Devs have killed there own game....

Ive been forced to write this discussion now becuase ive had enough of the devs slowy murdering there own game..

i feel like im not the only one who feels this way and will have many people agree with me on this. Devs need to stop changing things that dont need to be changed!

If you dont know it by now then youve been living under a rock for the past 5 years..this game was changed 3 years ago or so to be more survivor freindly and give them a bit more power to live longer in the game but for a while now the game is now pro survivor freindly and have given them a bit too mutch power to the point were some of the killers arnt even scary anymore and some player go looking for the killer just to piss him off??? other problems with the game now are listed below and is fair reasoning to why the devs need to stop changing things they dont need to..

For example:

Auras: remember a lil while ago when the devs make it pretty mutch inpossible to see auras?...yea me too.. me personally being somone with eye problems and many others who have blindness really struggled to play the game for a few days untill the devs were forced to change it back. (becuase they knew they ######### up)

Auto Haven: This map used to great and fair on both sides as some maps should be for killer and some should be for survoirs. But now...the new autohaven is just somthing else..for 1 its too dark to the point were you cant see bascally anything. 2 they have overdone it with so many decorations that u can barely walk 3 steps without getting stuck on somthing in a chase or other..

Mori: this one is just the cherry on the cake.. Mori used to be the only thing that could stop a toxic survivor ruining your day..but now the devs have done it again and taken somthing they DONT need to fix and ruined it in the process

dont get me wrong im very good at the game and mostly do survivor main and can be a toxic survivor somtime but i will admit that unlike most toxics who say they wern't toxic..and i dont like it when i get moried like everyone but i just get on with it when it happens..mori was put in the game for a reason to be a quick and easy kill if your really struggling to catch people. (espeshally if u have my luck and u get 4 toxics that u cant catch)

the point is the devs need to stop changing things that dont need to be changed

please comment or like if you agree with me in this becuase i know some of you are thinking the same.



  • RainbowUnicorn
    RainbowUnicorn Member Posts: 6

    i feel that mori was better as a first kill tho like i said it was made for a reason and didnt need to be nerfed and with the maps theres only some that were better as the old ones e.g autohaven you know :)

  • Olokun
    Olokun Member Posts: 266

    Mori was used in the way -> 1st hook -> then unhook bim mori ... was not healthy for the game some killer always done that so all killer paid for a small group say thanks to them , now i can use my mori without they say i'm toxic and as surv ... i dont care keys never use them exept for trials

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I talso means if you just want to use a mori for the animation you aren't going to have one player "mysteriously" crash in the loading screen.

  • RainbowUnicorn
    RainbowUnicorn Member Posts: 6

    m8.. r u for real rn...ive posted this becuase im tryed of people being more and more toxic in lobbys as survioirs and and killer is just getting worse and worse becuas they keep changig things like just keep the game the same....

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    some killers aren't scary? Which ones are lol.

    I think what you meant to say is a lot of killers are just complete jokes and the dumbass Twins are the hight of that.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    If they don't stop balancing around a top SWF genrush, they will. New players will leave in a heart beat. From what I can tell, this game already has an unimpressive retention rate. (ie. People play a few matches and ditch it.)

  • killermainxd
    killermainxd Member Posts: 25

    I'm just gonna go ahead and assume you're not very good at dbd at all, just because you can't catch someone doesn't make them toxic. It means they're better than you, quite simple

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278
    edited December 2020

    Slightly off topic, autohaven used to be my favourite map but now I hate it. It has a different vibe to it which I don't like, and it doesn't even feel or look like the same map. If they kept it the same and just made a new version of it or something similar ON TOP, I'd be fine with it

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I have more than 1000 hours in this game, and I'm not ever scared to play it. A killer has to give me a reason to be afraid of them. I'm not going to go to a haunted house and then sit in the parking lot because I'm too scared to go inside. I'm not going to wait 5-20 minutes for a game and then be too terrified to do anything but Urban Evade when Spine Chill goes off.

    Survivors who do nothing but hide are boring and make the game less fun for everyone.

    I agree with you though that the devs are killing their own game. As a solo survivor, the Tome and challenges have destroyed the game for me. I'm wrapping things up with this last Rift, but no matter how much I want it to be the same game, it's just not and won't ever be again. When you have three teammates who don't have any intention of actually playing, just working on challenges, it's a nightmare. No thanks.

