Wraith will become dangerous when he gets buffed

When he is fully invisible he'll be like spirit where you can't tell what he's doing making his hit and run strategy very strong
On top of that if they make a windstorm addon basekit i honestly believe he'll have a decent chance against a good swf
Wraith doesn't need any buffs. He is fine how he is.
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No he is not, his map pressure is abysmal (unless he is running speed add-ons) and he has very limited chase potential.
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i doubt he is just going to get restrictionless full invisibility tbh.
there is probaply gonna be a catch somewhere - maybe he is only gonna be full invisible when he is Xm away from the survivors, maybe full invisibility is only gonna take effect after a short while of being cloaked, etc
lets wait, see and hope for the best
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As a Wraith main, incorrect. He is one of the most add-on dependent killers in the game. He doesn't need major buffs or a rework, just something to make him not so add-on dependent. Besides, Devs have already said he's getting some, so no point in saying he doesn't need any.
At Topic, I doubt it'll be completely true invisibility. I see him getting something similar to Freddy, true invisibility up until 16 or maybe 8 meters, at which point his shimmer will come back. He also could definitely use some more speed while cloaked, but we won't know until it comes out.
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That's why they should stop nerfing killer perks. Thanataphobia was great on the wraith.
But when tru3 consistently 4k w the wraith w thanataphobia, the devs decided to nerf it.
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Full invisibilty (at least all ranges) would be silly. It will also do nothing against players with ears, Wraiths ambient noises are incredibly loud and directional.
Windstorm should be basekit, he can counter some loops now with his uncloak lunge, his major problem is mobility.
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Do you seriously think the devs nerf something because of one person? I think Wraith should have a good base kit and should not have to rely everything on perks.
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they dont nerf a eprk because one person is getting 4ks lmao
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Well than, it was just spectacular timing than.
Otherwise NOBODY complained about thanataphobia. Or brought up to even think about nerfing. Other than tru3. Than other YouTubers made videos of this play. And it became a thing, short lived, cuz the devs chopped that tree right down.
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Than why was it nerfed? And this whole game relies on perks.
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They could also make shadowborn wraith base kit. So he can use 1 more perk. Instead of running shadowborn every time.
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I don't want to sit here and discuss perk nerfs when the thread isn't about that. But here, go read the developer update (you will have to scroll down and you will find the perk): forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/194208/
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I personally don't care if Wraith goes fully invisible, because I wear headphones and can hear his gross nasty disgusting breathing, and I'm a #SprintBurstGamer, but I do hope that for the sake of players who do not play with headphones (some players are unable to, for whatever reason- I myself could not use headphones when I played handheld on the switch due to a faulty audio jack), Wraith isn't completely invisible when he is a certain measure of distance from the survivor. With the right uncloak speed, completely invisible Wraith would be very difficult to avoid a hit from if you're on a gen in a dead zone.
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Of course the devs not gonna say they changed it due to 1 person. How silly is that?
Killers rely on perks so do survivors.
It's just how it is.
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I hope so
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wraith already is with the right addons, hell he even has one to see auras while cloaked, and he can get around the map at a decent pace too while also silencing the bell completely or the red stain and terror radius briefly too for ambushes he's far from useless especially for an og killer in 2020's state. I'd rather use him than trapper or hillbilly. or also nurse, but only because I'm bad at nurse and not gonna spend the time getting a phd with her just to play a video game.
wraith was my favorite killer to goof off and troll with actually. I spent some times using the brown for the cloaked terror radius with distressing sometimes, just to see how people reacted to it and a few times they wondered in end chat if the killer was bugged in the match which was hilarious, that worked perfectly standing in the middle of the courtyard in middlewich. Other times I would use insidious, distressing, and monitor and then turn around and camp cloaked with him to see if anybody would notice it in the end game that I was using stupid perks like that for it. I also liked pretending to be an afk wraith and then scoring a couple of kills or more with a sudden bloodwarden at the end especially if they were too lazy to find all the bones and noed was active. So he's even fun and funny to dick around with too
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I don't think full invisibility means that all the way up close, I think it just means at a range you can't even see him when cloaked, probably like 24 meters or less with addons which they might change 1-2 to be full cloaked from a closer range
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Wasnt the thana change long after Trues video? And didnt True change his build before that to PGTW instead of thana?
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The problem with Wraith is his power doesn't really help him down survivors. He can go 'invisible' but you can still see him. Then he has to uncloak and by the time he has a survivor has already run a good distance away.
