Balance changes | The Demogorgon


  • Removed the global cooldown for teleporting to a Portal.
  • When The Demogorgon teleports to one of his Portals, those two Portals would be blocked for 14 seconds. (Blocked Portals are highlighted by a red Aura, The Demogorgon can't use those Portals until they're unblocked, Survivors can destroy blocked Portals)
  • The Demogorgon can however still teleport to unblocked Portals while other Portals are blocked.
  • Increased the duration of the Undetectable Status Effect after emerging from a Portal to 3 seconds from 2 seconds.
  • Removed the global cue when The Demogorgon enters a Portal.


Viscous Webbing:

  • Slightly increases the time taken by Survivors to seal a Portal. (Increases the Portal seal time by 2 seconds)

Thorny Vines:

  • Teleporting to a Portal that is being sealed will put any Survivor into injured state.
  • Slightly increases the time taken by Survivors to seal a Portal. (Increases the Portal seal time by 2 seconds)

Brass Case Lighter:

  • Survivors under the effect of a Portal suffer from the Hindered Status Effect. Once out of contact with the Portal, this effect persists for 10 seconds. (15% movement speed debuff)

Violet Waxcap:

  • Moderately increases the duration of the Undetectable Status Effect applied to The Demogorgon when emerging from a Portal. (2 seconds of the Undetectable Status Effect)

Vermilion Webcap:

  • Considerably increases the duration of the Undetectable Status Effect applied to The Demogorgon when emerging from a Portal. (4 seconds of the Undetectable Status Effect)

Upside Down Resin:

  • Moderately increases the time taken by Survivors to seal a Portal. (Increases the Portal seal time by 4 seconds)

Leprose Lichen:

  • Shred can now go twice as far.
  • Shred takes 3 seconds to charge and cannot be used until fully charged up.

Red Moss:

  • Tremendously increases the duration of the Undetectable Status Effect applied to The Demogorgon when emerging from a Portal. (15 seconds of the Undetectable Status Effect)
  • After traversing the Upside Down every Portal will be blocked for 30 seconds.

What do you think? I had no idea on how to change the Ultra Rare addons, so I'm not sure if they're bad or good...


  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    They seem pretty good. Making Shred take three seconds to charge with Red Moss might be too much though because of how slow Demo moves while charging it up. I'd also add lowering the footstep volume to normal and removing the mapwide notification whenever Demo attacks.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    I don't think the global notifications on portals makes his entire ability redundant. What's the point of the Undetectable effect then?

    It's not like Freddy where he can teleport right on top of survivors.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099

    That's why I'm removing the global cue when he enters a Portal to make the Undetectable Status Effect stronger on him.

    On current Demo it seems kinda pointless since he gives Survivors global audio cue and footsteps sounds.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    The audio cue Demo gives off when they Traverse a Portal is something that should stay. Their portals aren't just for quick distance navigation; they can be used often as a means of a mindgame and also as a bait.

    I do think the Waxcap and Webcap add-ons should be a tiny bit more extended than they currently offer. Atm they are pretty crappy for a Rare and Very Rare.

    The Thorny Vines change would be broken; Demo already has a field day in chases, becoming Injured as they pop up in front of you is ridiculously too strong.

    The Lighter is fine as it is, Blindness for 45 seconds can be invaluable at certain points of the match.

    Leprose Lichen is fine as it is. Demo's Shred is a very strong power, using this add-on just for more range is pointless; the fact you'd have to be locked into it removes any mindgame or fakeout potential from it making it weaker. Not to mention Demo is locked into his Shred and is stiff while leaping - limited to only slight readjustment mid-pounce.

    Finally, the way his portals work currently are fine as they are. The cooldown effect is fair, no issues from me. I think the main problem people have with his Portals and Traversing is they think that they have to use them for easy navigation across great distances, not always best to do so, especially when shorter Traverses can make pressure rotation more effective. Plus, if you're Traversing the Portals then you clearly have something in mind (gen defence, hook pressure etc) so being able to Traverse to however many you have open and unblocked is kinds silly. It's a function that isn't needed and allows unpunished spamming, meaning mistakes/miscalculations on the killer's part are just blips and won't hurt the killers momentum/pressure. Portals should not be touched, if only to add maybe 0.2ish more seconds onto current Seal time.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    I think they should change the upside down traversal and make it to where when you go into a portal, you become able to traverse the map at sonic speeds but become unable to see survivors. You are however, able to detect the prescience of injured survivors. Not their exact location, but you'll know when one is around. Im not sure how the devs would accomplish this, perhaps through audio cues. The demogorgon can create a portal to enter or exit at anytime but this takes longer than using a pre existing portal.

    Basically make the demogorgon like a baby between the spirit and wraith.

  • Chefboyarde
    Chefboyarde Member Posts: 13

    I would also love to see some new kind of mechanic in his ability it would be so cool live actually my using the upside down or something extra like in the show but that is just me. I just think it would be really cool adding another mechanic in his base kit.

  • Chefboyarde
    Chefboyarde Member Posts: 13

    I meant to say like and cut out the my in what I said

  • Chefboyarde
    Chefboyarde Member Posts: 13

    By the way I was they did something more with his shred ability. I know that it is a great tool to use for zoning and for mind games, but I really wish it was something more than that and I also it didn’t went in one direction because survivor can mostly doge it in open spaces, like it is only good in structures of windows or any places with objects. I was they did more with him but this is just everyone else thinks he’s fine but I don’t not trying to make anyone mad just you know I just want him to be a bit better with his actually power again this is just my opinion.

  • Chefboyarde
    Chefboyarde Member Posts: 13

    I meant to say wish before it

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Anyone else want to be able to look around while portaling?

    Anyway as for your suggestions, most of them look great. A few I'm not so sure on though. First the global portal notification, that should probably stay. Thorny Vines doesn't really need that extra injury effect. I love the twice as far Shred, I got to play a round with the PTB bug between Shred and Coup De Grace and it was fantastic. However I think your downsides might be a bit too harsh.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099

    Hi, thanks for the feedback, but this post is kinda old, I actually made a slightly different Demo buff more recently, so if you want to take a look here is the link: