Nerf killers

As a survivor, I don't like how I'll be doing a gen and suddenly this big bully they call the "Killer" tries to kill me, I mean what kind of generator repair simulator is this?
I suggest instead of this "Gameplay" bullshit, we should nerf the killer every time he does something we don't like. Hit someone? Nerfed. Hook a guy? Instantly nerfed. Use a perk/offering? Shame his entire family and then nerf.
Cosmetically we should replace their weapons with pillows so they know better than to try and ruin the fun of generator repairing, cause honestly, as a survivor main, I'm sick of the killer existing.
Also survivors should be able to fly.
This ^
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Is this because of the Mori nerfs or just for amusement?
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I agree, Make killers move at 10% of the survivor movement speed. If they hit a survivor, they get banned.
Killers are just there for survivor fun.
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But it's our job to increase your time on the gens and we keep away the Quintons trying to steal you gen time.
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Generators are far too slow to repair as well, it should be at least twice as fast, as I don't always spawn with 3 other survivors so sometimes I can't get a generator done before the killer comes and kills me.
Also the generator keeps exploding for some reason and I think this alerts the killer to my presence, they should nerf generators
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Completely agree, generators OP.
Also every time we stun the killer it should uninstall the game for them
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It's because killers are so entitled, thinking they get to kill and stuff.
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I completely agree, what gives those meanie Killer's the right to hang me on a hook while i'm trying to repair gens. It's so RUDE!!!!
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If the killer hits someone with their weapon, the cops should simply come arrest them.
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Alright, @RamblinRango You got me.
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That second to last idea but unironically. You have no idea how much I want to hit survivors with a pillow now.
Pyjama and pillow cosmetics for every killer please?
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Instead of blood splatter, you just get feathers flying everywhere
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wait the killer can move? nerfed
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STRAWMEN galore. This helps nothing.
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Quick question, can we nerf the entire family as well as shame them? I feel like when Spirit gets nerfed again Oni should probably get one too just for consistency.
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Years before the Clown was even considered to be a killer, i proposed Dinky the Rodeo Clown, who tosses cotton balls at them, till survivors bleed.
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Can we also issue a glock to every survivor?
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You forgot reducing gen speeds to 20 seconds each. While the Killer is annoying to deal with, what's even more annoying is holding M1. Like, survivors don't want to be holding M1 all game.
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Myers can still choke you with a pillow
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And with those glocks, take out the killer's knees.
Can't have them moving too fast now.
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I got the leaked upcoming 4.4.2 bugfix patch notes of next week over here guys:
- fixed an issue causing Killers to be able to hook and kill Survivors.
- nerfed Coup De Grace's lunge bonus from 40/50/60% to 5/10/15%.
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Killers need to be banned. Making death threats and such ... can't they just hook everyone once and just let everyone go? What gives?
Survivors are innocent.
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At this point with killers always getting nerfed to the ground and survivors getting buffed the crap out of. I wouldn't be surprised if the devs did exactly what you just wrote😂
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This is legit what you guys sound like though...
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I thought you were serious at first, lol
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Coup De Grace still OP. It should be -5/-10/-15% and 200 bloodpoints for each lunge.
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This is one of thr best threads. I needed this laugh so much. Thank you.
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Only if having fun isn't productive. Which I guess it isn't
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Just have 5 survivor vs 1 killer. Or let the gates be powered as soon as 1 Gen is done.
U mine as well give weapons to the survivors.
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Ah yes, circlejerk time.
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Who is "you guys"? Survivors are not a monolith, people don't think like a hivemind. All you're doing is showing how black/white you view things, things are always more nuanced than that.
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While there's no real indication of such I'm gonna assume this is purely a joke thread. But at the same time it's sad how it could be a serious post because that's just how the majority of survivors are.
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The original post here is one of my favorite things I've read on this forum. Seriously. Really made me smile.
(There's really no reason not to have fun here. Taking DbD seriously or getting invested in the us vs them garbage is just... well, quit the game now and save yourself the eternal damnation of frustration that is Dead by Daylight. If you're gonna stay here, ask for unicorns that you can call with a brown flute item which will immediately make an open hatch spawn under its hooves. Every game could use more unicorns.)
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Survivor mains who participate in the forum. Sure, survivor mains as a whole are generally fine, but those that participate on the forum are 90% just here to complain about something or another
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Well don't lump me in whatever you imagine that group is.
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Well, you did come to this satire post that gave a bunch of people laughs just to complain about how its a straw man argument and unproductive, sooo....
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This is clearly a shitpost... killers are here to make sure you have MORE time working on generators not less. Look at them as gen enforcement to ensure you are getting the most out of your simulator! If you work too quickly they make sure you slow down to enjoy the scenery. Most even help give you tours of the map, then find a nice high place for you to rest and look around!!!