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General Discussions

List what perks you want to be reworked?

I made this list so the devs can see what perks we want changed for better. Name perks that need to change and become viable. Or the ones that need to be nerfed. Try and name forgotten and overused perks and list your ideas for them for game health.

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  • Member Posts: 292

    Diversion now how has gains despite being inside a chase.

  • Member Posts: 4,699
    edited December 2020


    Its greatly overshadowed by spine chill making it useless.

    And quick question

    Does anyone remember no one left behind?

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    Solidarity: Upon healing another survivor solidarity stacks up charges at a half rate (16 charges to fill up or 2 full heals). Whenever you're injured, you are afflicted by the broken status effect. If solidarity is active, you're injured and not in chase It will drain one charge per second and heal to to the healthy state after 16 charges.

  • Member Posts: 214

    Ooh, that's interesting! As someone who has been using Solidarity a lot regularly, it'd be an interesting change to see. For now, I'd like to bot get screwed over from co-op healing :(

  • Member Posts: 191

    Too strong / annoying: Undying, NOED, DS, Object of Obsession,

    Too weak (I think this is going to be a long one...)

    - For survivor: Fixated, Aftercare, Blood pact, Flip flop, distortion, Open handed, ace in the hole, better toghether, red herring, mettle of man, vigil, dark sense, solidarity, pharmacy, poised, leader, off the record, diversion, stake out, streetwise, autodidact, breakdown, buckle up, second wind, small game, lightweight, calm spirit, technician, wake up, camaraderie, left behind, baby sitter, visionary, boil over, lucky break, premonition, up the ante, no one left behind, sole survivor, this is not happening, no mither.

    A lot of these perks just need better numbers and cooldowns, their effect is fine but you just don't get to use them that often in game or they are not impactful enough.

    -For killer: Spies from the shadows, remember me, stridor, Hex: Huntress Lullaby, Blood Warden, Distressing, Hangman's trick, Iron Maiden, Nemesis, fire up, knock out, mad grit, coulrophobia, dying light, Hex: third seal, coup de grâce, deerstalker, iron grasp, dead man's switch, overcharge, unnerving presence, overwhelming presence, blood echo, deathbound, Hex: Thrill of the hunt, beast of prey, furtive chase, forced pennance, Hex: blood favour, unrelenting, cruel limits, zanshin tactics, territorial imperative, gearhead, predator, monstrous shrine.

    Unlike the survivor ones, most of these need a whole rethink. Their problem most of the times comes from all of the conditions that need to happen for them to do something, and that something might still be underwhelming.

    told ya it was gonna be a long one.

  • Member Posts: 1,122

    Survivor: No Mither, Sole Survivor, Up The Ante, Pharmacy, Wake Up!, Vigil, Boil Over, Distortion, Poised (minor), Buckle Up, Babysitter, Camaraderie, Second Wind (minor), Lightweight

    Killer: Predator, Bloodhound, Shadowborn, Stridor (minor), Beast of Prey, Furtive Chase, Mindbreaker, Cruel Limits, Gearhead (minor), Hex: Blood Favor, Coup de Grace, Monstrous Shrine

    Except for the ones I listed as minor, which really just need numbers or usage tweaks, these perks range from barely useful to watered down versions of better perks to downright useless. Steve, Quentin, and Wraith in particular are disappointing because they have some of the weakest Teachables in the game all in one character.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Why do you want Pharmacy and Lightweight to get reworked? Both of the perks do exactly what they are supposed to do and they are both pretty good perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,081
  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Survivor: Decisive strike, dead hard, no mither, second wind, and deja vu.

    Killer: Undying (slight nerf only), gearhead, Hex: blood favor, and NOED.

  • Member Posts: 15

    Object of obsession - While in a chase with the killer, you're aura is shown to all survivors. When escaping the chase from the killer, the survivors see the killers aura for 3/4/5 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Deer Stalker: Its effect is fine... I just don't think it is enough. Maybe do the whole aura intensity thing corresponding to how close they are to recovered.

    Distressing: Effect actively harms you. Needs like... a 5% slowdown of everything or something as well.

    Insidious: A Camper's dream, useless otherwise. Don't know how to fix it. E for 5s of undetectable with a 100/90/80s CD maybe?

    Iron Grasp: The only thing it does is done way better by Agitation. Maybe make it so Grasp makes chucking a Survivor on hook really fast?

    Monstrous Shrine: Worst perk in the game that promotes camping basement... yeah.

    Spies From the Shadows: Inconsistent because of crow spawns. Also it has too much overlap in purpose and range vs Whispers. Not bad, but just... why would you run this? I'd like for it to be increased to like... 48 meters or more and reveal the Survivors Aura for 5s with a CD of like 40/35/30 seconds.

    This is not happening: Its just... very meh.

