Why there will always be a Killer shortage



  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    I mean, maybe in higher tier games, but in low tier I can literally walk around the whole map for 5 minutes, not chasing anyone, and a single gen won't get done.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Killer/survivor queue times change for me depending on the time of day and day of the week.

    Anyway, there shouldn't be a killer shortage. It takes four times as many survivors as killers to play a single match, so going by numbers alone survivors should always be the side with a shortage.

    There's more to it than just playing with friends. I mean, that's part of it, but that's not the whole story. There are fewer killers on console because of how [BAD WORD] the performance is in terms of fps and frame drops. There are a lot of variables at play here. And as nifty as 2v8 might be, it would take a lot of reworking to make that viable, there'd have to be a lot of changes between 1v4 and 2v8, possibly to the point that it'd be like playing a completely different game. The devs haven't even perfected 1v4, yet.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    I was playing last night and I had a person on the hook saw someone was going for the unhook. I'm playing Pyramid Head so I can hit both the unhooker and hooked survivor with my power so I might as well defend the hook. After I down both of them I spot another survivor nearby so I slug both as both had been recently hooked and could have DS up.

    After I down the 3rd survivor and hook them, I spot the 4th survivor around. The game basically ended there. All 4 survivors were around my hook at that point.

    Of course I get called a camper in the end game chat.

  • EsotericBackwash
    EsotericBackwash Member Posts: 11

    So what if I dropped a chase after a hit, what is he gonna get back on that gen and I put pressure on a different gen? Then that one guy is gonna get back on that gen while I waste time looking for more pressure while MORE survivors have no pressure since I dont have a hook

  • EsotericBackwash
    EsotericBackwash Member Posts: 11

    And it's not mindless tunneling it's important to have a down before the first gen is completed. It's true you can start a different chase, but it's a very important decision to make, and am I suppose to just give up every chase that the survivor just so happens to run into a strong part of the map? Then I just lose pressure and time. Since time is always against me.

  • WindyCityBum
    WindyCityBum Member Posts: 18

    I think you're both missing the point of the whole post. They're saying that playing with others in the same role would accelerate the learning process. Which in a video game I would agree with.

    Unrelated to the above quote.... I used to think match making was unfair when I was a killer in the beginning. Once I did more video research, forum reading, and custom game practicing, I became a lot better. Now it's easy for me to get into and keep a rank 1.

    Not trying to gloat but you have to look further than "match making bad" to be able to learn what you can do in the future. I understand people don't have 8 hours every day like streamers to get better but it will take some time and effort to get better if that's your goal.

    I also agree with OPs message on why there is a shortage of killers. After several games of **it talking I'll take a break. It's never good enough for survivor mains win or lose. And I am a red rank survivor too before anyone @s me lol

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    I mean the game is 1:4, so there will always be less killer players.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Sorry to hear that, some survivors just never play the other side so they don't know what is happening there are some that do play killer and understand what is happening.

  • firedagodc
    firedagodc Member Posts: 26

    Couldn't agree more and om a survivor main former killer main. The nerfing drove me to play survivor more. Though I still play killer from time to time. Freddy and doctor and Michael at least until they nerf them.

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293

    Can you point to where this rule book is? Like the website?

    You talk about survivors complaining about tunneling and camping and you make a good point some people do.

    but if you scroll through the forums l think you will find killers crying and whining about DS and BT. You call out DS but sometimes it’s a valid strategy to use it.

    the difference is survivors usually use in game chat to talk #########, killers come straight to the forums to do it.

    take your killer goggles off and realize the game has toxic people on both sides.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    It is not equal. If u really devote enough time into killer. U will understand that survivors are toxic. Killers are just trying to kill and many of them do follow the invisible rulebook. If u don't know where this 'book' is. U are a noob.

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293

    Ok l am a noob show me the book

    otherwise it’s just your opinion like many others in this game. Stop trying to justify something that doesn’t exist

    killers are just trying to kill

    survivors are just trying to survive

    And if you actually weren’t so biased you would know that toxic people play both sides what makes you the noob is that you cant see that.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    That's what I been saying the whole time. Just play the game for what it is.

    I have opinions, yes, but there's some truth to my opinions.

