Some players are learnresistant

TicTac Member Posts: 2,394
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

This is a little bit of a rant.

So this one player. I had no high hopes with him bc he got hooked first and tried to unhook. Struggle phase in the first minute of the match. But hey he didnt kill himself.

Then he survived another 5 minutes. Then he got insta downed bc i as ghostface had him 99 from stalking. Died, not the best, not the worst match for a survivor.

But then this message: Another cheater reported. A bit stupid on ps4, i know, but i thought new players know not much. But no the survivor was rank 5.

I tried to explain it to him, but no i was a camper and a tryhard too and i dont know how to play the game like the real youtubers. (What does this even mean?)

Its ok that we have so many players in high ranks who dont know the basics (they need a tutorial), but why do they think they are right and should spam PMs and reports like a maniac.

How do you talk to them?


  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    They're encouraging you to become a real YouTuber.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I think the fact that no one knows there is a tutorial is worse than not having one.

  • Avenue
    Avenue Member Posts: 5

    I just leave those people be clearly they are just 10 year olds who think that you need to play fair and let them win and im of the opinion that in a legit match, during real matchmaking (ie no SWF or intentionally depiping your killer) that if all is fair that that survivor did not truly deserve to be so high and that your really just making his matchmaking better because clearly he wasnt of your skill level and therefor should be lower in rank to be around people of his skill level. Just let them be

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,394

    I wouldnt call that a tutorial. The only useful what you get from it are the bloodpoints.

  • Boddy604
    Boddy604 Member Posts: 183

    My favourite is when i get accused of tunneling cuz they got unhooked and ran straight to me.

    Like... dude, I was over here booting a gen and u came to work on it instead of healing. Was I just not supposed to chase u?

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    It depends on the person messaging. Sometimes they just want to stir the pot, but sometimes ppl just legit want someone to listen- especially if they've had a string of bad matches.

    100%, you aren't obligated to respond to them. But if you do want to try and have a dialogue, come from a place that invites them to tell you more.

    For example, you can say something like, 'Hey, I'm sorry this match upset you and you felt cheated. Can you help me understand what I did that made you think I was cheating?'

    And then let them respond. If they seem open to dialogue, great. If they keep hurling salt, end the conversation cordially. Also, you saying sorry doesn't mean you did anything WRONG, or are acting like a beta. The apology is meant to convey you're sorry a miscommunication occurred.

    That's how I'd handle it. I spent over 10 years in customer service and a few in a call center. De-escalating first is the easiest way to try and persuade others. Good luck! *Hugs*