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2020

    Except you can't read statistics and there is a massive downward slope at the end that isn't leveling off which should be concerning to anyone looking at it.

  • Skelyue
    Skelyue Member Posts: 5

    Your right. I loved camping a survivor then tunneling them and moring them. Bet it was fun for them. Learn from Tru3. If a survivor is too good. Ignore him and chase the weaker link. They'll make mistakes. As pro surv as you call it. They nerfed bt so it doesnt work on the user, ds was nerfed, bloodlust was added. Its not all bad.

  • Velkin999
    Velkin999 Member Posts: 45

    Though I agree, there is a difference between being bad and bad map rng.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    So... what when killers actually do what you ask for. What do you think would happen to survivor queues?

  • Nukacokacola
    Nukacokacola Member Posts: 4

    I feel you're greatly over exaggerating the state of the game. While, yes, the game seems to lean more in the survivor's favor; it does not mean the game is dying.

    Although some minor fixes should be in place, gens should not be completed in 17 seconds with "Prove Thyself" as that heavily makes it the killer lose some pressure and confidence. Secondly I feel keys should be nerfed or decisive, not both, my reasoning for not both is because decisive does have counter play while keys really don't...well unless you bully the key wielder, but even then if it's a team or a two-man swf that doesn't make it easier as they could just pick it up and escape.

    Too bad I don't see any ways to nerf keys as they're kinda meet the requirements for their usage.

  • Xavier22
    Xavier22 Member Posts: 160

    Yes, very survivor sided game even though the kill rate is balanced and actually leaning more towards the killers side. Mori's were broken, they gave free kills. Autohaven is now killer sided so I'm not sure why you're complaining bc it's full of dead zones. Idk if you're an og or not but back then, this game was truly survivor sided.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Mori change was needed, long awaited, and one of the best changes in 3+ years.

  • Opeth32
    Opeth32 Member Posts: 9

    Pfft strongly disagree

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    It's not the devs' fault that Survivors aren't scared anymore. Many people have simply played too long and have become cynical or trolls.

    And you completely lost me when you brought up Moris. Nerfing them is the best game health change they've made in years.

    Lastly, the game is easier than it ever has been for Killers. Aside from the Mori change, idk what all this "Survivor-friendly" talk is about. If they really wanted to favor Survivors, they wouldn't have released Spirit, Deathslinger, Pyramid Head, etc.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    No I completely disagree with you.

    You're examples: 1. auras. you say the devs changed it back so your entire point here is mute. Why even bring this up if they already changed it back? Auras are fine. 2. Autohaven. These maps are bright as ######### for me... I don't use filters or anything, not even sure how you could think it's dark. Unless you were playing specific killers those maps were definitely survivor sides, not balanced. I love the changes. 3. Moris absolutely needed a change. To say that they are the only way to deal with a toxic survivor is just flat wrong. If you think that way then you just don't know what you are doing playing killer. Makes sense since you said you're a survivor main. I've always said it's the survivor mains who use moris all the time. Actual killer mains don't ever use them.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    Nah it's not just you. Their using them up before their nerfed like mori. I've noticed it to but I skip matches with keys. All they do is shorten the match time unfairly.

  • Phoenixrebirth1
    Phoenixrebirth1 Member Posts: 21

    Lol nope it's killer sided

    CAETUS Member Posts: 1

    As a killer main and as someone who has played the game since it first came out I am going to have to say your very very wrong. Frankly you can just look at the stats to see most games end up with the killer 4k ing. If the survivors are chasing you around a bullying you, it means you aren't very good because how do you not punish them for that. Frankly if you spent a little less time getting tilted and writing a speech and a bit more time playing, you may find you will get better and won't have these issues.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    Honestly Moris needed to be nerfed and don't you worry your little head, keys are next on the chopping block. Now Killers have to EARN their kills rather then just kicking someone out of the game when they still had a hook state left. I'm a rank 1 killer (Demo Main) and I've never needed a Mori to win my matches.

  • LynetteKelly
    LynetteKelly Member Posts: 2

    There are many similar games that you can experience it. I am also playing support versions of that game.