  • legacyrisky
    legacyrisky Member Posts: 10

    Same man.. bullied all of elementary school and all of middle now in highschool I just stay out of the way and I don't feel like listening to someone's bullshit on something I'm trying to enjoy

  • EsotericBackwash
    EsotericBackwash Member Posts: 11

    And it's not mindless tunneling. To drop a chase at the beginning of the game is a very important decision as I'm wasting time, AND pressure as the survivor is just gonna get back on the same gen and I waste time looking for the right gen to put pressure on. It's a lose lose situation,

  • EsotericBackwash
    EsotericBackwash Member Posts: 11

    Not to mention since I dont have a hook, theres still a possibility of 4 people on 4 different generators. And if YOU can put pressure on 4 different generator ANDget a down, I'd appreciate it if you could enlighten me. Particularly advice on a survivor sided map.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    ^This. We've been waiting months for the MMR to be turned back on, and at this point I don't know if it ever will. Newer players (especially newer killers) have such a high bar to overcome when stepping into DBD. When you play survivor you at least have three other teammates to watch your back, whereas if you're playing killer it's just you.

    If BHVR is not going to turn the MMR back on then they need to create a practice mode that allows newer players (and experienced players) as a way to practice without being expected to compete, because as we all know the matchmaking in this game is seriously messed up.

  • Substratum
    Substratum Member Posts: 1

    One thing that would help with the learning curve and also something that many experienced players would also like to have is the ability to play a solo custom game. Players can practice different abilities, learn new killers, and get better acquainted with mechanics and maps. Adding the option to spawn in some NPCs would be great too. It shouldn't be too difficult, they already have it practically built with existing custom games and the in-game tutorials.

  • legacyrisky
    legacyrisky Member Posts: 10

    Thanks for the kind words kids are just cruel and really it's toughened me up

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351

    Don't bank on MMR the last time they implemented it it only made things worse.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    It did which is why they turned it off. But if they can get it working the way it was supposed to, then it could be a big boon to DBD. The way it's supposed to work is that it pairs you up with survivors that are close to your rank as killer, and not just killer in general, but it gauges how well and how often you play with each killer. So if you've never tackled Ghostface before, then you're guaranteed not to get a sweaty match.

    At this rate though it sounds like it would be far easier to just allow you to throw in NPCs into a custom match then MMR at this point.

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351

    I don't know how you have any faith left in this company to make a good product. They will burn us again just you watch.

  • If I could turn off my post game chat in the options menu, I would probably play killer more (The toggle option has a lot of problems with it I've explained before already). It's mostly just the toxic survivors that make me not want to play killer at all.

    I can deal with most of the rest.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2020

    I mean they tried to make another game recently (Deathgarden), but unlike DBD it wasn't in some niche where it's the ONLY game like it so people put up with a lot.

    The result was they had to rely on their own design choices, community involvement, and coding and development abilities.....that uh....that didn't work out so well.

    I don't think any of them are bad at their jobs or anything though (except whoever is supposed to be a community manager maybe), but that they are probably just suffering from poor leadership up above.

    Most game developers I've ever met before are all very good at what they do, I've rarely seen lousy developers in the actual industry because it's such a competitive job field- most times it's often just poor leadership and management up above, often because of fiscal goals they set.

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2020

    But, my comment had nothing to do with the devs. I asked if you (generally speaking) trust the company, and you just answered no so I guess I'm right.

  • daboiiiii1988
    daboiiiii1988 Member Posts: 10

    Console killer will always be miserable until they enable mouse and keyboard support. We are at a disadvantage with over half the killers and still have less control on general to pc players.

  • Teethgrinder83
    Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99

    I think the amount of likes you and the commenter above you has is very telling-clearly many people are sick and tired of many peoples attitude in this game. There are certainly toxic/harassing people on both sides but anyone being completely honest with themselves will know that the harassment more often than not is directed towards killers. I have work to go to and I don't get too much spare time to play but I love this game and so play it as much as I can. I hate coming home from work and try to have a fun game only to be met with survivors who rub their wins in my face. I have no problem with survivors destroying me at the game because that's part of learning BUT when those same survivors want to rub their win in my face instead of moving on or giving me a gg or heaven forbid even some tips it just ruins any fun I've been having. People say "well just don't play the game then" but they miss the point, I love this game and want to keep playing it, I'd just rather not deal with certain attitudes when I lose. I used to play football (soccer) a lot when I was at school, I played for the school team and that taught me a lot about being a gracious winner and to be gracious in defeat too as well as good sportsmanship-it's a pity the same principles aren't applied here. I think it was this mindset that made me stick at playing this game to begin with because boy, those first few weeks I started to play was rough and many of those I played against, especially when I played as a killer, definitely made that experience all the harder when they didn't need to-it makes me wonder how many people have tried the game out but just gave up

    Excuse the rant I just wanted to say I get where your coming from lol

  • I want so bad a 2v8 mode. I want to play DbD with a friend but I only play killer.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    This, I would argue that about a third of the killer roster actually takes a decent amount of practise and time to learn. The vast majority of the killers (Mike, Ghostface, Trapper, Leatherface, Hag, Billy outside of curve Billy, Deathslinger, Spirit and of course Freddy) are all incredibly simple and can easily be mastered within a few days or maybe even hours.

