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Event spoiling it for regular players

I play DBD survivor mostly and I like it how I need to do objectives, save people and escape. I have no want for these canker so I just want to play the game normally but this is not happening and often find I am the only one willing to do gens. Also getting killers message saying farm game. No I want a normal game. Just wish there was a way we could opt out or just play normally


  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Just wait it out. I'm sure that the really try hard people are getting close to done with the event. A couple more days and I would assume that things will go back to normal. Once you have 2 or so players in the lobby that don't need to collect then the games will go back to gen rush.

  • Manta
    Manta Member Posts: 117
    Whilst I'm doing the same as @branchini1979 and waiting until the end of the event to start playing again, it would be nice if there was a way to dodge it. 
    I like normal games, not farm and DC 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    in 2 weeks and a few days (until survivors gained some ranks again) the game will be back to normal

  • Skemooo
    Skemooo Member Posts: 194

    play killer and mori them farmers :P

  • apparatustime
    apparatustime Member Posts: 8
    I play DBD survivor mostly and I like it how I need to do objectives, save people and escape. I have no want for these canker so I just want to play the game normally but this is not happening and often find I am the only one willing to do gens. Also getting killers message saying farm game. No I want a normal game. Just wish there was a way we could opt out or just play normally
    Sam's here I get every other message saying farm and then the other matches are just doing crankers... idk it's an empty feeling. I'll only be doing my daily rituals til event is over.
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    I play DBD survivor mostly and I like it how I need to do objectives, save people and escape. I have no want for these canker so I just want to play the game normally but this is not happening and often find I am the only one willing to do gens. Also getting killers message saying farm game. No I want a normal game. Just wish there was a way we could opt out or just play normally
    Sorry to be this guy but my guess is you haven't played during an event before because if you haven't realised that this is the norm every time an event happens then I have no idea what rock you've been living under
  • Naiad
    Naiad Member Posts: 194

    I'm sorry you're not having fun. I'm a survivor main but when I'm playing killer during this event I'm trying to balance with those who want to farm and those who don't. I don't message people and just play as normal mostly, but if it looks like someone really wants their nectar I'll go easy on them. I'll also go a bit easier in the games that have someone that suicides after getting all the nectar they want.

    I do get groups of survivors who just want a normal game, and while that is usually a much harder game for me (I'm not that great at killer) it balances out when I get bad teams or those that want to give me a hook. So I let them play as normal as I know not everyone wants to farm.

    Hopefully in a few days it will settle down as those farmers will get their nectar pretty quickly.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869
    Dudddd said:
    Orion said:

    Don't play during events if you don't want to participate in them. That's all you can do.

    Are you a forum mod??? you’re on every post like god . I wish we could block people on the forums 
    What's your problem with them?
  • branchini1979
    branchini1979 Member Posts: 295
    Thanks for your comments and I am not alone, seems just a little wait till normal games. For now I am playing games, not for the enjoyment, but to at least get some bloodpoints to level up some of my less used survivors. BTW, say I did want to get my vials and take part. I work 9-5 Monday to Friday and often busy weekends, so for people that have busy lives, will never have time to fill up those vials, so guessing only way if I wanted outfits is to buy them... :-(
  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @Dudddd said:
    Orion said:

    Don't play during events if you don't want to participate in them. That's all you can do.

    Are you a forum mod??? you’re on every post like god . I wish we could block people on the forums 

    Not a mod, just very chatty. Mods have a yellow bar near their name that says "Mod" on it. Even though we butt heads on a few ideas, I think he would make a good Mod.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053