    There's a few other perks in the Survivor base kit that need buffed. No One Left Behind could be good if it turned on when Exit Gates are powered instead of opened. Premonition needs a shorter CD but there's nothing wrong with what it does. Lightweight could be 2/3/4 seconds faster but again, nothing wrong with what it does. Why did I only post things in base sets? Because what would make this game's grind significantly less bad is if your starting tool belt didn't suck.

  • Member Posts: 4,884

    Overwhelming Presence

    This perk is way too situational to be useful, and even when you can get it to proc, it doesn't do all that much.

    It'd be cool to have a different type of anti-item perk, but it'd have to be made much stronger to compete with Franklin's Demise.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    All of the useless perks on Ace, Jeff, Ash, etc. You just know which ones I'm talking about, or you could look at play rates. Let me list a specific one though: Premonition. Why is it still in the game when we have Spine Chill, which is better than Premonition in every way? I don't know what buff needs to be made, but please make Premonition a playable perk instead of meme tier.

  • Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2020

    Sole Survivor and Fire Up. I have plenty more but here’s just a taste:

    Fire Up

    The increased pressure of losing your prey fills you with unsuspecting motivation.

    Every time a generator is fully repaired, Fire Up activates for 60/70/80 seconds. While Fire Up is active:

    • Gain a stackable bonus of 20% to picking up and dropping Survivors, breaking pallets and breakable walls, damaging generators, vaulting, successful and missed basic attack cooldowns, and searching lockers.

    When the exit gates are powered, Fire Up is active indefinitely.

    Sole Survivor

    As more of your friends fall to the Killer, you become shrouded in isolation.

    Each time an ally gets hooked, the range in which the Killer can see your aura is reduced by 6/7/8 meters.

    Receive a notification when the Killer is attempting to read your aura.

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    I used Monstrous Shrine once... someone got a kobe in the basement.

  • Member Posts: 811

    To be honest, almost all perks except some 15 perks, needs to be changed to be in pair with the meta.

    They're too weak and devs are afraid to change to drastic number. They PTB for nothing I guess? They could release perks change every week in the PTB to see the outcome and release it to live servers.

  • Member Posts: 360
    edited December 2020

    OoO - when the killer is able to see your aura, you see their aura in unison. You can see their aura for an additional 1/2/3 seconds.

    Poised - After a generator is repaired, Poised activates. While walking, press the Active Ability button to hide your scratch marks for 4/5/6 seconds. Poised does not stack with consecutively repaired generators.

    Babysitter - For as long as the unhooked survivor remains injured, the next time their aura would be read, your aura will get shown to the Killer instead. This can only be done once per unhook. Unhooking someone else will cancel the previous survivor’s aura protection. In the instance that both the unhooker and hooked survivor are running this perk, this effect will not work.

    NOED - remove the hex part of the perk. When all generators are repaired, gain a token for each totem still standing in the trial. For each token, gain a 2% movement speed increase. This movement speed remains permanent regardless if any totems get cleansed after the gens are done. Hitting a survivor with a basic attack blocks the Exit Gates for that survivor for 5/7/9 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    Yeah I thought solidarity could be more useful if you could save the heal at the cost of being the only way to heal from the injured state.

  • Member Posts: 234

    Not a rework, but definitely a buff to Boil Over. At rank 3, I should not need Petrified Oak or another survivor running interference to wiggle free.

  • Member Posts: 2,068

    Suggested changes:

    Monstrous Shrine:

    Buff the perk to - Survivors have 3 less escape attempts, and sacrifice progresses 25% faster when hooked in the basement.

    Explanation - 25% of 2 mins is 30 seconds, or subtracting 15 seconds from each hook phase, adding in the fact that unless the survivors bring in Slippery Meat, they'll have to be rescued by their teammates... This makes being hooked in the basement a much more dire situation than current Monstrous Shrine. Sometime after Hag came out the devs doubled the hook time from 1 min to 2 meaning survivors used to only have 30 seconds per hook phase, And current monstrous Shrine was designed with these the old timings in mind. This suggestion is a sort of middle ground between how hooking used to be in the early days of the game, and how it is now, while only applying to the basement hooks, and finally updates Monstrous Shrine for the current 2 minute sacrifice timing.

    Spies From the Shadows:

    Overhaul the perk to - The Crows no longer respond to your presence, you see the auras of all crows within 36 meters of you, and disturbed crows are 100% louder to you within that range.

    Explanation - This proposal gets rid of the confusing/annoying explosion sound notifications and replaces it by making the crows noisier so you can differentiate between them and a gen popping, you get no false signals since crows no longer respond to you, and they basically become little signal flares to tell you where survivors are. If this change were to happen, Spies would become an overall better tracking tool, and really fit the description of the perk which says: "The Crows found in the world can communicate directly with you." Besides, survivors still have 2 perks that defeat this: Calm Spirit, Urban Evasion, so it's not like this would be an un-counterable or broken change for the perk. If they also put some more crows in dead zones, that would be nice for helping this perk gain a better level of consistency and usefulness (Seriously, Rotten fields features no Scarecrows, but the crows completely avoid the corn field... #########?).


