I was done but I guess not.



  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    You are exaggerating man. You do not need to really hard slug to win. I'm only slugging when I get my power up. I also don't plan on instantly taking my fountain. It's best to get hooks states going then start using my pool to end the game.

    I mentioned blight because I am on console. His skill cap between console and pc is significantly different. I made a post about it like a month ago. I suggest you check it out and the clips I provided.

  • RamblinRango
    RamblinRango Member Posts: 389

    "I can also ignore your comment and never reply"


  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Nope, don't believe you at all. Especially with the disparity in latency. You're lying out yer arse.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I never said it did. I only said that because it makes her a good killer and in the hands of a good player it can make winning easy. Why are you trying to put unrealistic expectations on me. You don't need to grossly blow things out of proportion to prove your point. Nobody is using a random build and attempting to 4k nor are they using zero perks and 4king against average survivors. The only time you are consistently 4king with no perks is being a good nurse or a good blight. That's about it. I whole heartedly believe those are the top 2 killers and the only ones who are 4king without the help of perks or add ons. If it makes you feel better I am 4king with only corrupt as blight to push my limits.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Do you need me to give you clip proof of blights significant different between platforms I can whip it out right now. Just because you can't seem to be that good as killer does not mean I aren't, sorry to break it to you.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    "clip proof of blights significant different"

    You're struggling, slow down... one step at a time.

    I play on console, too; blight isn't that hard if you are playing at 100% sensitivity and known how to slowly move the joysticks.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870
    edited December 2020

    Let me get this straight you are trying to use my grammatical error as an insult/argument point. Seems like you are struggling. Since we are console brethren its my job to show you why you are wrong and I am right look at these two clips :)

    For the record I play 100 sense but it doesn't match up to what I am saying and you will see why.

    One last thing @bjorksnas tell lil bros just how different blight is on pc since he thinks I'm capping.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited December 2020

    Try playing Trapper against a 4 man swf with OoO and tell me how easy killer has gotten. I'm trying to find a better way of explaining how I feel. It's not that killer has gotten easier so much as survivor's are being reined in.

    Infinites, old SC, syringes, old bnp+tool boxes, BT applied to both, DS triggered when you wiggled to 30%, stacking exhaustion perks, recovering sprint burst while running, insta flahslights. All of these things were not to make killer's job easier so much as they were broken and unfair.

    Killer has had some significant nerfs as well. Ruin rework. Yes some can argue it wasn't a nerf but it no longer slows the gens down unless you can push them off it. A lot of killers have difficulty doing this. Nurse rework, she's been buggy ever since and they have yet to fix her. Enduring used to work on DS now it only works on pallet stuns. PGTW was cut down to 45 secs. While I feel no difference their reason for nerfing it was pretty dumb IMO. Mori change. While I agree ebony mori's were bad but the way they changed them I see no reason to even bring them now. Spine Chill works on stealth Myers. That used to be a fun match to play against a jump scare Myers on Lerys.

    I'm probably contradicting myself. Killer's job has gotten easier but it is no where near easy unless the survivors are potatoes. It's not that killer is easy, it's that playing killer when the game launched was hard as F!@#. Now that the game is getting "slightly" more balanced it appears that killer's have it easy when in fact the game is just as difficult and frustrating as ever given the skill of the survivors.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    I'm so sad people hate my boy Phead :'(

    Anyway, I can kinda agree at this point in time because Hit Validation is a joke. But in terms of game mechanics survivors are better.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    You play on wifi and then accuse all killer players of VPNing? Bro, get a LAN cable and stop shifting the blame for your crappy wifi making you take hits you don’t have to.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I don't understand where this "devs don't care about survivors, killers have it too easy" mentality is coming from. There wasn't any real survivor nerf since 3.7. when gen speeds got slightly tweaked, other then that it was all map reworks which aren't survivors nerfs any more then when infinites got removed, new maps aren't aimed to be nerfs to survivors but intend to give both sides more chances to outplay each other. If for some reason too many deadzones spawn or something, it's the same as when back in the day 20+ pallets spawned making the game insane for killers and will get further changes eventually. Bad RNG is something that's we'll leventually get rid off if it become problematic enough to warrant changes.

