How about shape buff ?

Everyone remembers michael myers in the films was unstoppable, but in dbd he is rather weak, It would be canonical to do it like in the movie, it's very simple.
My idea:
Evil Within III:
Pallet break speed is doubled (from 2.6 seconds to 1.3 seconds, stacks with brutal strength)
Movement speed during Evil Within III increased to 5.0 m/s (125%)
Also change some addons.
Waiting for your comments on this ;)
This is too much. I’d rather just make it easier to tier up and give him an add-on pass.
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This is way too much. The main problem with Myers is the detriment of T1 not T3 lacking although that is sort of a problem.
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I would love to see Mikey buffed but this is probably to much.
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Tier 3 is already so powerful. What Myers needs is for tier 1 to be taken out (Scratched mirror could be changed to make you undetectable and decrease your speed)
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Just make tier 1 ignore Spine Chill again. That's all I want.
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I don't think you realize how fast 5.0 m/s is. That's like a constantly phasing Spirit who can insta-down and medium vault.
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I'd so love to see some shape buffs. Even when he's not the worst killer, good looper can shut him down pretty hard and deny him stalks for a while if they break LOS well.
T1 needs some buffs the most, it makes him the worst early game killer which is a damm shame. T3 could also use some small updates to make it a bit more scary.
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I had this idea if you want to take a look
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T1 110%, ignores spine chill
T3 120%
That's all.
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Myers can easily get some buffs, over the years he got powercreeped. But not the Buffs you are mentioning, it seems like you dont see how important Movement Speed is. You dont want to mess with that.
The Pallet Break is also really fast.
IMO they should do something about Tier 1, let it ignore Spine Chill again (as it used to be, before they introduced Undetectable) and maybe add a passive Build-Up for EW1(similar to Oni, but faster) so that Myers is not completely lost on large Maps.
Also his Add Ons can get some work, the Movement Speed Increase Add-Ons while stalking can be changed to something else, since going from super-slow to slow while stalking is not useful. The god-awful Vanity Mirror can get his Movement Speed Debuff removed. Maybe some Buffs to Duration Add Ons.
But overall, I think working on his Add Ons and doing something for Evil Within 1 would be enough to make him better.
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Spirit during power speed 176 % without addons, I suggest making Michael 125% during T3. I think is balanced buff.
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Shape doesn't need buff.
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I dont think you realize how disgustingly fast 125% is, especially with a killer that can instadown.
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Remove Evil within tier 1.
It has absolutely no excuse to still exist in 2020 DBD considering how fast matches are.
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Guys, i know what I know it seems a little strong, but do not forget that the T3 still needs to be recruited and it lasts 60 seconds. I think that the movement speed and speed of breaking pallets is exactly what Michael needs. Firstly, it would be canonical, and secondly, he will no longer be fun for the survs, but a serious rival. Although what I'm talking about, there are more than half of the survivors playing with the decasive strike and deadhard while whining on the spirit and nurse.
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It also doesn't give him any additional anti loop outside of a marginal vault speed boost and an easily countered lunge. It's outdated. He's a relic of simpler power design.
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I can't agree with you at 100%
Actually, The Shape has one of the biggest win rate according to the official stats. So buffing him would be really too much (and I play killer and survivor 50/50 so i'm not a frustrated survivor main, plus I main the Shape)
BUT... because I main the Shape, I can tell he needs, not a buff, but a REWORK. Yes, almost half of his add ons are useless, nobody never use them at all (here I mean the boyfriend note, the jewlry and every add ons that increase stalking speed). So yes, some add ons should REALLY get a rework.
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By time you've stalked with him powered up 4 gens are done already. It's a character that isn't worth playing because if you end up on wrong map with lots to hide behind. His useless.
His pretty much a 4 man escape for survivors if your don't get brown rank survivors.
You come into a 4 man swf lobby ans you lost already. Unless you get lucky.
Defo needs a buff to even be a viable killer.
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Making the killer move faster with a one-hit down on a long timer, plus basically free stacking Brutal Strength, would be overwhelming.
That said, Myers has a really hard time. He has way too much wind-up, and he's very feast-or-famine, because either you snowball with an early multi-down, or you are behind for the rest of the match. If he can't capitalize on every tier III EW, he can't win. Once you know the killer is Myers, you put him at a big disadvantage by just staying spread out at all times.
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Honestly I think giving T3 faster pallet breaking speed would be enough of a buff to T3.
Myer's main issue is really T1 and any buff to Myers should definitely be focused on improving T1 Myers.