Devs have killed there own game....



  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I can put out the same information that some here have done so, but you are complaining about some things as if that's a bad thing. so quickly so you don't say i shouldn't have posted:

    1) auras, got changed back and they were trying for something new and it didn't work so it's changed back null point at this time.

    2) autohaven: though it is dark it is far from too dark to play and i have no filters and my monitor set to movie/cinema mode. perhaps you should check your settings.

    3) mori: it needed to be changed the change is good and the majority of people say it was good (even here on the forums). problem here though is the image of them being survivor sided by adding that in and not waiting for keys to get their due because now people will say when will keys be worked on and not a "future update" will suffice they now want a DATE so that the time line can be justified.

    so only your #3 had any substance so honestly if you think it's being killed off you are more than welcome to step away and go elsewhere if that is what you think is good for you, others make their own choice and the numbers do not bear out your conclusions.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Hey we got you a turd sandwich! Oh you dont like the turd sandwich? Here have a slice of cheese for your turd sandwich

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    The auras were changed purely because they were switching the graphics rendering of them for the future, it was just something that was meant ot happen purely under the hood, behind the scenes, it was not meant to affect how they looked and so that was fixed later, that was not a change they wanted to make so bad example.

    Auto haven is not too dark for me, maybe adjust your monitor settings a bit? my only problem is that its just kinda ugly looking, it does not form a whole but just individual parts scattered on a flat as a mirror surface, but regardless its weird to point out "going with the times in terms of graphics" as an unneeded change.

    Your reasoning for why the mori change is bad is flawed, "the only way to deal with toxic survivors ruining your day", one git gut and two, you did not know beforehand if anyone was going to be toxic and you do have to equipe a mori before the match you basically imply you brought a mori every match just in case?

  • ToeMad
    ToeMad Member Posts: 1

    You must be rank 10 or something as killer cus this game is not survivor sided, I agree some killers are straight garbage and do just get bullied but hey guess what thats why there's busted perks like NOED and Rancor so if that toxic survivor is that annoying use some busted perks and tunnel them. On the other hand you could play Myers and get a 4k easily with C tier perks and yellow add ons. The game is just terribly balanced on both sides and the only way to change that is for them to listen to the players which I have yet to see, and btw im saying all this from a killer main perspective devotion 4 level 50 and my Myers is P3.

  • jitterbug82
    jitterbug82 Member Posts: 1

    No they haven't. It just sounds as though you are a salty killer main. It was proven last month that this is killer sided because of the number of kills. Vs the number of people actually surviving. There is always complaining from both sides. If the games seems that unfair to you a simple solution exists here, don't play. I've only been playing for a yr and yes I play both killer and survivor. They both have pros and cons. Of the ge isn't going your way or the way you play isn't getting you the kills you want or need find a better strategy. I agree with the color blind part. Dont be part of the dbd community that constantly complains. Play or don't play but making a thread to get people on your side seems a little bit too much.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    Yea no don’t agree at all, so many people say the game is dying but in reality its way better from where it started,

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    The devs are updating the maps to a new standard and IMO they look better and play better than before, you may think they are uneeded but they bring a new experience to this game which prevents it from getting stale, the devs are making changed because they feel it is necessary.

    Mori's needed a nerf you say they are to stop toxic survivors but it is impossible to know they are toxic unless you have versed them before. Just because your not good enough t win against good survivors doesn't justify a OP game winning offering to remain as it is.

    Aura's were being tested as they wanted to update the look of the game, they kept testing them until we have what we have now and IMO they look better than before. Again no one is leaving the game over this.

    Auto haven may not have the best rework but it is better than what it used to be balance wise, sure it is harder to know where you are but that is technically a good thing and the new loops allow mindgames to be a thing and work when before in the majority of loops you couldn't do mindgames against good survivors.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,796
    edited December 2020

    It only looks like a massive downward slope if you compare now to the historical all-time high for player counts, which was in the middle of the 4th anniversary event, during summer vacation, and shortly after the launch of the Silent Hill DLC. Compare that to now, which is shortly after an original DLC launch (which had an abnormally high amount of issues and no new map) and is in the middle of finals for students. Now we have 10K daily login bonuses and a few code-based cosmetics, whereas in the 4th anniversary event we had consistent stacks of five gateaux making every match worth like 100-150K BPs, and a fun crown-collecting event on top of that.

    The fact that the player count is still 85-90% of that peak is pretty impressive imo and not a bad sign at all.

  • Maddmaxx
    Maddmaxx Member Posts: 17

    You weren't forced to make this you made it cause you wanted to complain

  • Maddmaxx
    Maddmaxx Member Posts: 17

    Anybody who is like "yeah I have 1000 hours" is always going to think the game is dying and broken. Then they say there leaving and comeback in a week because they like the game to much

  • MPGamer18
    MPGamer18 Member Posts: 124

    With Mori's nerfed, unskilled killers are just tunneling and camping even more now. I just can't comprehend how bad these people are at this. It's literally not that hard to play as killer if you put the work in. Yet you all struggle to do the basics while ruining the experience for everyone else just so you can get a 4K.

    I've never played toxic in almost 4 years, but last night after back-to-back-to-back matches against these god awful players who have no business being near my rank, we'd had enough and played as toxic as humanly possible towards these killers. If that's what the developers intended ... great job. Perhaps it's time for the Devs to allow for blood points to be earned in Kill your Friends so these scabs will stay far away from multiplayer.

