Didn't see a store thread so figured I would make one

XXXPrinnyGodXXX Member Posts: 31
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

So i know it isn't just me but ######### are they thinking with these prices on cosmetics. It is between $2.50-$5.00 on average for a pallet swap most of the time. I can understand spending $5 on a new Killer or surv because you also will get access too the perks which would have cost you at least 6k shards too get them which is alot of grinding. Also I get having to spend $ on licensed killers, but these cosmetics are laughable. most of the time you can buy the base game for $20.00. It is fleecing the users. And before you say oh well FN does this or ect we paid for this game some of us full price. Worse yet a good number of items are Auric cells only meaning you HAVE to spend money. Or you can go the battle pass route which also cost real $$$ it isn't a bad value, but it doesn't encourage me to want to buy any of these items when they are this over priced. I wouldnt be shocked if this is a hot button topic that has already been beaten to death.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • XXXPrinnyGodXXX
    XXXPrinnyGodXXX Member Posts: 31

    It isn't that I am broke or dont want them. It is value for cost. If I go to Mcdonalds and want a burger but the burger is $12 and I dont buy it it isn't because I am not hungry it is because I can get more or better options for $12 elsewhere. Pricing the market in such a way I feel only ensures a tiny % of people will buy the items. Also if EVERYTHING minus licensed stuff could be obtained with shards I wouldnt have an issue.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Cosmetics are a bit of a hot topic around here, but they're the way the dev's make most of their money. If cosmetics didn't sell, the DLC's would likely cost more or you couldn't get them with Iri Shards. I'd rather have some optional $5-$10 cosmetics be sold then boot up the price of the DLC's.

  • XXXPrinnyGodXXX
    XXXPrinnyGodXXX Member Posts: 31

    By go elsewhere I mean play/buy another game. If I can pay $20 for 2 outfits on DBD or buy a lot of solid titles for that on steam I would look quite a bit. I also do not think this model they have is sustainable long term, IF the reason they are selling cosmetics at such a high cost is to recoup cost then they need to retool completely.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    You mean duck out of paying real money.

    You just said what I already said. You, personally, do not find value in it so you don't purchase them. Others, like myself, do and we shall.

    It is your choice. You can engage with the Store, or don't. But they are not overpriced items just because you don't think it is worth it when the market for them is clearly supporting them.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    You should already know this op but the reason they're so overpriced is because DBD despite having a really ######### community has a really healthy pods of whales like this. I mean people generally look down on microtransactions, especially ones as scummy as 15 dollars for a lazy skin (He ######### audacity on the killer skins) but our whales are among the proudest i have ever seen, that's why the battlepass is 3x the grind it should be and they keep rasing skin prices. 15 dollars now but id be shocked if we don't get 20 dollar skins by the end of 2021.

    What im trying to say is its not fair, its really ######### to 90% of the playerbase and really downright insulting with the quality of the cosmetics but it won't change because there are really people out there who will blow 100s.....when they want 😂

    ALSO @BurntReynolds im 120% serious with this, please save your money. Create a budget on how much you spend on videos games because I can tell by "costume packs" this isn't the only game you whale for and i hate to see people throw away their lives like that....wish bhvr had the same empathy but im pretty sure they added loot boxes to the mobile version so they obviously have no problem manipulating people with weak wills and loose pockets

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    I prefer expensive cosmetics over expensive Chapters. So I am totally fine with 10 Dollar/Euros for a complete Skin, they are optional, after all. And nobody is forced to buy them, e.g. I would like to have the new Ace-Outfit for Christmas Season, but it is AC-only and I wont spend money on it when I just use it in December. But this does not affect my gameplay at all.

    The only thing I dont agree with are Legendary Skins, because they just cost more without any justification (like other voice actors, name in lobby, etc.), but this is a different topic.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I second this. Buying any cosmetics is optional. I share your stance on legendary skins, too. But I´d even be fine with these if it weren´t for the fact my poor Krampus is bugged.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085
    edited December 2020

    How is it bugged?

    The thing what bothers me is that it is just a Set-Cosmetic (which costs 1080 ACs usually), but just costs more ACs without giving any value back. When they introduced the Lisa-Skin I thought that the higher price is because of a different voice actor, which would have been justified. But I dont see paying 5 Bucks extra for no improvement over a regular Set-Cosmetic.

    (Ofcouse thats just me, if others enjoy their Legendary Skins, even better, they look really good, especially Krampus and Minotaur)

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I can see where you´re coming from there, and that´s fair. It´s the reason why I didn´t get Minotaur, couldn´t resist Krampus, though.

    Apparently, most of the times you can see white strings (propably related to his snow assets) reaching out from him to the sky, making him very hard not to spot and to read his movements.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Just about every topic has been beaten to death here

  • XXXPrinnyGodXXX
    XXXPrinnyGodXXX Member Posts: 31

    I swear i am not trolling but seeing some of these people dig their heels in on what is clearly a cash grab is making me lol.

  • FreakPrince
    FreakPrince Member Posts: 526

    If people still buy it then that’s a playerbase issue, not the devs fault

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    People eat cosmetics up unfortunately, which tells the devs to keep selling them at their current prices. They probably could lower the prices and still make money, but why should they when so many people pay the current prices?

    Personally I don’t buy cosmetics with cells unless they look really good and I’m actually going to play that character. I usually go 4-5 months without buying cosmetics with cells. Most of them aren’t worth it.

