I can only play Nightmare and no other killer past Green Ranks. What should I do?

Aldath Member Posts: 30
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

Hey there guys. I made a couple threads in the past addressing how I couldn't rank up past 10, and many of you recommended me to play Nightmare and gave me advice, as I couldn't really grasp what made him strong: thanks to you, last season I made it into red ranks for the first time ever!

That said, playing only one killer makes stuff tedious, and I love to play as a killer for fun. I went back to my old mains (Legion and Hag), which carried me all the way to 10, and oh boy, I immediately started de-pipping and went all the way back to 8, then at season reset I was placed in 10, and here we go again. I feel like that episode of Spongebob where he learns how to drive blindfolded, but then can't do it normally.

My current issues are...

-My chases are usually quite long. By the time I manage to take down my first Survivor, usually one generator is repaired and the second one is more than halfway done.

-I have problems identifying priorities. If during a chase I run into survivors doing gens, I usually go to the gen, kick it, then start chasing the other survivors. Usually this results in the survivor I was previously chasing healing and helping with the gen I kicked by the time I manage to land my first hit in the new chase.

-On the above issue, I usually interrupt chases when I figure out someone is repairing a gen. By the time I get there, Gen is repaired, I lost a chase, and the survivor gets healed.

-I don't really know when it's a good idea to slug and when to hook...

-Killers with harder to use mechanics, like Nurse, Twins or Spirit, often result in me being teabagged to no end, having lockers slammed in my face, and in general, being made fun of while finishing the match with less than 3,000 points...

The above issues are stuff I usually don't have when playing Nightmare. I use PGTG, Thrilling Tremors, Discordance and Franklin's Demise on him.

I have most meta perks unlocked, and the only killers I don't own are Ghostface, Demo, Myers and Blight. I watch streamers like Otz often but I don't feel it helps much for my learning style. Also, my objective right now isn't to rank up as before, but to just learn to do good with something more than just Freddy.

Any advice? :(


  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Learn how to be looped efficiently. So loop a survivor where you force them to not get a fast vault if you can. Also moonwalking and hiding your red stain. Do you know that red light that is in front of you as a killer? Well if you turn around (away from the wall since it goes through objects) it might confuse the survivor, you can choose to do it smoothly without stopping or you can do it and immediately moonwalk. Loop as tight as you can on a loop to prevent the survivor from getting an extra loop or two. Unless you have PGTW, there really is no point in kicking a generator. You should instead go after the survivors immediately and if you are absolutely sure no one is around, then you can kick a generator to get some regression. I recommend playing a killer like Wraith if you are daring or another killer if you would like.

    Play the Wraith with a windstorm addon, any tier will work. You could then use another windstorm addon or bone clapper, I recommend the bone clapper. The reason I recommend Wraith is because he is a very basic m1 killer and he will practically force you to learn how to mind game properly at normal loops if you want kills. With the bone clapper, you want to come from unexpected places, like maybe in a loop instead of uncloaking at the pallet as you would without the bone clapper, use the windstorm addon to quickly sneak around behind a wall really close to a generator to catch survivors off guard.

    You should slug when you are really in need of pressure or you know you can leave the survivor on the ground for just a lil' bit and get an extra hit or even down on another survivor. You want to hook them once you feel like someone is about to get up.

    If you want to "git gud" so to speak you should probably upload a game or two of you playing as killer and have a few experienced killers review it.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    Freddy isn't OP in the slightest, but it is true that a Bonobo could code an AI in javascript that could play Freddy to red ranks.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Get some Bubba in there. Enduring + Bamboozle Bubba is really easy to play, probably easier than Freddy. Corrupt intervention really helps with the early game alot of the time.

    I pretty much always run corrupt or discordance. I see way too many games where I spawn in next to another survivor right at a gen and we slam it out in ~40 seconds before the killer has downed anyone. Corrupt or Discordance prevents that. Discordance is also really good for knowing how much a chase is going to cost you. If you get into one and it procs, you have like 15-20 seconds to win that chase or you will lose the gen.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    Do you watch only otz stream or his tutorial videos too?

