Why even have a DC penalty?

Tell me what's the point of your DC penalty? Either they DC halfway through a game or they immediately die at the beggining of a game on their hook. Either way, they are going to "DC" there is no stopping this, and by having a penalty, you only make it difficult to not only keep ppl interested, but sometimes these games can be SO toxic, it's almost worth it to DC between the killer or your "fellow" survivors. If I get a DC penalty..I literally just leave DBD for a few days or what have you and play another game. And if ppl want to Dpip, they are going to die right off the bat as well. Stupid to have this penalty I think.


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    To have a downside to leaving matches.

    Not having a penalty only fosters its use. Yes people still DC and some will kill themselves on first hook but overall less will do so.

    How does the DC penalty affect you? Before a fellow teammate DCs and you're left in a 3v1.

    Now a fellow teammate dies on first hook and you're left in a 3v1.

    Outcome is the same for you unless you're the fellow teammate.

    If being able to DC is the threshold of fun for a player then they shouldn't be playing an online game. It ruins the experience for those left in the match.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited March 2020
  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    Sometimes the best option is to do nothing. Did people D/C suicide on hooks before? Yes. Did it become worse after the d/c update? Yes. Well people don't disconnect as often their actions to suicide on hook lead to making games harder for everyone involved.

  • dastru
    dastru Member Posts: 165

    dc penalty it's one of the best things they've implemented, don't dc and you'll be ok and if your swf buddy want the hatch that bad bring a key and for the people who suicide on first hook at least the other survivors get those 10 extra seconds it takes the killer to get that entitled brat dc'er to the hook

  • JennaFett
    JennaFett Member Posts: 5
  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    The DC penalty was implemented because professional video studios have it on their games.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I know both Smash Bros. Ultimate and Splatoon have this feature, off the top of my head.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184


    How does it affect you differently?

    A survivor that DCs or one that dies on first hook. How does the outcome differ for you?

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Because its less work than fixing the reasons why people disconnected

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    Honestly yes. At least that sent a clear message of, "I'm irritated, ######### this game, I'm out." With dying on hook idk why people are dying like that. They could be trying to sandbag the team because a lot of suicide hookers I get will wait until you're almost there to die and then put you in a dangerous spot with killer.

    Are there the times were people die on hook to give hatch/exit/prevent the team from getting downed by a camper? Yes. But that's not the issue I'm focused on. I think my biggest issue is dying on hook penalizes the team and killer. The killer is considered a camper by the system, teammates are seen as being unalturistic, and then people have issues pipping up.

    Yes I get it's a casual game but there are people who are trying to rank up and it isn't fair to them. With disconnecting the actions of that player only affected them, with dying on hook at most points in the game the action effects everyone else.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
    edited March 2020

    Basically you want DCs to act as voting. To represent dissatisfaction with the game.

    I feel this is the most self-center action one can take and I cannot sympathize with that kind of reasoning.

    You bring up killers being punished but failed to realize how a survivor DCing hurt the killer. The loss of blood points, emblem points, and BBQ stacks because a survivor couldn't handle being down first. No killer is afraid of being called a camper. They are called that regardless of how "fair" they play.

    With disconnecting the actions of that player only affected them

    You should rethink this. A survivor that DCs hurts the teammates they left behind.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    True but it only hurts them in the form of one less person. Not causing them to be forced to stay into a game, do their damnest, and still depip because they decide to suicide on hook or the kill constantly downs them and that counts against all parties involved.

    I understand both situations are ######### but I'd rather go with the less ######### option that doesn't further punish me for someone else. I'm a very get it over it person. If a person d/c's I don't instantly give up, most of my teams don't. We assume they were just done or they got BHVR'd (not trying to change my argue I just forgot disconnects happen on BHVR's side for a minute). Killer gets points for the disconnect, survivors get less points overall but more points in general for being altruistic and getting things done.

    To me if a person D/C's their mind frame isn't there and I'd rather they leave and keep their sanity and not ######### over the team's morale by doing stupid ######### out of frustration. Dying on hook just irks me because I'm just thinking about all that wasted potential and I'm just wondering what if all game if they had stayed and so I'm just tilted about having my time wasted even if I do stay because I usually won't pip up and the only thing I'm getting out of that match is Bloodpoints usually. To me people who die on hook cause more damage to the game overall than just leaving and having the system think we ######### over a teammate or a killer camped a person.

    Do I want people to leave game at all? No. But IK it happens. I'm just saying I'd rather a person d/c and have less of an impact than die on hook and have more of an impact.

  • Nickeleye
    Nickeleye Member Posts: 278

    DC penalties are a must in the game. People need to be held accountable for their behavior or crappy internet. Both hurt the game for those of us out here just trying to play.

  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    a lot of people don't care about the penalties, if they did then they wouldn't dc in the first place. get a long penalty, no worries, they will just get on their smurfs. i've seen lots of people do this.

