Do you think it's possible we'll ever have a non-toxic community?

Do you think there will come a day when you boot up DbD and don't face a toxic squad within 2 games? Where you might actually want to play it for more than 5 minutes a month?

I seriously doubt it.


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    In 2 games?

    That's already happened to me loads.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Every game has toxicity so no.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I play survivor either solo queue or I play with friends and 9/10 times get mean killers. I'm talking the kind who hit you on hook and delay the end as much as possible by acting like they'll let you go only to torture you basically and either let end game collapse kill you or kill you their self last second and then be even more mean in end game chat.

    And when I play killer if I go up against SWFs they're usually cheeky but not TOO bad in terms of toxicity. This is probably bcuz I'm not high rank killer and I know the mega sweat squads are higher rank but for the most part I have fairish matches as Killer and usually give the last person hatch if I murdered their team lol and everyone is nice end game chat.

    I find it a lot easier to have fun as killer because when the killer messes around everyone suddenly lightens up and we all have a laugh, like when you boop the pig snoot and suddenly it's a meme match.

    Anyways to answer the OP question I think so but there's always going to be toxic people. All I can say is that, it all starts with all of us individually. Don't be one of the toxic ones.

    Idk how people can be toxic without any reason whatsoever

  • Starshadw
    Starshadw Member Posts: 266

    It IS possible, but it relies on the community itself deciding that poor behavior is no longer acceptable. Whether that will happen? I can't say.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295


  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    No. Humanity is self defeating and self destroying.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Well I think it will happen at the same time we have good developers who actually do good things with the game... so a very long time or never

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    Not in a million years. The precedent has already been set. Both sides have too many ridiculously strong things that they can toy with the other side with. Well, that was the case until moris got nerfed. Now it's a 1-sided game again.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069


  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    100%? No. But I think it IS possible to cultivate a positive experience. Because in game and on forums, there's good and bad, and you can't control the bad. But you can certainly use your agency to leave. Or only choose to interact with community members or forum posts that don't damage your worth as a person. *shrugs* Besides hugs, that's all I got 🤷‍♀️

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited December 2020

    DbD is one of the least toxic gaming communities out there. Of all the communities and games I've been a part of, this one has been the best so far. In general, people are more nice than they are not. Using perks, or playstyles or insignificant things such as clicking a flashlight are not toxic in the slightest and people need to grow up. Actual toxicity is quite rare. The only reason why forum and Reddit people consider this game to be so toxic, is because you're on here looking at the countless posts of people complaining about players camping, tunnelling, using DS etc. when they make up a VERY small percentage of the actual playerbase.

  • Add an option to turn off post game chat; and that setting both hides the chat like normal when you click the hide button, but also shows a "Deaf/mute" icon by your name in post game lobby. So people don't waste their time throwing tantrums and you don't have to listen.

    Also that setting can only be turned off in the main menu, like with cross play; as it helps people make sure to keep it off and not give in to temptation to turn it back on to say one thing or such. I know that would help a LOT of people to have that be in the menu, but they insist their current system is perfect and don't understand how good it would be for it to be in there instead.

    That would be a nice start to solving some problems. Console players are already my FAVORITE to play against and with because they can't chat and they can't read chat.

  • Is that sarcasm? This is the only game I've literally not only had death threats, I've had people stalk me across multiple forms of social media to a point I almost called the police on one of them.

    I have NEVER had that in any other game I have ever played. It was actually one of the major reasons for me not playing this game again for over a year.

  • Drywatr
    Drywatr Member Posts: 135

    Unfortunately a lot of toxicity comes from people expecting an easy win and playing toxic when it doesnt happen. Until people see the game from both sides and change there mind set it'll never be non toxic

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    No. Never.

    Literally, never. Ever, ever.

    N E V E R.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    I'll be a one man human centipede if that happens

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    It depends on how you describe the "toxicity" in dbd, cuz it had many different meanings. Every person has their own definition of toxicity, so having a non-toxic community is impossible, not just in dbd, but in every game. For example, I think that facecamping at 5 gens is toxic. I believe that cocky swf, is toxic. But if we remove swf, then the people that only played swf will complain in the forums. When you fix one toxicness source, a different one will take its place. Not just here, in every game.

  • RamblinRango
    RamblinRango Member Posts: 389

    Have you seen the forums? Lmao

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    What do you consider toxic? The only toxic games I get are the ones that I end up having to report for racist or ######### ######### and that doesn't happen every 2 games.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
    edited December 2020

    Every community will have its toxic side which is impossible to get rid of

  • trick
    trick Member Posts: 159

    this guys an actual genius "PLAYING VS OTHER HUMAN BEINGS"

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    For the sake of humanity and fun in this game again I implore you to let me add more legs onto you.

    I disagree tbh. I know there are people who are genuinely nice and try to make the experience enjoyable for everyone but I feel like they're a minority, a very small one. I'd argue the toxic part is a minority too but certainly larger than the latter group.

    Feels like most people playing the game are bots tbh tho.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    The only way this game would not be toxic is if everyone who's playing now quit forever and only new players played it. And even then, the same cycle would repeat eventually. It is simply the nature of the game.

  • XXXPrinnyGodXXX
    XXXPrinnyGodXXX Member Posts: 31

    I main killer and it is like this. I 4k I tunnel, Cheat, Suck, kill myself. I get swept, I tunnel ,Cheat, Suck kill myself. Regardless of what I do im an ######### it appears.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Only if they bring in bots, because at this point only cold AI could fix this toxic mess of a gaming community.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804
    edited December 2020

    unless you change human nature on a massive scale then no, never gonna happen

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Sorry a gaming community cleaning up bad aittudes. Nah hell nah. That dream died a long time ago when we got bm apoligists spouting nonesense about how its a tactic bro. Because verbal abuse somehow translate to mindgames.

    Despite in early civilisation times of great war and famine early concepts of the olympics would ostrcise bad mannered athletes instead of worshiping them.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    As long as toxic behaviour is praised in a part of this community, nothing will change.

    + The report system is bad, because it provides 0 feedback.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    By what definition? This is a community where two people can argue about toxicity and one of them thinks toxicity doesn't even exist and even racial slurs are just """banter""", while the other might think even looking at the portrait of a strong killer or the SWF button on the main menu is against the Geneva convention or something.

    If you mean the most usual definition from my experience within gaming (mostly the "communications abuse" kind of jerk behavior) then not really. Can and should obviously ban people that can't control themselves from dishing out slurs and stuff like candy, but games banning people for all the ways people basically say "lol ur bad" is still a minority. And that's something some people will always do if you ask me.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    As long as survivors outnumber killers 4/1, and the Devs keep them in control of the game, they have no reason to not be toxic or #########.

    They bring in more money for the Devs so i highly doubt it will happen at all.

  • SaintDorks
    SaintDorks Member Posts: 252

    Pvp, draws out the worst in people tbh..Specially streamer bait.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    I dont believe this at all for a second. I play solo survivor all the time and rarely come across a toxic killer, and when I do its usually the type that brings a Mori cause you know their last game went bad.

    However almost every single game as killer, there is at least 1 ######### survivor in the group. It is by far way more rare to have a game that is enjoyable on fun on both sides than getting one with some toxic asshat in it.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    No, not enough people care to make the community nice, which is a shame.