    Im not exactly sure what i can say which is not in the tutorials and isnt too specific.

    I personally learned by playing and watching gameplay. I needed only one month to get to red rank like you are now. But it did take me atleast 1000 hours after that to reach my current level.

    So for starter it is good to learn how to run tiles, watch specific killer guides and time management, but in the end you need a lot of game experience.

    Some specific tips for you:

    It is no big deal when you lose 2 gens after the first chase without Corrupt. But it shouldnt be a gen in the middle of the map. Ignore areas where the gen is completed, when you arent sure you get a down in 15 seconds.

    Dont kick a gen when you are not sure its worth it. You lose time to catch up to the survivor and another survivor can just tap it. So only kick a gen when you are it will regress for a while. Gens with less then 30% are never worth it, when you see a survivor running away. And alway try to get a hit or a pallet first from the survivor on the gen before kicking it.

    What reminds me: you want to get a hit or a pallet every 20 seconds or a chase is not worth it.

    Dont stop a good chase when you see that a generator gets repaired. Not every gen is worth it. You want to keep gens close, give up on a gen which is far away from all other gens.

    Slugging is good when you can do something in the time you would need to hook. For example interrupting a heal, getting a hit and sometimes to protect a gen. But gens are tricky. Its only worth it when you can really stop the gen and not just delay it for 15 sec.

    Hooking is good when you have perks for it like pgtw or when you hooked this survivor before. Hook most of the time, slug only without the reason above when for example you are on 2 gens and you have never hooked the survivor. When you think you will never get 3 hooks on this survivor anyway dont waste the time to hook. But hooking counters unbreakable, so it can be worth it.

    And for specific killers you need guides. You cant play a hag like a normal killer.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    To add to point 4)

    Only slug if you see another survivor that you're confident enough to down relatively quickly or else it will backfire very quickly

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278


    Backfire how? Even when/if they’ve been revived, they’ve either had to waste unbreakable, waste time recovering as much as possible before they were assisted, or been healed by another survivor which means both survivors time has been wasted. Either way it slows down repairs simply by means of less survivors on gens.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Play Nightmare and bring a mori. Why not?

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    I hate people like that. Like, understandable for Freddy, but then they come after Spirit and Legion. #########

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    If the person you are chasing is really good or heads towards a strong setup then you are risking to lose more time that slugging bought you.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Ok, that’s a fair point.

    But that then falls down to a judgement call whether to continue engaging or not.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I think the easiest way for us to give you better advice is to post a game where you had a lot of trouble.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Freddy being easy shouldn't be a deterrent for you to learn other but he will also help you learn the basics without being forced into an auto loss(Unlike what a lot of people want).

    That being said a lot of the base killers are either weak or are extremely new player unfriendly.

    Trapper/Billy both are very new player unfriendly despite how easy they seem.

    Wraith is just plain weak without add-ons and doesn't really teach you the basics by playing him.

    Also Nurse/Huntress are just hard to learn period with skills that don't transfer to other characters.

    Two killers I'd suggest you learn to play for the basics are Legion(Fair warning legion ranks up insanely fast) and Doctor as they both have tracking and reward you for good power use without making you skip looping entirely(Docs anti loop is good but is often overrated) while also having good add ons.

    They also have decent perks for several other killers(Discordance/Iron maiden(For huntress) and M&A).

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    A little more evidence that Freddy is overpowered.

  • Aldath
    Aldath Member Posts: 30

    Damn... I was reading the thread and decided to go for Wraith... XD I have to say, I find Billy quite hard to use when compared to Leatherface. I use his chainsaw to traverse the map but actually using it to get hits during chases is hard.

    I've read your comments and I thank you all for your advice :) Sadly I can't really record my gameplay because I don't own a gaming PC and running recording software makes most stuff unplayable. I can play DBD in low settings good enough though. Whenever I can use my wife's PC then I'll record and gladly upload!