  • jordawolf
    jordawolf Member Posts: 2

    Yea I agree I play Feng Min and I run abilities that help me escape the killer and leave him behind like nothing I purposely go looking for the killer just to waste his/her time since I know that the abilities that I have will save me with no consequence.

  • Felixs_Jawline
    Felixs_Jawline Member Posts: 2

    I think the Mori nerf was needed, the key nerf is coming soon as well.

  • nixtunes
    nixtunes Member Posts: 56

    OMG THANK YOU. It actually kills me seeing people do that, but I can't usually be assed to write a post about it. For the love of Christ people, good grammar is not hard.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    For me it is lose/loose. Especially when they claim it is just a typo despite using it wrong four times in the same post.

  • HexSmolPP
    HexSmolPP Member Posts: 62

    This is hilarious 😂 Survivor sided now?! Dude, this game is almost perfectly balanced. Maybe the slightest Survivor sided but not by much. Complaining about Killer when it's literally the easiest its been in years 😂 Played Killer last night for first time in a couple weeks and slaughtered Red Ranks.... Majority Red Ranks are Boosted, actual good Survivors are a dying breed. There is very little left. Can't believe when you kids are this bad at a game you come here and whine and say the game is Survivor sided by a lot haha. Time to grow up and get good at the game. If you can't handle that, go play something that's more fitting for your skill level.

  • angryliven
    angryliven Member Posts: 39

    who are you talking about? both sides ask nerf? yes, but it just happens that only the surviving part of the nerfs, why? the game BECAME UNPlayable, it all started with the RUIN nerf, then all the other nerfs that weren't supposed to be, ESPECIALLY THE MORI, started! what are we talking about? the devs must not think that they are the epic games, that they can do whatever they want, because anyway there are people who are bored like me, and have abandoned the game, I'm doing it, game already uninstalled, but only because now the survivors do not they are more afraid of the killer, this game has become meaningless. over and out. see you next time.

  • angryliven
    angryliven Member Posts: 39

    if you all say that the mori is the best change in the last 3 years, then do we bring RUIN back as it was before? just that perk and you're all dead because you don't know how to do the skills, that's all ....

  • bluedusef
    bluedusef Member Posts: 288

    SOLO players need help in this game man. all it takes is a SOLO team, one hard camping killer and its pretty much GG unless survivors do gens, which half of them dont do because they are new to the game. the matchmaking has got to be one of the worst ive seen in any popular online game.

    id rather wait another 5 mins in the queue to match with players of similar skill either side then get teammates who are rank 19-17 and a killer who cant play the killer they are using so they resort to hardcamping the first player or two they hook. its completely boring......

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    The problem with that is in a game like that, your statistics can be so skewed, and wrong that there are so many factors that come in, and than they look at straight up ideas rather than over lining reasons.

    For example

    Dead Hard: that's in every high rank survivor game, along with sprint burst. But it hasn't been nerfed, or made worse it's still strong as ever.

    Old Ruin: it bullied new survivors cause they couldn't land greats, but it was in so many games not because it was so strong but because it was a passive slow down, that did the job if they made a mistake.

    But now Pop Goes the Weasel is in the works to get a nerf, because it "lasts too long".

    Than these 3 new killer perks are questionable, at most oppression is alright but not great, but 2 of the 3 surv perks are pretty good.

    Than DS got it's "nerf" which still does it's job at end game, and if anything makes the killer waist more time because if he slugs you than he has to wait a minute to pick you up, or you get picked up anyways. Which means survs just use it early game to bum rush hooks and kill momentum.

    But than we have trapper who still needs help, we have piggy who needs a ton of help.

  • Money_Mike
    Money_Mike Member Posts: 22

    This was so hard to read because of all the incorrect grammar and punctuation. Goddamn.

  • Devour_soap3193
    Devour_soap3193 Member Posts: 18

    The only thing that bothers me, is whether people want to admit it or not, the Devs favour the Survivor fun more than the killer. I mean all it takes is for the Survivor main community to complain about something 9/10 times it happens. It will be the same with undying it will be nerfed sooner or later and it's looking like the same with Freddy, hopefully it's nothing to major. I once had a debate on Twitter that keys aren't as bad as Moris lmao

  • Devour_soap3193
    Devour_soap3193 Member Posts: 18

    I'm sorry I dont agree it all. The only time the game was easier for killer was with old ruin, it seems like majority of the Survivor community have upped their game and I say this because pop and BBQ was once a viable combination but in today's meta it's just not. That's why ruin & undying is seen all the time, ruin does so much more than pop ever can imho

  • LynetteKelly
    LynetteKelly Member Posts: 2

    Experience the apk mod android versions for the game to not encounter these schools.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Hrm. The DEV have killed their own game... and yet... it continues on... vital.... and malicious. DbD must be one of the Undead, feeding on our essence. :) Seriously? This game has been declared dead more times than I can count. Lazarus has nothing on DbD. Look, I know it is frustrating when they make a rule call you don't like. I don't agree with every change they make either. However, I think hyperbole is rather pointless. When the game is truly dying, we will all know and nobody will have to post about it.

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    "mori was put in the game for a reason to be a quick and easy kill if your really struggling to catch people."

    thats not the reason they were added. People started using them that way, for sure. But thats not the reason for them. Too often we'd see sweaty killers tunneling after first hook and mori'ing at 5gens. The change was definitely needed.