Big announcement ( Pinebrook Short stories now in progress)

Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

Hello everyone Sunday was originally the date of the big announcement but I worked really hard that day and didn't get any me time what so ever( sucks when you get pulled into something totally not your business). Anyway what I had to announce is that I am almost finished with a set short stories of one of my many works Called Pinebrook. A while back I even made a fan made chapter all about Pinebrook and for those of who have looked at it remember the killer of the chapter was called The Fireman, and yes he will be in these short stories. However i gave very little about the story / lore from the fan made chapter. If you want to go check that out you are more than welcome to plus it didn't receive as much love as Smiles and Tears did ( another Fan made chapter, also you can check that out).

So First of all, why am I talking about something not entirely related to dbd? Well here is why, in the series there will be boatloads, upon loads of Easter eggs. Here is an example ' as James was about to leave an old article that was framed by his teacher stood out to him, it was titled "Murders at the Macmillan Estate Coal Mines!" It continued talking about how a son and father schemed the deaths of countless men and so on, sounded like bull$h17 to him. But what amazed him was the fact he never stopped to notice it before, James shrugged and walked out the door of the classroom'. You see what I mean, this is the kinda stuff you'll see with in Pinebrook. This will be available before the end of the year however so it will be a while before you get to see this. But if this is a success I'll make this into a full blown series for you guys, where you experience the full story. And right now I'm going to bed, but again thank you all and I will see you in the Fog

If you have any questions let me know and I will try to answer them


  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Quick update: Hello everyone it has been almost a month now and I just wanted to update on the project. So far the second chapter is going alright, however I may not be able to release it this year, also I will try and post excerpts from the book and give your guys opinions on them, I have not found a publisher or illustrator yet so that is still in the works. The work school has been piling up and making me lose sanity, as well as time to finish the project. But while working on school, I had the time to think of actors for the characters of the project if it became a tv series. One of which is Brandon Rogers, I won't tell you who he'd fit the role as yet but when the book is out maybe I might, thank you for your support and I'll see you in the Fog.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Thank you its honestly been difficult to create something as big as this while trying to do both, but maybe spending more time with school was better for the writing, because now I have new ideas, and new lore I hope to share, thank you for understanding and I will try my absolute hardest to make the wait worth it in the end

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,790

    Seems very cool. I look forward to reading these stories some day :)

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Thank you I really hope you do enjoy them when they come out

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Quick Update: Welp School is officially over for me now, and I got a month long break till January . I have never, ever been more ######### stressed, exhausted in my life. I spent a lot of time working on it that, I've gotten far behind on the Rift, however I'm okay with that, I can get the Cosmetics next time, and thankfully I didn't pay for it, or else I'd feel even worse. But I'm not gonna talk about that, I'm finally gonna get back to writing this book, I will work harder to provide you all a book you all will love. I hope this live's up to expectations, and I hope you will all enjoy, thanks again and I'll see you in the Fog.

    Go tell Aunt Susie, Go tell Aunt Susie, Go tell Aunt Susie that the water is now blood ( Sorry its just something I thought of right on the spot.)

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Quick Update: Almost done with one of the other three short stories. I've been trying to be very secretive about leaks that I might actually go back and get rid of some of the stuff from the Old things I mentioned of before. I don't like spoilers, do you? I sure don't...anywho I'm still looking for a publisher, or an Illustrator, so if you know anyone let me know please and thank you. I would like to thank @Wamps , @MandyTalk , and others for inspiring me to continue to work on this project. I hope everyone else is doing good, I'm feeling down now, I sadly discovered that My Aunt and Uncle both have Covid, I am also scared for my younger cousins they live with. I just hope they make full recovery and they stay healthy. But I'm trying not to think on it, I thank you all for the support and I'll see you in the fog. Oh wait hang on I have to ask ya'll, do you have time to come to be at my best pal Samuel Rays' birthday? He's lonely today, lets go to him and surprise him what to do you say? We have Games, we have pinatas most of all we have a special guest as well.

    ( Why am I writing that last part, is it just for fun or am I giving a hint?)

  • Wamps
    Wamps Member Posts: 308

    @Dabihwow Dang man, I’m very sorry to hear about your aunt and uncle.. hopefully they make a full recovery and your cousins stay safe and sound and you all get to enjoy the holiday season. I’m kinda in the same boat as you as my aunt is currently in the hospital with Covid.. I’m very intrigued by these stories and i definitely encourage you to keep writing them. Writing is a very interesting thing that can take you out of the current world and put you in one you make.. enjoy it. You need any help don’t be afraid to reach out. I also know @MandyTalk is one of the best mods we have on the forum as she helped me greatly with “SBD”! Enjoy the holidays and stay safe..