    There have been plenty of dc's over the past few days. it's not having any effect on them at all so i wouldnt really say its a "must in the game" but thats just my opinion

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    Honestly I think they only enabled the DC penalties before matchmaker to stop killers that are being bullied by their inadequate matchmaking and bad ranking system to stop disconnecting.

    Rather than fix the actual issue in a timely manner they put a bandaid on the problem at people's expense.

    The people who DC a lot just use alt accounts, same thing they smurf with already; and alternate between them so they can basically DC as much as they want with no penalty.

    All that being said the amount of survivor DC's and instead suiciding on hook HAS shifted, which is nice, so it's not all bad but like.... that is barely much of a change for survivors, killers are the only ones really who are being targeted by it. Which, I would still be fine with, if they had addressed the major issue first.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Punish people that don’t need to be getting punished because they wouldn’t be DCing if the game was a little bit more balanced. Survivors have a tough job of keeping someone occupied that’s just tough to keep occupied for long while everyone hits off those gens. I mean, it’s too easy for killers to just sit on one guy or use him as bait, that needs to be DISCOURAGED. I want my 3 hooks every game just like anyone else. This game is about having fun on both sides and I don’t think it’s fair that killers are allowed to use that as a strategy. I’d rather DC too, deny the killer a kill, sounds way more satisfying than letting him prevent me from playing the game. I didn’t even get points anyways so there’s not an incentive to stick around if you’re that guy that just gets tunneled or camped. The game needs to focus more on preventing that kinda stuff so maybe will feel like they got more of a chance from a Solo perspective. Or at least give me more points for playing. It’s just not worth it to stick around sometimes. I Want to buy this DLC and whatnot but I hate giving people money to support a game where solo surviving is just hopeless.

  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    i agree with everything you said. unfortunately now though, i'm seeing more and more killers dc too. i had 3 games in a row where the killer dc'd mid game. weather it was because they couldn't even hit anyone i don't know. they were lower rank killers against high rank survivors so i don't blame them to be honest.

    i really think we are going to see more and more dc'ing happening as time goes by.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    It’s easier than trying to fix the problems that make players DC. The players that it’s supposed to punish don’t even care about the penalty and it ends up only punishing players who crash or are getting bullied (and with how ######### the matchmaking is, this happens way more often than you think). I wouldn’t mind if the penalties were reduced to only players who use the leave match button or the devs found a way to distinguish players who crashed from ones who actually disconnected.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    You can't have played many online games, then. The DC penalties are designed, among other things, to protect other players from bad sports. If getting penalised for disconnecting makes you leave the game for a few days, then the system did its job.

    And if people want to depip by disconnecting, they'll have a much harder time doing so if they end up having to wait 6+ hours between games. So the system is doing its job there as well.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    So i could get my fair amount of blood points? and i do now thanks to dc penalty. As of them suiciding i just keep them downed on a ground and hook them when someone is ready to farm them for me :D

  • badlydrawnboy
    badlydrawnboy Member Posts: 8

    If you can’t see a game through to the end then stop playing.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    They seem to want less people playing their game.

    I still have tons of people DC when I play killer. I had two games in a row where two survivors DCed. My random teammates will either die on first hook or DC too. Meanwhile my queue times are at best a minimum of five minutes. I didn't play for two weeks because my queue times were about 20 minutes.

    But I'm sure killer mains get more BBQ stacks now, so that's great for them.

  • David_Leon
    David_Leon Member Posts: 33

    I was playing as killer at rank 7, against 3 red ranks and a purple. I like to play MM without raising Evil Within because this is really fun to catch survivors off guard and trying mindgames with them. They were running to unhook others so it was easy to hit them. There was a moment when I could hook 1 survivor and slug 2 of them and I decided to find the last one using Whispers. They just completed 2 generators and then the ones on floor DCed. The last survivor escaped.

    In the Match Score window I could see that the ones that DCed were 2 PC red ranks (ranks 1 and 2), the PC purple escaped and the Console rank 3 died on hook. Then one of the DCed started the toxicity chat, telling me that my mom could be really proud of the score and that score should be on the fridge door. I was devastated for that insult and just when I could stop crying I told her that DCed people should be quiet because those just didn't play the game as they should. I saw her Steam profile full of -REP 2018/19/20 comments about DCing even being the first one on ground.

    She told me that reporting that unsportsman like behaviour will be nothing, that nothing will happen and she will DC everytime she want.

    The DC penalty should be more agressive for those that hit the Leave Match Button more than 3 times in a day, disable the chat and spectating feature for the DCers.

    DCing people should be paired to play with DCing flagged ones, so they will be far from people that play the game as is intended 💖.

  • FhostGace
    FhostGace Member Posts: 30

    I would DC with this Matchmaking but I cant

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    nice necro thread there! your necro skillz are not the best but getting there!