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I recommend Barbecue & Chili rather than something like Thrilling Tremors. He can make WAY more efficient use of it than most killers can, because he can be at a gen in seconds, and create immediate snowball-y pressure. Tinkerer is also great for knowing which gens to go to right now with his teleport. In chases, drop snares like there is no tomorrow. My method is to just drop snares willy-nilly everywhere, near windows, on pallets, etc. And I'll drop snares constantly in chases, because it usually cuts the survivor off from doubling back.

    As far as other killers go, if you enjoy Nightmare's agonizing drag-the-game-out-and-find-people-constantly nature as much as I do, might I suggest Doctor equipped with, say, Unnerving Presence, Distressing, and Overcharge.

  • XXXPrinnyGodXXX
    XXXPrinnyGodXXX Member Posts: 31

    Give Doc a try his shock denial and finding is great.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    I would suggest getting good with a killer or killers besides Freddy. Find the weak link of the team and hopefully get them out of the game quick. Retreat from strong loopers and tiles. Remember the exhaustion perks each survivor is running. If someone has used their DS already, feel free to tunnel them out of the game.

  • Lambda
    Lambda Member Posts: 105

    A lot of the times, if you're having trouble getting one survivor, it's best to just abandon them and try to chase someone else. (Unless they're right next to a generator or somewhere else important.) A good looper will waste 3 minutes of your time while a bad one will only take about 15-20 seconds, however, both the good and bad looper will have to spend 80 seconds on a generator, if you catch my drift. Eliminate the weak links first, even having one survivor dead massively turns the tide of the game.

    Also, slug whenever there's multiple people in the same area. There's no point to slugging if there's no one else around since by the time you've walked across the entire map, spent time finding someone, and finally finished a chase with them, the original slug would have already been picked up long ago.

  • Aldath
    Aldath Member Posts: 30

    Well, I'm really having a horrible time playing anything else... I mean, I am constantly running into the following now:

    -It's not just a matter of getting rid of the weakest link on the team: usually the weakest link is way better than me anyways. I've been matched against ranks 1s CONSTANTLY.

    -Been running into a bunch of SWF. The level of coordination between players is just too much to be simple PUGs.

    -My most common mistake as of late: chasing people off generators and then losing sight of all of them in seconds, unable to keep up with any chase and giving them time to regroup.

    It's just like anything I've learnt over hours is just vanishing or something. It just keeps happening.

  • Lambda
    Lambda Member Posts: 105

    Honestly... if you're constantly pitted against extremely coordinated teams with much much more experience than you, that's to no fault of your own. Blame the nonexistent matchmaking for that. Also, the super meta build right now may help with your situation of constantly chasing survivors off gens but never being able to fully commit to a long one. Try Hex: Ruin (Hag) and Hex: Undying (Blight), it's an incredibly strong combo that'll keep generators regressing without you having to waste time kicking it over and over and if you manage to keep survivors away from it for long enough, it'll lose a significant portion of its progress with no skin off your back.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122
    edited December 2020

    Some advice I can offer you:

    -If you’re new to those harder Killers (Nurse, Spirit, Oni, etc.) don’t play them unless you’re in really low ranks. Learn how they work, then work your way up.

    - If you’ve been in Red ranks before, you have a general idea of what Survivors like to do/predicting Survivors movements. Keep that in mind when you encounter multiple survivors.

    -Slugging is mostly useful when avoiding DS or going for a sweaty 4k. If you really need it you can slug a couple times when multiple survivors are nearby, or when you need to keep a critical gen from popping. A slugged survivor means 2 survivors not doing gens- one slugged, one going to pick them up.

    -If you have long chases, you need to start learning how to mind game and run certain tiles. This is really practice, but once you learn how your chases will be much faster.

