Report System: Body Blocking
Hey guys,
Just had a game where I was body blocked by a player on coldwind in one of the little wooden cubbies where you cleanse a totem. The Killer decided to take the initiative and advantage to down and hook me. Is this reportable and if I do report it, will there be anything done? I wasn't held there for more than 15 seconds but I couldn't avoid being hit because of my teammate.
Unless the player held you there all game, then it's not reportable.
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No, if you wasn't there for even 15 seconds it can't be proved that your teammate hold you there on purpose
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You can report it as griefing for the survivor that blocked you in.
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Always file an in-game report of the grievance and then upload the evidence to YouTube and submit a ticket to support. You never know what's going to happen, maybe they'll get banned or warned. I'm sure they keep track of complaints against users like some other games do.
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So yes and no?
Eh, I'll just report it as griefing and see how it goes.
Thanks guys <3
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I would just file the report, it's better to get rid of people like that. Simply filing a report doesn't mean something's necessarily going to be done. The team behind moderation will review the records and the footage and make a determination.
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Any form of griefing, regardless of how long it went on for, is reportable, so I'd advise you report it. People saying it has to happen all match, yeah, no, that's not how griefing works. Hopefully you won't encounter any more of these kinds of players.
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Does anyone know if u can report survivors who tells the killer of ur location?
Like a survivor who leads the killer around so all the survivors die.
Than as a appreciation, the killer let's the pet survivor go.
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example 1: billy blocks you in that corner, charges his chainsaw and lets it go slice you in half (to down you) this is not something that is actionable.
example 2: billy blocks you in that corner, charges his chainsaw over and over again till his heat gague almost shuts him down this is closer to being reportable/actionable.
example 3: billy blocks you in that corner and goes afk till the game ends: this is 100% actionable.
key is did they just do it to ensure the kill? sure not the most sporting way but it's not bad, on the other hand was it intentionally griefing you? this would be actionable.