The Legion should be the first AI killer if they got fully reworked

AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,057
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think it would make sense that The Legion would be the first AI killer since it matches with their lore and that they're a small group that kills ppl.

My idea would be that 3 of the Legion members (AI) goes and does tasks like patrolling gens (only after the killer has gotten their first hit in the early game), patrolling chests to defend chest opening, defend totems, etc...

I am not sure if the AI should be able to attack survivors. I think it would be best if they would not be able to attack survivors because otherwise, it would get way too complicated. For example, if the AI is patrolling gens, if they hear that the gen has been worked on, they will kick the gen and continue doing tasks (even if they see the survivor going hiding). It may just be the best outcome if they would have AI.

I'm not entirely sure about if the AI should have all of the 3 Legion members doing tasks together as a group or if the group should do tasks separately (I'm counting the members as 3 because one of the Legion members would have to be you that controls the killer).

Tell me your thoughts on this and if you would be interested in The Legion having an AI power.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334
    edited December 2020

    Yeah, Legion was horribly designed. They're not a legion, they're solo killers. LOL what was the point? When their power is just generic "Run fast, stabby stabby" it was a huge let down. I'm not saying their power isn't fun, I'm saying it does not suit them at all.

    LEGION should operate more like the twins, but without switching control. You choose which Legion member you want to play as pre-game with customization. This is the "Leader", and they can call on their friends to assist them.

    Feral Frenzy remains the same, but Legion's movement speed is reduced to 110% again. Alternatively, remove Feral Frenzy entirely but Keep Legion's speed at 115%. You have a second ability with a long cooldown that calls on Members of the Legion to assist you:

    * While targeting a Survivor with Deep Wounds, can call on a random member of the Legion to harass deeply wounded Survivors. They'll spawn at an random interval between 1-10 seconds after the Survivor begins to Mend/Repair/Heal/Cleanse/Search. This Legion member moves at 105% speed towards their target (They'd have to program some AI) and lasts for a short duration before disappearing, and does not have a Terror Radius.

    (This will only down a survivor if they are not paying attention, due to this AI Legion not having a Terror Radius. If they are, it shouldn't be too difficult to run away or loop them until they expire. In the end, it will waste a single Survivor's time about as much as Mending would, it's just more active.)

    * While targeting a Survivor in the Dying State, you call on a random member of the Legion to pick them up and transport them to the nearest hook. This Legion member can be blinded easily, as they do not look away. They will swing at any Survivor in their direct path, but will not chase outside of the most direct path to their intended hook. If they drop the Survivor for any reason, they despawn.

    (This allows Legion to keep pressure up, but also sets Survivors up for easy counterplay with Flashlights and pallets, as the AI legion will not play around these. Still, being able to get AI Legions to assist with hooking survivors allows the main Legion to apply pressure elsewhere, or even escort their AI to the hook.)

    * While targeting nothing, call on a random member of the Legion to stand guard there. They will spawn after a visible short delay, and stand in place for a short duration. Any Survivor that comes near will be marked by Killer's Instinct for a short duration, after which the Legion member will despawn. This Legion member will attack any Survivor that comes nearby, but they will not move from their set location. Stunning, blinding, or being hit by this Legion will cause it to despawn. Automatically expires if they are within 16 meters of a Hooked Survivor.

    (Probably most useful for winning loops, by placing them in a location where they will block a Survivor's movement, or force them to take an inefficient path and not make the loop in time. Can also be used to temporarily (unlike Victor's permanently) guard important locations like Totems, Gens, and Pallets.)

    Post edited by Felnex on
  • Bludbug
    Bludbug Member Posts: 5

    The way legion is now, a large number of people enjoy playing them, and taking that away entirely would not be a great idea. An AI based killer wouldn't be fulfilling to play either because everything done by the killer power is just an AI and is not attributed to the players knowledge and skill with the power. Getting value of any sort with the power would feel unsatisfying compared to how legion currently plays in my opinion.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048

    I like your approach. Definitely some changes and additions I'd like made to it, but great template in my opinion. You would have to figure out how to get it to work with all the different inputs needed. Being able to activate Frenzy, using specific Legion members, and telling them all what to do.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    This would probably be too difficult to balance and extremely buggy. It would be cool if the 4 members of Legion had slightly different stats, like smaller TR, faster frenzy but slower nonfrenzy speed, etc. But I don't think AI is a good idea for this game.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    The thing about re-working killers is that you kind of ruin the game for people who already liked their power. I don't think legion needs a full re-work but more of just a few number tweaks and deep wound being buffed to be more scary.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I think the devs said they don't like the idea of AI controlled killers/killer-powers because:

    - if the AI is too good the killer will basically be a win by default with no input requirement from the person playing the killer.

    - if the AI is NOT good the person playing the killer will blame the AI for their losses.