    -Finally, I can’t say much for Legion because he’s one of the weakest Killers in the game rn, just behind Clown and the Twins. For Hag however, she’s a diamond in the rough. Played right, one of if not the strongest killer. The best way to play her is to trap chokepoints, learn all the intricacies of the traps, and most importantly- reaction timing. A triggered trap should always mean a hit, so train yourself to react to it quickly (either with button or mousewheel). If you want an expert’s advice, I recommend Michi- world’s best Hag main.



    -Matchmaking will always be a #########, the best you can do is try your hardest and not beat yourself up when it screws you over. Its sad but true, not your fault at all though.

    -SWFs are also broken, it takes the best Killers to take them down. Again, don't feel bad- its a broken mechanic the devs refused to touch, not your fault.

    -Again, the chase is crucial. If you're playing Hag (as mentioned above) you CANNOT chase like any other Killer, it'll take forever with that 4.2m/s. Set up traps, scare survivors into your web and down them when they trigger the traps. A good Hag sets traps, but a great Hag finishes chases before they even start.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    Honestly my best advice is try every killer for at least 5 games a piece. See what feels right and roll with it i can’t guarantee you’ll be a god after those 5 but keep playing with that killer and you’ll eventually get good enough to be able to get consistent 3ks at least. For me it was doctor. I was horrible a killer then I picked up hermy and I haven’t been lower than purple since.

  • NITRAS42
    NITRAS42 Member Posts: 170

    Just as an aside. They made an AI for Starcraft II that routinely beat the best professional gamers in the world. It didn’t always win, but some things were comical. Starcraft is a much more demanding and complicated game the DBD.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Stop playing Nightmare. :) The only way you are going to get better at someone else is to step away from Freddy. There is no magic bullet, or miracle cure. You pick someone else, you stick to them, and you put in the hours.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    Git good it’s called If you want to maintain rank 1 play s tier killers or high a. You will need to sweat like crazy

  • Aldath
    Aldath Member Posts: 30

    I started playing some weeks after launch, but I mostly played Survivor. Whenever I played Killer it was Wraith all the way to go and I used to have a blast, but NEVER made it past rank 17. Stopped playing when Legion released.

    I came back when Executioner came out because of the Silent Hill hype (he's one of those killers I love but just absolutely suck with), and I've been playing Killer since then with survivor mixed in. Fun fact: playing killer made me a better survivor, but playing survivor somehow never made me a better killer XD

    I play on PC by the way.

    I'll take the chance to say: I've been trying all the killers that I own, took them all the way to 40 (except for my after mentioned mains), and the ones I've found I enjoy the most are Pig, Executioner, Legion, Billy and Wraith. That said, I absolutely suck using every and each one of them and I have no idea which of those I should start learning first. My experience with those killers goes like this:

    -Pig: Can only really play her if I have add ons that reduce trap timer and make it harder for survivors to find Jigsaw boxes, otherwise I get ONE kill in average. I've noticed she's specially strong inside Lery's Memorial Institute, Midwich and Gideon, elsewhere I can't do anything. I suck at using her Ambush on loops, but then again, I'm not even good at normal looping.

    -Executioner: I don't even know what I'm doing :) Using Punishment to teleport survivors to your personal hooks feels like shooting yourself in the leg, and I'm terrible at making people run into my hazards and using the long range attack. It's a matter of not really understanding what's the game plan of this guy.

    -Billy: I just use the chainsaw to traverse the map because I can't for the love of everything good hit people with it. I end up playing a normal M1 killer with a motorcycle instead of a chainsaw.

    -Wraith: I made a topic asking for help on him because he was my first "love", but it further made me realize that he's too add-on reliant and even then my only good matches with him have been with baby survivors.

    -Legion: He's the one I do the best with, but I've noticed something: if the survivors spawn spread through the map or I don't manage to hit them all within the first generator repair, it's hard to win.

    Also, I checked out the videos you guys linked, I've been trying to learn the suggested strategies for looping, thanks!