I'm not sure how true invisibility will help him when you can probably still hear his footsteps, and then there's spine chill.
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Yea he did. Than later the devs changed it. It's not like Tru only played that build.
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I doubt the devs are even watching any streamers actively.
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Buffing his hit and run strategy is a very good thing for him since that is basically the only way to play him effectively.
He will not be too strong because he is a basic M1 killer when it comes to looping but he will get a lot more chances to get hits.
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it would need to be an addon to not even get the predator effect and the flickering and NOT a constant default thing, or else spine chill would be an absolute requirement if too many people decided to play him on top of other stealth killers suddenly especially once freddy gets made trash
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not seeing him outside of 24 meters not being able to see him would not singlehandedly bring back spinechill, him being more popular for a few days will then it will die back out unless people get addicted to spinechill (because thats how it starts)
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If you have a killer who needs one of two add ons in there build to function on a meta level then you have a problem. I have payed many games without windstorm and its night and day in terms of performance. These no bell wraiths are incredibly unreliable. Unless you force a map offering you can end up on blood lodge and suddenly your sweet no bell wraith is gonna have a bad time. This applies to all open maps and that without addressing the swf weakness of relaying his movement across map so you fully negate his stealth advantage or just decent headphones and his little pitter patter footsteps. Insert not everyone swf excuse. Its an issue address it.
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They just need to make it an option rather than a perk.
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To anyone that thinks wraith is fine as is.... are you playing dbd or cyberpunk? Lolol
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....what are you talking about? tru3 playing wraith was more than/around a year ago son.
their intention with thana was to BUFF it anyway. they should've done better, but they're intention was not "Hey guys, Tru3 played Wraith pretty well more than a year ago, so we're gonna nerf this perk that he used in one of his builds!"
you're totally one of those people who thinks the devs are out to get tru3. they dont care about his performance with a killer man lol. literally BUFFING wraith btw.
thana isnt even in wraith's best build anyway. many holes in what you say.
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I don't think the full invisibility will break wraith, because he still has to uncloak which takes a few seconds and he makes a lot of noise so survivors can hear him nearby.
Even then I don't think he'll be fully invisible if he gets close to survivors either so the main thing the buff will do is allow him to approach people from a distance without getting spotted as open maps are hard for Wraith because you can easily see him coming.
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But here's the thing. Survivors don't need perks. Killers do. And if you think Survivors need perks to escape, you're sadly mistaken lol
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You can hear him walk and breath so that would not be any problem, and also they will probably buff basekit and nerf addons. So if it's a buff it will be a small one.
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He does need help. He can be a good killer, but you always need to run windstorm add-on's to even have a chance, it's basically mandatory.
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spine chill is good anyways because of the vault boost, while unlike resilience you don't need to be injured to be able to get the boost in a chase since while being chased they're usually looking at you lol. resilience combined sometimes felt like it helped me avoid some of the less bad 'bs laggy' hits after vaulting too. It also made survivor very chillaxle so i wound up using spine chill most of the time, even preferred over ds since I didn't get to use ds much unless I was trying deliberately with spine chill most of the time.
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It's not that the devs actively watch streamers.
But ppl present the videos to the devs to encourage nerfs.
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I suppose. But they do care about streamers.
Otherwise why would they ask ppl which streamers they follow?
Every survey since I started dbd asked me which streamers I watch/follow.
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No I think ur right. Killers need it more than survivors.
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so freddy has that if ur awake but thats not op but if its a stealth killer it is? bro
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Don't worry, he'll still be the worst Killer.
This is me trying to make people keep underestimating him so he gets more.
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Good! They've been sleeping on the Bing-Bong-Boi for too long. It's his time to shine!
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That's the point of buffing 🤣😂
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You can buff something and it could still be weak and you don't get what I'm saying maybe if you didn't drop out of 7th grade you would understand
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He'll still need 5 cocking seconds before he can so much as interact with you.
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very weak provocation attempt 😂🤣
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Not gonna do you dirty cause I'll probably get banned but anyways you actually add nothing useful to the topic you're kinda just here lol
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Last time I cared about insults from random internet person #32355544 was a loooooonnngggg time ago, I think it was in Ultima Online where I stopped caring... there is nothing you can do 😊
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Still haven't said anything useful lol you're so irrelevant done wasting time replying
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Yeah but he's the king of camping and only Leatherface is better at it.
And like it or not camping wins games.
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I agree with you whole heatedly. Anybody who claims wraith is fine plays very little wraith and plays with strong add-ons