    Survivor as a whole scales with how good the killers is. I've definitely played against god loopers who are able to outplay my red staind mindgames every time just going off noises. I've been playing for a long time now and I still pale in comparison to some of the players I see who have been around since beta.

    Also, theres only a shortage in peak times (which is when everyones home from work/college and is having fun with their friends). During the day I get fun red rank matches against good survivors. At night times I get instant matches with purple and green ranks that can't play for ######### and its incredibly boring and one sided.

    One thing I will say, and I'm not trying to flame. I have 4x the time as killer than I do survivors. I do think killers tend to complain more, some get into the game by watching content creators who always make excuses for losing and tend to convinice themselves that they only lost because the game is unfair and in turn they go into the game with this mindset.

    When survivors spent nearly 2 years with straight nerfs, they adapted, we don't even hear complaints about that anymore. Meanwhile one slight change to any killer for the worse (or just making them more fair/fun to actually play against) its the end of the world. It's exhausting.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    This sums it up perfectly. Survivors verbally bully killers because of almost anything and everything. It's one of the big problems the devs aren't responsible for and actually falls onto the community.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I’ll agree with one thing out of everything OP said.

    People often like to play games you can play with OTHERS. You can’t do that as killer, and it has nothing to do with balance, just the way the game is set up.

    So yeah you will see more people choosing the role that allows them to play with their friends. The Multiplayer option.

  • mrcrumbb
    mrcrumbb Member Posts: 8

    Been playing less than 2 months. Most of the 200+ hours I have are legit me asleep at the keyboard. Not figuratively, mind you. As in half of those hours are just the game running in the background. DCd a bit at first so my Rank hovered between 9 and 12 just about.

    Barely know what I'm doing, playing level 10 killers with BARELY 6 perks unlocked, most of them #########, and only three available to equip (LOL NERF THE OP, PERKLESS NOOBS GOOD PROGRAMMING!).

    Almost every. Goddamn. Match is 3 red Rank 1 through 6 and ONE person close to my level whose usually grouped with one of the reds. All geared to #########, most with all rank 3 meta neigh invincible perks (to a literal noob) which is ######### insane.

    It's like four fully grown adults showing up to a children's strip mall karate class wearing a bear proof suit w/ a riot shield, rocket skates, and a buttcheek full of enough PEDs to make Ivan Drago blush. AND THEY STILL CRY IF I KILL ANY OF THEM!

    And holy ######### if one of my TWO ALLOWED PERKS is a rank 1 NoeD on a killer I've played EXACTLY TWICE ...the ######### a "GOOD" survivor will lose.

    "Nice NoeD, ######### loser!", "Uninstall toxic NoeD trash!"

    Said the red rank 2 to the level (not RANK) 9 Freddy with 2 equipped perks, two bad brown add ons, and ######### PARTY STREAMERS so we can all get more BP.

    And that was in a match where 3 escaped, mind you.

    The one thing we NEED to remind ourselves, however, is that as toxic as SOME of these players can be, they aren't responsible for this wet garbage match making either. That's 100% on the devs. I'm not going to put up with survivor bullying if I can help it, but I'm not going to actually hate the other players caught in this uroboros of mmr hell.

    That said...gonna camp and tunnel if I need to. Adapt, use your God perks or get #########. Most of the top killer streamers are apologetic Canadians who feel guilty for tunneling a t-bagger. I, however, do not. You can be my one kill, and I'm fine with that. Your toolbox/medpack/key was delicious.

  • kellysman0326
    kellysman0326 Member Posts: 20

    This is bull crap dbd is taking our ranks away when we worked so hard to get them up and I just get sick of it DBD needs to work on it and I don’t thinks that’s right

