The Demogorgon | Buffs and Addon rework

Of the Abyss

  • Increased the Undetectable Status Effect duration to 3 seconds after emerging from a Portal. (From 2 seconds, it's too short to be useful)
    • The loudness and hearing range of Demogorgon's footsteps are considerabely reduced while Undetectable. (The loudness is decreased by 50% and the hearing range is decreased by 8 meters from 16 meters)
  • When looking at already set Portal and wanting to teleport to it, the Demogorgon will skip the Portal setting phase and instantly start to dig up and teleport to the other Portal, this action takes 2 seconds from the normal 1 second to set the Portal and 1.5 seconds to enter the Portal. (This change saves you a small amount of time and it skips the annoying setting and entering the Portal phase)

Note: I know that most people want Rat Liver base kit, but with the new buff to Demo that fixed his lunge not connecting issue I think it isn't needed anymore.


Addons that are not on this list are fine and should stay as they are, also with the changes some of the addon names and descriptions will probably not match their effects.

Black Heart [RARITY: Common]

  • Moderately reduces the cool-down of missed Shred attacks. (By -0.5 seconds from -0.25 seconds, basically training wheels for new Demos)

Sticky Lining [RARITY: Uncommon]

  • Slightly reduces Of the Abyss recovery cooldown. (By -2 seconds)

Viscous Webbing [RARITY: Uncommon]

  • Moderately increases the time taken by Survivors to seal a Portal. (By 20%)

Mew's Guts [RARITY: Uncommon]

  • Increases the total number of available Portals by 1.
  • Slightly reduces the cool-down of successful Shred attacks. (By -0.25 seconds, this addon is useful for more experienced Demo players that actually hit their Shreds)

Barb's Glasses [RARITY: Uncommon]

  • Successful Shred attacks afflict Survivors with the Blindness Status Effect for 60 seconds.

Eleven's Soda [RARITY: Rare]

  • Successful Shred attacks afflict Survivors with the Hindered Status Effect for 15 seconds. (Reduces the movement speed of Survivors by 5%)

Thorny Vines [RARITY: Very rare] << [RARITY: rare]

  • Teleporting to a Portal that is being sealed or a Survivor is standing on will make them Injured.
  • Slightly increases Of the Abyss recovery cooldown. (By 2 seconds)

Brass Case Lighter [RARITY: rare]

  • Successful Shred attacks afflict Survivors with the Mangled Status Effect for 60 seconds.

Violet Waxcap [Rarity: Rare]

  • Moderately increases the duration of the Undetectable Status Effect when emerging from a Portal. (By 2 seconds from laughable 0.5 seconds)

Lifeguard Whistle [Rarity: Very rare]

  • Survivors that come in contact with a Portal suffer from the Oblivious Status Effect for 15 seconds.

Vermilion Webcap [Rarity: Very rare]

  • Considerabely increases the duration of the Undetectable Status Effect when emerging from a Portal. (By 3 seconds from laughable 1 second)
  • Survivors don't hear the map-wide sound effect when entering a Portal while outside of your Terror Radius.

Upside Down Resin [Rarity: rare] << [RARITY: VERY RARE]

  • Portals will start active when placed down on the ground.
  • Moderately increases the time taken by Survivors to seal a Portal. (By 20%)

Unknown Egg [Rarity: Very Rare]

  • Considerabely reduces Of the Abyss recovery cooldown. (By -3 seconds)

Leprose Lichen [Rarity: Ultra Rare]

I have a few ideas for this addon, the first one is to just improve what the addon already does.

  • Fresh Blood Marks are considerably more discernible than normal. (This is at all times)
  • Reveals the Aura of all Injured Survivors while traversing the Upside Down.
  • The Aura reading persists for 3 seconds after appearing from the Portal.

The second one is to just massively buff Demo's Shred, with the downside of decreasing his base movement speed.

  • Reduces the Demogorgon's base movement speed to 110% or 4.4m/s.
  • Missed and successful Shred attacks have their cooldown reduced by 1 second. (So to 1.25 seconds from 2.25 seconds for missed Shred attacks, and to 2 seconds from 3 seconds for successful Shred attacks)
  • Increases the Demogorgon's movement speed while charging Of the Abyss to 110% or 4.4m/s. (From 92% or 3.68m/s)
  • Does not stack.

Red Moss [Rarity: Ultra Rare]

  • Tremendously increases the duration of the Undetectable Status Effect when emerging from a Portal. (By 7 seconds from 8 seconds)
  • Survivors don't hear the map-wide sound effect when entering a Portal.
  • Considerabely increases Of the Abyss recovery cooldown. (By 6 seconds from 10 seconds)

I think that these changes would make the Demogorgon a slightly better Killer, I would love to hear what do you think about these changes! (Also I would really appreciate if the Devs gave me their feedback aswell :) @Peanits @Almo)


  • Chefboyarde
    Chefboyarde Member Posts: 13

    The immediately digging a portal sounds cool instead of placing then teleporting. I still wish that the sound cue when teleporting was taken out cause survivors still get a lot of information out of the scream. I also stilled likes your idea before about how the cool down of your teleporting ability was gone and was replaced with blocked portals. The reason liked it was because when I enter a portal immediately someone starts sealing it which is very annoying. I liked how the red add on ideas are they sound really cool. Still I was the sound cue was taken out an the idea of blocked portals sounds better than the regular cool down.

  • Chefboyarde
    Chefboyarde Member Posts: 13
    edited December 2020

    Also I wish that you were able to turn your shred more not a lot but enough that’s noticeable you know.

  • Chefboyarde
    Chefboyarde Member Posts: 13

    Hey peanits I was also wondering if there is any way to make lower add ons also not cue the map wide sounds effect instead of only higher ones. Or can go back with your old ideas and just take out the cue sound.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    He's an underrated killer.

    His Shred is fine where it is, rat liver just needs to be base kit.

    As for his portals, the global notification for the Demogorgon needs to go, or at least, give us add-ons to reduce the scream (e.g maybe an add-on makes him completely silent).

    That's all I would do without talking about his perks.

  • Chefboyarde
    Chefboyarde Member Posts: 13

    Yes all that I agree with but they should also lower the sound of his stomping