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,882

    I'm so sorry that your Aunt and Uncle both have covid, I wish them a speedy and full recovery and that your little cousins stay healthy - you too of course. And now I'm interested in that little teaser you dropped there!! :)

    And thank you @Wamps for the kind words, I do try my best <3

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Thank you its just I hope nothing goes terribly wrong. I've been trying not to think about it, but thank you, I hope my cousins don't catch there so young and can't go through something I've gone through so many times already . I do love the support, and thank you for your kind words you two. I like that your excited Wamps, I hope you enjoy them once they come out, its been difficult to create something that is terrifying since a large majority of things have been used up for a lot of horror but thanfully theres still a lot more to work with. I will try to get short story 1 done before January, Story 2 I hope to get done before the end of January, rewrite some stuff here and there add more context and finish it. I've been trying to leave subtle hints throughout this post, but idk if anyone honestly cared or even noticed, I'm okay with it though, its not too serious. I hope to see you all enjoy it once I'm done

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,882

    I'm looking forward to it @Dabihwow 😍

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Quick Update: Two months have gone by and I wanted to update. The second short story is literally a few sentences till done, and this is not a joke. I've been taking some time off to consider what will be okay, and what will not be okay for certain countries. Not that there is an issue, it just means I'm gonna have to reword somethings is all. Anyway I've been recently decided to have deeper meanings for my characters, and taken how Silent Hill used symbolism, by representing addiction, abuse, anger, desire to see punishment, and our twisted pleasures inside. I recently teased a monster coming into the stories called the Dollitrix (doll a tricks). I am really putting a lot of thought and time into it but I've been procrastinating, so I decided to copy your quotes, feedback, and kind words onto a doc to remind myself for what I'm working for. Literally I probably would've dropped the project a long time ago without you guys.

    So I wanna thank you all, for pushing me. As a reward and a way to say thank you, I will post the prologue for these short stories just to give you a taste for what is to come. That when I get it written which won't take nearly as long. I also wish you all a good day, and joy, and a thank you to all. I'll see you in the fog!

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Where can I find these stories?

    I'm genuinely interested.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    They aren't on for sale right now, but once finished I can probably sell them on Amazon, or some other publishing site, maybe Barnes and nobles. Thx for the advice you gave me, it helped me get on track with the other themes of the story

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    I'll keep an eye out!

    Also, you are very welcome. I take every chance I can get to pretend that I have any justification for talking to actual people.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Quick update: And I'm back at it again with yet another quick update. I've been working on trying to find ways to tie the themes of Pinebrook that I've created, to my literature. I recently posted the Prologue in the off topic section and am currently working on writing the third page. Unfortunately my Spring break is due and assignments need to be turned in and I'm being nagged to everlasting hell! Anyway on a lighter note I came up with the idea of continuing Pinebrook through a video game series, but I have very little experience in coding then others. However I am currently working on making a game for my AP class that is an assignment, I chose to use Pinebrook as the core theme. Thank you all, and I'll see you in the fog

    P.S. I'm still writing the other stories don't worry, I just want to create the Prologue so this series has a core theme to revolve around

  • GoobyNugget
    GoobyNugget Member Posts: 698

    this seems like a big thing, eh? Hope it goes well for you.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    It kinda honestly is, I've been working on these short stories for almost a year now. I want to make something that I love doing and make something I enjoy

  • GoobyNugget
    GoobyNugget Member Posts: 698

    Understandable, you should do the stuff that you want to do in life.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Quick update: It has been, a full year now, since I began working on Pinebrook, a full year. So much has changed, from character designs, to story, and even for its future. I wanted to stop and say thank you all for a full year of pushing me, criticizing me, and well giving me a reason to continue working on this world. I have officially posted the prologue in the off topic if you wish to look. I want to take a moment and shout out to those who pushed me to finish this. QwQw, Goobynugget, Beelzeboop, Clamorventus, Glitchboi, Wamps, Dortiohead, and everyone else. I said I was going to have it done by this year however, I have decided that it may come next year, given I have decided the quality must come first rather then just rushing it. But if I truly decide to absolutely bust my ass off and work on it, then it will probably be done and published by the end of the year, and that's a big if. Thank you for your patience and I will see you all in the fog