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    After 4 years DBD sorely needs more modes. Playing the same mode over and over gets highly repetitive and really tiring. More spice definitely needs to be added to the game.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    Don't let those types of people get to you. They're pathetic, two-faced losers if they say "Hahaha! You're so bad!" and then in the next breath say "It's just a game, bro!" They're contradicting themselves just to make you mad. They cannot possibility believe in their minds "It's just a game" when they're using it to fuel their online bullying addiction. And they have no place talking about skill at all, yours or theirs, because they're using legalized cheating (SWF) and the strongest perks.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    Because it's a fantasy world. People don't have the nerve to act that way towards another person in real life. In DBD, they have to tools to play god with someone and suffer no repercussions. And unlike real sports, there is nobody telling them to be good sportsmen. Me maybe, but I get ridiculed for that, and then people wonder why this community is so toxic.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    We trash talk killers because yall stay messaging us about gg 2ez or tea bagging us or camping us. Yall want yalls bad games to make you feel good like your good games, get over it yo. I got hundreds of screenshots of me saying great game to get hate mail back saying my perks were toxic or my using ds was toxic or bringing a key was toxic when I didn't even use it 😂 like chill fam, yall get all bent out of shape but you don't know how to act either. Yall made this game toxic! Survivors didn't just one day start talking trash out the blue, yall did something hateful and we clowned on it. You just don't stop doing the hateful thing, that's on you no one else 🤷🏽‍♂️

  • Cheesesticks1
    Cheesesticks1 Member Posts: 13

    Moving from survivor to killer currently, in these cases I just take the loss and move on. You'll learn better how to deal with people being ######### over time, and won't have to play like an ######### to do it. It's a learning curve, yes, but when you are able to stop these people from making these ######### plays while not being part of the problem. It feels nice.

  • YoshisCookies
    YoshisCookies Member Posts: 67

    >The game is unbalanced because Killer has a much higher skill cap than Survivor.

    this is so true survivors think they are good at the game when in reality survivor role is just easy as hell, killer is hard gens go so fast maps are awful terrible balance

  • The_C12H15NO2
    The_C12H15NO2 Member Posts: 335

    The main problem I see is swf. an average killer will do so much better against solo survivors over swf. swf needs nerf to gen/healing speeds for each survivor in the group. that way when it takes you 60 seconds to down a rank 1 surv who knows where all the god loops are and how to abuse them, 3 gens aren't done. Changing targets doesn't help much in swf b/c that first surv i let go usually books it to the priority gens that the other surv are on instead of starting a fresh one. Super smart move don't get me wrong. My point is swf has such a large advantage over solo Q that they need to be nerfed in some way instead of the devs buffing solo Q. if they buff solo Q to swf level then the killer population will drop.

  • Only2Megabytes
    Only2Megabytes Member Posts: 37

    This is what I've never understood about pressure, is there an actual consistent way to apply it or are you just out of luck if you don't bring very specific perks or play certain killers. I have 700 hours in this game, 600+ definitely on killer and around 500 hours I just had this crisis where I realised there is no conceivable way for me to apply enough pressure for the survivors to not do 2 gens by first down if they aren't braindead

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    It's the Killer and the perks. Killers with the potential to end chases in less than 15-20 seconds (Nurse, Spirit, Billy, Deathslinger, Blight, Pyramid Head, Ghost Face) and that run strong gen perks like Ruin/Pop/Surge/Oppression/Corrupt can get a Survivor hooked before the first gen pops. Also, Killers that spread pressure quickly like Legion, Twins and Plague. Because they can force Survivors off gens quickly and make them start healing/cleansing so they're distracted.

    I also think one of the most underrated Killer skills is being able to find Survivors quickly by having the game sense to know where they spawn and being able to read subtle cues like crows and Survivor breathing.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    You have gave me hope not all killer mains think survivor is brain dead easy.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    I mean does it make sense to drop chase at that point? Does the survivor have strong tiles nearby and you won't be able to down him quickly? Did you get a few pallets? Do you know where the other survivors are? Where did the survivors spawn? How long has it been since you checked the gens where they spawned?

    The game isn't just find survivor, down survivor, hook survivor, find survivor, down survivor, hook survivor. Need to use your brain a bit if you want to be good at killer.

  • EsotericBackwash
    EsotericBackwash Member Posts: 11

    Wow dude, if you actually read what I was saying, I said the strategy is applying pressure appropriately, and it's impossible to apply pressure to literally every gen. Even the top killers and streamers say you have to rely on survivors making mistakes the majority of the time. I'm consistently a red rank killer, and I get three kills the majority of my games. I know what I'm talking about dude. A well organized team will literally always have the advantage. And if you don't think that's the case you prolly rest at like the green ranks dude

  • EsotericBackwash
    EsotericBackwash Member Posts: 11

    A well organized team will be able to work around your pressure especially if you aren't tunneling, theyre body blocking and have perks like decisive, borrowed time and any endurance perk.

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    NA west coast too... and my survivor matches are pretty instant until about 3pm.