Killer Rank System

So I main killer, but for dailies or just boredom you are forced to often come out of your main build. This is problematic when you are in red ranks with a killer you are not familiar with. I plays a hand full of killers well but I would not say I am top ranks with more than 2. This is a worse problem for killers as you have to learn new mechanics unlike the survivor side with is only perk and add ons. For example I am HORRIBLE with Billy i can not hit ######### with his chainsaw, but I am a rank 1 killer. How am I suppose to practice with him with just getting destroyed for 30 or so matches in a row. I am just thinking there should be a better way. Maybe MM relying on total games played and a individual killer level would make for sense. The way it is currently makes experimenting painful. Thoughts?


  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited December 2020

    With Billy you're learning when to use and not use his chainsaw. Opportunities to use his power in chase is rare. Very rarely you're going to be able to do anything fancy in red ranks too. If you want to practice that stuff then... I guess ignore survivors and just practice things?

    Also, survivors need to learn how to play against the different killer powers and abilities. It's tough learning that stuff too. Although, some survivors would agree with you and don't adapt or just say it's boring and don't bother.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964

    This is one of the issues that the MMR is hoping to address, so that whilst you're not great at Billy but might be a god tier Trapper for example, you will be put against survivors within that skill rank for the particular killer that you are playing in that match.

  • Boddy604
    Boddy604 Member Posts: 183

    This. Killers only need to learn 1 character while Survivors need to learn to play vs 22 of them.

    And the same issues you have with dailies exist for survivors too. I havent levelled up every survivor I have unlocked. Some have garbage perks so there's no desire to get those as teachables.

    Nevermind the fact you regularly go 3+ days of cancelling killer dailies just to have it replaced with another killer daily.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Why MMR though, why not just have individual ranks per killer?

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    I would like to ask a legit question though, I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything :

    Let's face it, the MMR system is most probably far from ready and we'll need to wait a long time,wich is fine by the way, I'd rather wait than having something not ready pushed out anyway. So why not lock ranks per killer? For example :

    I'm okish with trapper but absolutely horrible with huntress. I'm currently rank 11 so my idea is.... Next rank reset you keep the ranks (in my case 11) and then you only keep ranking up or down individually. So if i keep aying huntress my rank will go down, but my trapper will stay at green ranks.

    That allows me to keep my rank and not stomp newer players AND give me the chance to play not as good survivors when practicing a killer i suck as.

    Because trust me.... Facing red ranks as a green is already infuriating but even more when you're just playing a killer you're not that good with... Trust me it's getting pretty annoying

  • Boddy604
    Boddy604 Member Posts: 183

    Probably cuz of monthly rank resets. It'd take an insane amount of playtime to just maintain an accurate rank of how you play each killer.

    The current system is flawed but I think individual ranks would be even worse.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964

    @konchok that would effectively be the same thing. Problem is you can be a Rank 1 on one killer, where do you start on the other killer - Rank 20 is obviously out. So having the MMR system that takes into consideration the skill of the player makes a lot of sense.

  • XXXPrinnyGodXXX
    XXXPrinnyGodXXX Member Posts: 31

    This is why I think it needs at least two weight factors or more totals matches, matches with that killer, and killer rank or win rate.. Q times for killers are instant so the time increase of finding a fair match isn't a issue to me, but I know the other side is slow, but waiting 5 minutes for a good match or 8 minutes for a trash MM id rather wait the extra 3. Obviously Im pulling these numbers out of the air but you get the point.

  • XXXPrinnyGodXXX
    XXXPrinnyGodXXX Member Posts: 31

    I get your point as well but the mechanics of your surv don't change only what you have to do against the particular killer. While what I am saying is the killers all have unique mechanics. If you have a Nea and a Dwight at level 50 with the same skills their is no difference in playing them. While a Level 50 Trapper Vs Doctor even with the same skills are vastly different play styles. It isn't a matter of fair or unfair for one side or the other, I just think it would help the MM even more so with the console player base added. Currently two rank 5 survivors can play on the same team and mm says its good. Well one might have 20 games under there belt and the other 500 it really isn't a great metric for ability.

  • Boddy604
    Boddy604 Member Posts: 183

    Tbh i dont even understand why resets are a thing.

    They should just make ranking up harder.

    In Overwatch for example, each season requires you to do 5 placement matches but you're pretty much just gonna place where you finished last season. The placement matches just decide if you actually shouldve been slightly higher or lower than that.

    Then everyone just kinda ends up where they should be. Instead of this system where rank is more a testament of time played instead of actual skill.