    Hit validation is different for all players so it's probably not as simple of a fix as many would like it to be. I feel sorry for anyone who gets bad hits consistently but other then playing killer or waiting till it gets updated, there isn't much that can be done. Bad hits as well aren't intended so counting them as dev killer bias or some kind of survivor nerf (especially compared to the OG lagswitching that was far far worse) when they want them gone is also equally foolish.

    PH and slinger beiing boring is pretty subjective so even when you don't like them doesn't warrant changes when there are others who enjoy facing them, especially when they aren't all that overbearing power wise, they have their weaknesses.

    I don't really want to argue over DBD's balance state (just sharing my thoughts) but if you enjoy killer more you probably should forsake survivors for time beiing and just play killer. If that gets boring or annoying too evenutally, just check out DBD everyone few months if the issues you hate are resolved and play something less frustrating in the meantime. I'm on a small break from DBD right now as there are some other games I really wanted to play as of lately.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Once again that is an extreme. An objectively weak killer who needs perks against a busted perk and a swf that makes his power near useless is a definite loss unless the team is bad. All the stuff you mentioned definitely made killer easier. For example I don't have to instantly leave chase because the survivor ran to the infinite with their sprint burst that's already recharging as they run through it. Nor do I have to hit the survivor and see the insta heal at the other side of the window. Oh yeah I still don't have to worry about them mid blinding me with insta blinds.

    It sounds to me like you don't want killers nerfed at all. I'm gonna be completely honest here. I have seen some of your previous posts you put killer on a pedestal and treat killer like apex legends treats wraith (does not want to really touch her). Nurse is still the best killer with zero counterplay when played good, enduring cant work on ds stuns it would make it useless. I remember when it affected 4 second ds stuns on the old version. I used to eat ds like nothing as a billy main. You said it yourself you feel no difference. I'll admit though the change as dumb but I can understand it. Not even gonna comment on the mori one. If you are seriously complaining about spine chill I doubt you played back then lol.

    Yeah you have to be trolling if you think the game is "slightly" more balanced.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870
  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    If he had actual counter and did not cancels the only way survivors can have fun and show their skill yes I would not hate him.

    Hit validation is extremely bad. I could argue that. For now I'll agree with you for the sake of the fact that even then survivor is still boring to play, and people don't care.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Do you need me to send you clips upon clips of me getting bad hits? To verify my ping just look at the top left. White circle means 150 ping and red means 300 plus. None of my clips have it. Sounds like you cheese off of pokos right? lol

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    The survivor side is terrible in terms of overall health and has been for a year now. Killers do have it extremely easy. I have been playing alot of killer and I can see that. I mean you what is your definition of a "real" nerf. As far as I am concerned its been a good 4 years and maybe 5 years of nerfs to survivors. Map reworks are mostly fine except the deadzones. When they don't spawn they are enjoyable for both sides. On the topic of pallet spawns I am sick of tiles spawning empty I get it shouldn't spawn double pallets but don't spawn an empty filler tile. Bad rng might get tweaked I doubt they will though because the rng makes the game unique.

    I mean fortnite can do it with over 100 players. I can die and the opponent will actually hit me and look at me. I get bad hits consistently which is why I make so many posts but like I said the devs could care less about fixing the hit validation. God forbid it make the hits fair and you get 1000 killer mains trying to justify the hits and complaining. I should not have to play a different side because of the devs incompetency. I would like to play survivor I enjoy the chase interaction. I rarely faced lag switchers so I would rather play on p2p so I can atleast see the ping. The devs won't even show that either so I can't dodge lobbies.

    Its subjective they are boring but objectively they both have no counterplay in chase when played well. Most people who enjoy versing them either are A. passive players, or B. players who weren't strong in chase to begin with. It sounds harsh but am I lying? Most agressive survivors and good ones don't like killers who cancel out chases. Their weaknesses are gen rushing which works against any killer. I didn't join a game to do gens in 3 minutes thats boring.

    I will continue to play killer. It seems to be relaxing for me and I can work on my blight and continue to get him p3. Not to mention you actually earn blood points so thats great too! I appreciate the advice. I will take break from dbd if the time comes.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    I want to second this person's point about the kills for trying to go for the four man rescue.