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    I interviewed years ago with Gazillion Entertainment and I got to see a little bit behind the curtain.

    Obv this is for Marvel Heroes, but they told me they could track every movement a person made from the time they touched the website to purchase, or website exit (they obviously can't track you after their websites). They knew if you clicked the steam link or if you clicked the link to download their patch client, they knew if you opened the client by IP, and they would track even so much as if you downloaded the entire game or stopped the patcher halfway through.

    It was an interesting and eye opening experience. My point here being, the marketing and finance people know way, WAY more about your playing habits then you realize. Of course they aren't watching YOU directly. You're just a number to them.

    Anyway, my 2 cents

  • monster89
    monster89 Member Posts: 147

    I dont play COD, but I remember my brother telling me and then showing me that they put a Leatherface Cosmetic and a Billy jigsaw cosmetic in the game.

    The cost for each cosmetic is $20

    No new voice, still uses the same voice from that character getting the cosmetic and their cosmetics are all set pieces. They don't have seperate pieces.

    And here theres people complaining about $15 and even $10 cosmetics.

    If yall don't like it don't buy it. No one is forcing you to buy it

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Unfortunately, that didn't pan out for them.

    RIP my amazing roster.

  • ComaDarkvale
    ComaDarkvale Member Posts: 20

    I buy the ones I like to support the game and the company. This game has done and given more to players and community then any game I play and they keep the game fresh and fun So they deserve it if you enjoy the game. Simple fact is. Don't buy them if you don't like or don't like price. Don't play if not fun another simple fact. I've also never seen such a whining, ungrateful , and angry toxic fandoms as this one. Nonstop complaining and wanting everyone to bend the game to their game style. Lol ugh it's annoying

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Cosmetics and DLC prices are independent of each other.

    This is a False Equivalence fallacy to consider that they effect the other's prices.

  • GlabSlap
    GlabSlap Member Posts: 4

    I don't really see the problem. They are cosmetics that don't effect gameplay, just pay for them or don't use them. It's not like it's pay to win, unless you are playing claud lmao.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    I didnt come at you so i didn't read what you said because i imagine that conversation goes like a bubba bumping into a wall you know. Not everything on the internet is a personal attack lol

  • OhSkipper
    OhSkipper Member Posts: 17

    who the hell are you to tell someone how to spend their money?

    if someone wants to light up a benji on fire, i dont give a flying ######### as long as its not mine.

    10$ is not that much. It has 0 effect on anything other than keeping this game that we all enjoy going.

    If you dont want to buy them, more power to you, but as @BurntReynolds said, we shall and we will. EZ as that :)

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    I personally wished they gave the shards option on all cosmetics. I understand if they want people to have the real money option, thats fine, i don't care. What i do care about is when i can't get cosmetics because i am not old enough to work (i am young okay? not incompetent) and i don't want others who are old enough to buy cosmetics for me because at the end, its a ######### cosmetic or its 1 survivor i want which costs £5, like no. If they let every cosmetic / survivor to have the option of shards i would be so happy, but they don't so i'm not. Even if they made the shards for survivors and that a lot, i rather they did that and gave the option.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    I didn't tell anyone how to spend their money i was just pointing out how "EZ" it is for people to become wage slaves to corporations.

    And judging by how defensively you responded and how you assigned importance to a portion of your (or someone elses) income going to intangible "objects". That's delusional dbd would run on its dlc alone...as it has. Your money is going to some executives pocket, which isn't a terrible thing most long term players have spent some amount of extra money on the game, but when you're "investing" a large sum of money over time into a game you really have to put your own life into perspective.

    A decade from now when dbd may not even exist how we know it i hope you don't weep for a new car while your mourn your lost virtual clothing

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    Its not a different topic it's exactly the same one and why legendary skins exist as they do. You explained they're only optional and that the money is arbitrary. Is it insulting that they're taxing on skins (or locking the parts for so reason)? Yes very. But not much more insulting than charging 10 dollars for normal skins.

    No one wil argue they're worth that so what's the difference if they're 10 or 20 dollars? Thats all on the community because they made a ######### system worse not create a new one

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    See the problem with your whole Ben Shapiro "im not mad i just wont sink to your level because im too smart!" Is that the only thing you have a problem with is me using the term "whale" a term created by the video game industry.

    Plus people who aren't whales don't get super offended about. Whales who know they have a problem do

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Are you ######### kidding me?! $20 for cosmetics in a $60 game? That’s way too much, although it’s not very surprising considering Activision is publishing it. I’m so glad that I only play COD games for the campaign.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    You literally made the point that these legendary skins are bullshit and then in conclusion congratulated EA lol.

    I know what you were really doing was trying to defend BHVR but you couldn't do it without insulting the game because the game is that bad! Crazy but anyone working in the industry would disregard all your conflicting opinions and harp on "you complain about a 15 dollar skin when this game has a 20 dollar skin???"

    Because if the cod skins were 40 and the dbd skins were 35 you would have said the exact same thing. And then of course you'll go on a rant about how its not even that much and you're supporting the devs, and hey how would you like your games to cost 70 dollars now? On top of the 20 dollar microtransactions of course. Oh and can't forget that dlc.

    Its crazy to me how people are so loyal to people clearly taking advantage of you. I mean just look at the evolution of DBDs greed, i know for a fact it will get worse because despite how far we are people are still willing to spend and defend. Most of the time with whales its because people can't tell the difference between the devs and the executives....but these devs? It still doesn't make sense lol