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Solo queue is literally impossible lately

Why are all of my teammates absolutely terrible 95% of the time?

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  • Member Posts: 105

    I've only had three decent teams in the last two days. And one of them was a SWF that at two gens left decided to sandbag me to death and throw the game for the heck of it.

    I would go try to do some of my killer challenges but apparently the game thinks I need to be paired with red ranks when I'm still green.

  • Member Posts: 103

    It’s not that they are terrible it’s just that this game requires a lot of communication now because they keep buffing killers in various ways. I.e smaller maps, more powerful abilities and add ons that are pretty much OP af lmao. When you are Part of any team, teamwork is essential to winning. But this game doesn’t really feel like it has a balanced experience on both sides. The biggest problem is hiding/map size imo. When both of those are lacking in size or amount then it becomes kinda too easy for the killer. I play both sides and I’ve been red rank survivor solo for a long time and even In red ranks survivors don’t win often. When I play killer I almost feel like I’m in control of most of the matches. Every so often a survivor escapes or two. But imho killers have too much at their disposal in relation to the current map sizes being to small, the available hiding sucks and ways to confuse the killer and not get caught is extremely lacking. The game is designed for survivors to get caught. They inevitably go down really fast in most games. Then proxy camped until they die.. 1 by 1. It’s too easy for killers. Enough said.

  • Member Posts: 890

    This is true. Between hard tunneling killers and teammates who can’t loop longer than 10 seconds, this game is in a terrible state for solo survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    A lot of survivors give up when they see Ruin or get downed instantly.

    The only time I really give up is if the killer is tunneling me because I actually have no choice but to die and I don't want my teammates to risk their lives saving me if I'm being camped.

    Thankfully, with the mori nerf I don't give up because of that anymore because that was another thing that would make me (And many others) just straight up leave match.

  • Member Posts: 105

    I think a lot of this has to do with the team you get matched with as well. Even if you get a small map with limited stealth potential, you can still win if your team does gens and gives decent chases. As soon as I get hooked and see that one of my teammates is crouching in the opposite corner of the map doing nothing, then it's obvious we're not going to win because my "red rank" teammates are playing like rank 20s.

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    wait until there's more killers to go around if that happens too frequently for you, it was already happening a little after the bloodlust ban weekend (I started having frequent 'rainbow' matches as solo survivor and event he killer's ranks were anywhere from about 14 or 13 to 1) so I can imagine after they removed moris it'll get a little worse until the next new killer comes out.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Once upon a time you could play solo have a fair chance at winning. Not any more. It is truly amazing how rare the gates are ever powered playing solo, it is definitely a game balanced around SWF genrushing as fast as possible and that shouldn't be.

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    4 mans are having a heyday right now with keys and the more good survivors doing nothing but 4 man (Wannabe) sweat squads means less good survivors in solo queue.

    Ironically them announcing the key nerf and not the mori nerf still negatively effected survivors game's anyways.

  • Member Posts: 1,319

    they should enjoy it while they can since the more frequently killers see those groups after the removal of moris the more likely killers will move on or start only playing survivor themselves if the queue times don't get too bad (which it may not if a lot of solo survivors quit too ironically)

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Solo just isn't worth it these days unless you're coming in with a mentality of "I'm going to loose but it doesn't matter."

    Whilst killers complain about swf and the game gets balanced around it, solo is left in the dark to pretty much crumble.

    Also doesn't help when you've got a ruin undying killer in a solo match, those games make me wanna just killmyself on first hook.

  • Member Posts: 583

    I've had such bad games lately that I've stopped caring. I'm just going for my dailies and archives at the moment, I've had far too many three-man throws, or someone leaving the game early via struggle, or dcing, or a killer tunneling. It's like eh why get mad about it, I'll just play for the dailies and a little bit of the archive and then go play something else.

    It's usually better on the weekends for me, but weekday matchups are often just the worst.

  • Member Posts: 1,871
    edited December 2020

    SQ today is hopeless. Had teammates endlessly healing vs legion with full slow/regression perks, was in deathhook being persued by a wraith and run by 2 healthy teammates that promptly run away instead of taking a hit, and the cherry on top was being permanently exposed after haunted grounds bugged out.

    Post edited by lagosta on

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