    I swear the leading cause of Survivor death is arrogant Altruism.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    oh you are correct about her snowball potential, but your original comment is what I brought in here. you might notice how the comment is worded instead of thinking i'm trying to say you were incorrect. you claim killer is easy, and then you talk about plague's potential to snowball and all that yet it seems you're claiming that you can 4k all the time (since killer is easy road), and then talk about the potential of plague to do this I challenged you to do it to show how you are able to use any killer to 4k.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    So what do you want me to do record videos of me 4king with different killers? I could do that just give me a solid kill and a week to learn the killers basic strengths and abilities. Killer really is not that hard if you are good at the game.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I actually use a LAN cable and have fibre internet so no, my ping is consistently around 30. I still get survivors on ######### internet accusing me of having bad ping though because they’re too ignorant to understand that their laggy wifi connection does in fact affect their gameplay.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Thats cool and all but just because you think I have bad wifi does not mean I do nor am I gonna use a cable or whatever when I get good ping. Also its dbd servers preventing me from going to my usual 9-16 I get on other games.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    The issue with wifi isn’t ping, it’s stability. Google “Ethernet cable gaming” and you can read up on it.

    Do what you want but all those killers you’re complaining about VPNing are probably just using wifi too.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I understand stable ping and ethernet cable make ping stable because it is a direct link.

    However I understand they aren't all vpners I was just frustrated with how consistent I am getting these unfair hits.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Yeah I usually check your parties but you always have way too many people that I don't know or just too many

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Just inv me when you get the chance. It's all good though I get it.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Ok will do but dont be trash talking my huntress im trying to get good

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Bro its all good I'm in the same boat with blight lol.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    Can't be complaining about weird hits if you're using WIFI.

    As others have said it's inconsistent compared to wired no matter what platform you are on.

    It was incredibly easy to spot someone using WIFI when it was on P2P, their ping would be stable then suddenly jump - that's the problem.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Yes I can. My ping is stable despite how ethernet is more consistent. I still don't jump around on ping so I will complain.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    In solo queue, yes, Killer is extremely easy at most ranks, cuz survivors are potatoes. At red ranks, Killer is either impossible or hardly a challenge against solo queue survivors. But a really good killer against good survivors who all know how to play the game and actually belong at red ranks? Killers just don't win, plain and simple.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    It just annoys me so much because of how easy it would be to fix most of these impressive killers.

    Either make phead actually punished for holding his sword in the ground for too long or make him 95% movement or something slower than survivors.

    Spirit could literally just do with audio cues at her positions whilst she's in phase.

    Twins make it so Victor dies if he's near the hook.

    Deathsligner is the only one that would need a good look at.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    To each their own. I have the opposite experience. I stopped playing killer after the mori nerf, and play 100% survivor again.

    And the games get a lot better. It seems that people don´t play as safely as before since the mori nerf. Unless someone dc´s or hooksuicides, its actually an easy game as solo survivor at the moment.

    But then, it might just be luck for a few days.

  • gambitarmy
    gambitarmy Member Posts: 5

    Thank goodness your hanging in there! We were all wondering and biting our nails with anticipation!

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    The extreme case is 8 out of 10 matches when I play killer. So your version of extreme is my version of normal. It's also why I've taken a break.

    I've seen several of your posts too and you have this idea that killers are unstoppable. That is flat out not true. The survivors are the ones with the power. They control how the match goes. Unless your using a top tier killer and your skilled at them, you just can't pressure 4 people at once. If both sides know what they are doing, the killer is at a disadvantage because they are out numbered. Designing a game to only be fair when one side doesn't know how to play is bad game design. Despite everything discussed in this thread, killer is the most frustrating experience in this game. If it were easy I wouldn't be debating with you. If it's so easy to play killer there wouldn't be a shortage of killer's either. Turn on MM and see how many times you get paired with a killer of equal rank. Every week someone is posting a thread about getting paired against red survivors while they are barely rank 10.

  • Todbringer
    Todbringer Member Posts: 20

    I pay 50€ per month for my hybrid WLan box. I necer have a ping above 20. I dont think i have a bad Wifi as a Console killer.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    PH already does get "punished" for using his "knife" for too long. He gets slowed down to 92% while activating and stopping the animation and goes 110% while using it, the power bar depletes in 5 seconds WHILE he gets slowed down and it takes 20 seconds to recharge the power bar completely.

    Also when played as a true M2 killer he is -by far- the most fair projectile killer in the game as his shockwave is completely prediction based due to the fact the injuring shockwave has a built-in delay giving the survivors multiple cues when it's going to happen.

