Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

God I swear some of you just want to complain and are insecure with your own abilities! I know DAMN well there are lots of you guys on this forum who can ABSOLUTELY DESTROY swf and key users and some of you honestly suck. Thats how a game play base is but just quit acting like this mori nerf reflects anything. IT DOES NOT!!!

Jesus Christ we all know keys and Moris are too strong but keys are still weaker and need more changes. It isn't showing a double standard or survivor sided devs its simple freaking math. Oh you have like 15 issues needed to be solved and then you have 2 issues you WANT to solve? Well one of them requires half the time to fix all those 15 bugs and the other requires a value change. AND YOU HAVE limited TIME! So please get your guys head out of your rear and quit being belligerent. If they pushed back the updates you all would be upset and this change if it was warned so soon we all know killers would use Moris dont act like there is a double standard over a simple choice to pick the easiest problem for a limited time frame. The true double standard is complaining about how unfair it is and how everyone is using keys when you would do the same if it was keys changed first.

Also keys arent that hard to freaking deal with. I have made it to rank one like everyone else and the fact people lose all the time like they say is laughable. At least on MY servers I am am among the best survivors that I have PERSONALLY met. I can't even play solo without people dying or playing like noobs. Hell @azame can even vouch for this but most red ranks are trash and if you lose to them you have to get better. Some times the game throws unfair maps or what not or maybe an occasional good swf but its not all the time. And I have BARELY had a key make a difference survivor or killer match. And I am not even a freaking killer main. If you think you NEED a mori or key to win you are NOT good. If you think you need a mori to beat a key you are not good. Only when its a actual good swf or immersed survivors where its a major issue. Hell even moris aren't that bad to deal with if you have good teammates but its stronger and will always be. Moris are a more pressing issue but yeah the change should have happened at the same time but it didn't and don't act like the game is hopeless now. It makes you seem Like you're new to the game.

Also little PSA if you know where the hatch is there wont be 3 escapes and if 4 escape with a key you already lost before they used the hatch. Aint now way 4 people should live to all escape through the hatch. Grow some integrity and admit when you aren't that good or when your miss is your fault. On a lighter note, I like this forum and its members even if it is filled with toxicity and idiots. Some people are just really genuine or helpful and some are funny. All of you guys play this game like me and understand some things are wrong but I have faith in all of you I think that all of you can overcome these issues so please quit making the same threads and making this community worse just grow as a person and a player please