  • claudetteispeng
    claudetteispeng Member Posts: 31

    I'm really not trying to offend you but, are you sure you're of age to play this game lol the amount of typos in this its just a bit stupid like (don't mind my British) Year 3 stupid, I don't like judging people about spelling and I won't if its just one or two but yikes-- I don't disagree with you but I also don't agree I believe the game should be a bit unbalanced, Friday The 13th is an example you can genuinely get scared in that game because Jason/Roy is overpowered, not impossible or hard to defeat but fun and a bit challenging. However I believe the game is fine really it just gets destroyed by, no offense once again, people like you who always complain. Every game has a toxic fan base but they also have good ones take BTS for example they have a toxic fanbase that's extremely known due to the amount of chaos they create and they also have good ones who just like the songs. But then you have the other fanbase that do like whatever it is they are in except they sometimes complain about it whether that be the communities or whatever they have a fanbase about. This community is probably the worst out of the three as it makes the community uncomfortable and sheds a bad name apon it-- and you are apart of the community owo imma just go now very long comment that no one is going to read anyway @-@

  • WileyisCOOL
    WileyisCOOL Member Posts: 2

    I wish the devs would take a break from adding new content. I would rather have a fun game than a pretty one with 100 different killers or survivors.

    Dbds only problem is that they fix things. If they would just leave it be, people would get over things and learn how to counter them.

    -A Proud Console Player

  • WileyisCOOL
    WileyisCOOL Member Posts: 2

    Prove Thyself is litteraly the survivor version of noed. Nerf them both!

  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56

    "Moris needed nerfed?" You mean, again... moris were nerfed once already because people complained... now they're practically pointless.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Dead by daylight is a game where if ur a noob, killers are scary.

    Once u get good, killers are no longer scary. But u end up being scared of other survivors.

  • KingMyers
    KingMyers Member Posts: 57

    "I'm very good at this game" "I need quick moris cause I can't handle competent players" lol ok buddy I don't think anyone here even remotely believes you've played this game for longer than a few months, the games been going killer direction for awhile now to balance the game, as you probably never knew along time ago brand new parts used to instant fix gens THAT was dark times for the game and eb moris have been carrying bad killers since the dawn of time aswell, these changes have been pretty decent so far and hopefully dbd gets further balance as it's kinda going in a good direction

  • Velkin999
    Velkin999 Member Posts: 45

    I noticed on new Ormond being so much whiter now I need to find a darker background near by just so I can see my skillchecks over it.

  • gardyg
    gardyg Member Posts: 3

    I agree but if you ask me they need to start fixing is there bugs like vaulting through window hit and ######### like that if you know what I mean.

  • CE83
    CE83 Member Posts: 2

    Put the game down, and learn how to write. You lost most people at becuase.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    There is also the fact that if you turn on the game for 10 seconds, it's considered a player for the whole day. That number of active players could be way off. I've turned on the game just for the sake of getting a daily login or to refresh my dailies. Then I shut it off. That shouldn't count me as "Active" but in their system, it does. It's just something to show their investors that the game isn't dying. I feel it is but it is a slow process. It takes some games years to truly die and people have been saying it's going to die every week.

    IMO it's mostly going downhill. Every now and then they do something right and it goes up again. Then they screw up again and it goes back down.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Why do you post another comment on your own discussion instead of replying to the person you're talking to? I see this all the time on YouTube.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    This game has been getting balance changes to even out frustrations for both sides. Not just the survivors if they actually only balanced for survivors they never would've made the maps smaller, they would've never added a second door to the killer shacks. Lots of other changes for killers as well. Only the better survivors can actually escape you on these reworked maps if they loop well. The current map reworks with the graphical updates are FOR KILLERS nerfing longer loops and giving a little more power to the short ones. This game is balanced for both sides. You're also not good if you feel Mories were your way of dealing with toxic survivors and that's not what they're for. Its a unique feature to the game that's meant to be cool not abused for 2 minutes games. Also the auras were a bug not an intended change. You and the other people that upvoted for any reason other than mories don't know what you're talking about and its sad.

  • hellknight25800
    hellknight25800 Member Posts: 1

    Really makes it pro survivors ######### off so many killers are giving insta down abilities gave leatherface a easy af killer to use a speed buff and have ######### maps up with the rework and ur bitching theirs going ro be toxic ######### in any game and complaining that oh moris got nerfed ######### good you dont know that during certain times during the night in places ques are ######### 5-15 mins long then getting into said match getting unlucky going on first hook to be simply mori their is nothing pro survivor its still very pro killer specially with the ######### af hit detection

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Game is def still a little more survivor sided. But they don't just balance the game for survivors like OP is saying. The hit detection was great when they recently turned it on but after they turned it off and back on it seems like it's not even there sometimes.