    The only type of PH that's truly "cheesy" is the one using POTD to force M1 hits. But even then it takes too much time if everyone's pumping out gens at all times.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Even if you paid 500000€ a month w-lan will always be inconsistent.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    There's still problems with ph tho, i thought he was all g after they changed him but i realised something.

    Because of the fact that he's faster than survivors when he's fully charged his ranged attack it means he can max charge it whenever he wants, sure theres a slowdown after you use it but it's that small it doesn't even matter. The problem is that when his sword is in the ground, you have to dodge because you have no idea when he's goign to shoot, he could shoot anytime during that five seconds and dodging will just make you loose more and more distance than you already are consdering he's at 110. You also can't tell where he's aiming as soon as you line sight, often ending up with you dodging into his attack.

    Sure it's no where near as bad as deathsligner or spirit but there's still a high element of randomness to it, from both sides.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I just wanna say a thing about the dodging aspect of PH's shockwave.

    Unlike Deathslinger or Huntress you don't actually have to zig zag to dodge his shockwave IF you have about 1.5-2 seconds of distance because his shockwave starts with the red glow before the wave itself moves from point A to point B.

    I literally have clips of survivors STANDING EXACTLY in the middle of the red glowing ground but since I have a good ping and proper wired connection people can actually just move left or right as soon as the red glow pops up under their feet because of the built-in delay of the shockwave.

    I can upload a clip anytime, too.

    As a result I have to predict where they're gonna be around 1 sec AFTER the shot.

    Therefore survivors don't even have to pay too much attention to PH during those 5 seconds (if the killer and they themselves have good internet/ping, of course) UNLESS he is basically close enough to go for a M1 attack anyways (I feel like that's when the wave connects pretty much instantly).

    That's why I think he's by far more fair than Huntress with her bus-sized hits or Deathslinger with his non-reactable shots if we only consider his M2 attack by itself without the "I deny every window and pallet"-aspect of it.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    I wouldn't mind tips on how to react against those shots because from what i've seen and played it seems almost impossible.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Obviously it comes down to latency and the survivor's reaction time but I think it's fairly obvious the devs added that red glowing ground as a warning allowing survivors to dodge the shockwave if they are near the end of the shockwave.

    As I said if you are almost within melee range them the shockwave will attack pretty much instantly but you get around half a second of reaction time if you are near the end of it so basically at 1.5-2 seconds of distance.

    I will upload some clips to show you what I mean. Give me a minute.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited December 2020

    Took me a little but anyways this clip basically shows what I mean:

    Compare the first hit to the second hit. The devs made it so the greater the distance the more reaction time you (the survivor) get.

    If you got 1.5 to 2 seconds of distance you basically don't even have to look behind you let alone zig zag because you get roughly half a second of reaction time.

    Yui quite simply refused to dodge left or right and instead juked right into the shockwave. If she had commited to one direction it wouldn't have connected.

    This clip of mine demonstrates what I mean as well:

    If you look closely you can clearly see Claudette was standing inside the red glow for a brief moment but due to the built-in delay of the shockwave (combined with her good internet/ping and my low ping+wired internet) the shockwave didn't connect even though she JUST got out of the pallet drop animation.

    That's how the shockwave is intended to work. Prediction and reaction based.

    Meanwhile Huntress just throws NEAR a survivor and they go down or Deathslinger shoots and you just get hit as his projectile moves at 1000% ms with no delay.

    Post edited by Yamaoka on
  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I just can't believe that happens to you 8 out of 10 times. If it is true I can understand the break.

    I do not think killers are unstoppable. All I think is hit validation is #########, and survivors receive no love. I am a blight main and a pretty good one I control the match. You should not be able to pressure 4 people at once. It would be impossible to win as survivor. I never said that's good game design lol. Killer being frustrating is a YOU problem.

    I don't understand why you do not understand that is a subjective statement. In my opinion I think killer is easy. I can win consistently and my blight is improving by the day. There is a killer shortage because people refuse to learn how to mind game and outplay survivors. It really isn't that difficult. Also even then there isn't really a killer shortage it's the time of day that makes queues long or short. Also matchmaking has been broke for a while.

  • Todbringer
    Todbringer Member Posts: 20

    I worded it a bit wrong but actually i have my PS4 connected per LAN cable with my router.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    Killers op. Survivor weak :((( devs pls nerf killers more

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I do agree hit validation sucks. I really don't like it when I vault a window, take 3 steps and I still got smacked.