for points & you don't need these things to have fun.

    It's a game after all, it's about fun. You can run whatever combination of perks you want. Finding something special & off meta that is gonna surprise both sides is a fun way to play the game.