What survivor(s) do you feel indifferent towards?

So there are lots of threads about "which survivor do you like" and "which do you hate" and some variations of that, don't know if this was done yet but I feel like it'd be fun to do the opposite. Instead of sharing a survivor you have a strong opinion on, which survivor(s) do you have little to no opinion on?
To start this off, I really have no emotions towards Zarina. She has okay clothes and perks, but the players I play with are usually okay and never terrible or great. I also don't really care about her backstory.
Even though I like Zarina, I actually don't care much about her either. Lore was meh, outfits aren't the greatest, neither is her P3 but I like her face even though everything else i'm indifferent about. - Though her sounds when injured and hook are pretty accurate, she's actually crying and sobbing, not like some others..
I have little to no care about all the survivors besides: Kate, Meg, Nancy, Steve, and Cheryl. (Steve and Nancy is because I love Stranger Things as well from how DbD players play as them)
Most survivors don't bother me and or seem to jump out at me cause it's either cause their lore isn't all that interesting, they don't appeal to me cosmetic wise, or when I play as them their voice sounds weird when injured or on hook. - ex: Yui, Elodie, and Jane sounds like they are in R18+ stuff and Steve.. He sounds like an anime girl. 😆
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Zarina and Adam are indifferent to me. Both easily forgettable.
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Anyone who's name isn't Dweet 😉
Seriously my answer would be Adam, Jeff, Quentin, and Tapp since I rarely see them.
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felix is the most boring character released in my opinion. His perks don’t help his case
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The survivor who sensibly leaves if their teammate is hooked and they're the only one left and/or the killer has NOED. Look, I appreciate people who are bros and go for the endgame save, but if I am hooked and the deck is stacked against you, I'm not gonna hold it against you for saving your own skin. Better that than a free kill on top of the one they've already got.
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The only reason I haven't forgotten him (and more often than Zarina) is that I'm a blonde hair male who waited years for a blonde hair male. If I didn't have blonde hair, he'd probably be my #1, but I at least remember his cosmetics.
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i know many people would say tapp, but i main him alongside david, ace and claud. personally zarina seems very forgettable, despite having such nice cosmetics. adam and jeff are great characters as well but i see them very rarely