    Remove the cooldown and the Basic Attack requirement.

    Explanation - Honestly this has been hotly debated in the forums since Surge came out because the fact remains that in order to activate Surge at all, you have to successfully down a survivor while within range of a gen that has progress on it. Chasing and downing a survivor takes enough time as it is, and the minor 8% damage Surge does if it activates is hardly consequential since it would take 12 survivor downs in order to achieve a stacked 96% damage to 1 or more gens. PGTW does 300% damage to gens in the same amount of hooks, and Ruin Does more damage per second without needing to down or hook a survivor. While this won't improve the overall damage Surge can do, removing the basic attack requirement will at least allow killers with damaging powers to get some use out of it, and removing the cooldown will allow it to become a slightly more consistent annoyance to survivors. It won't make it any more broken than any other existing gen defense perks, but at least it would be more useful.


    Remove or significantly lower the cooldown.

    Explanation - This perk doesn't even add extra damage to the gens it affects (unless survivors fail the "Difficult" skillcheck), only applies the base regression rate, and can randomly target gens that have 0 progress on them, but for some awful reason the devs decided that it was so powerful that it deserved DOUBLE the cooldown time (80 seconds) of Surge? At least Surge won't activate on gens that have 0 progress... Why does Oppression deserve such an excessive cooldown time? If it's because of the skillcheck, that's a laughable annoyance more than anything that could be considered a threat.

    Fire Up:

    Buff the perk- Increase it from 4% to 5%.

    Explanation - This is a ridiculously underpowered perk because in order to gain any benefit from it, the killer has to sacrifice the objectives they are supposed to protect, in other words "lose the game". It's designed to give killers a slight edge in chases and hooking in order to try and protect the last gens from completing. The overall problem however is that 4% amounts to 12% when 3 gens are completed, and 20% when all 5 are done, meaning that they gain Brutal Strengths advantage on pallet breaking only after the survivors have completed all of the gens, and Bamboozles vault speed advantage when there is only 1 gen remaining. This doesn't help the killers in their desperate attempts to stop the final gens from completion, and by the time it's reached its maximum potential, the survivors are all rushing out the gate. However, if you bump it up just 1%... now we have a perk that gains Bamboozles advantage at 2 gens remaining, and Brutal Strengths at 1 gen remaining, with an added bonus to both if 0 gens remain. This would actually help the killers defend the final gens, and give them enough of a chase advantage if all gens are completed to try and stop the survivors from escaping. Suddenly this goes from an "underpowered" perk to a "Decent" one, and all it takes is a simple 1% boost in strength.


    Overhaul the perk to - Reduces your Terror Radius and Red Stains Brightness by 5% for every 4/3/2 seconds you refrain from chasing or injuring survivors, upon reaching 100% reduction, you gain the Undetectable Status. Initiating a chase or injuring a survivor regains your TR and Red stain at a rate of 20% per second, once this has returned Insidious has a 40 second cooldown.

    This perk has been a bane on the game since it came out since it seems to have been specifically designed for the sole purpose of camping hooks. With this change however, a killer gains half their TR for spending 10 seconds away from a chase or injuring a survivor, and becomes Undetectable at 20 seconds. This is mostly meant for anti stealth play, or for gaining a slight advantage in the early game wherein the killer is initially searching the map for survivors. Ultimately, it changes the perk from one encouraging camping, to one that rewards the killer with an advantage if the survivors are being too sneaky, and allows them to get the drop on survivors more often. The cooldown is necessary for this one because otherwise it could be abuseable. Aura reading perks such as OoO still see the killer just fine unless they obtain the Undetectable status, and Premonition or Spine chill still procs on stealth killers, so relying solely on the TR reduction is still no guarantee against those kinds of perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,122

    Pharmacy is bad because it doesn't really do what the perk entails- finding 'medicine', being a healing perk really. You get one guaranteed Emergency MedKit (a fast heal for yourself or someone else) then faster chest searches, which can be any item. Ideally, Pharmacy would provide a boost to healing in general- high efficency in using MedKits, faster healing with a MedKit, increased chances of finding MedKits in chests, etc. The chest speed increase should've stayed with Appraisal, as that perk focuses on chest searches alone.

    Lightweight admittedly doesn't need much work (I forgot to add the (minor) tag to it). IMO the Scratch Marks should fade faster or maybe be less bright. It's not bad, but could be better.

  • Member Posts: 76

    I could write a whole list here, but the most important one is Undying. Most unfun perk to go against as survivor, and using it as killer makes the game way too easy.

  • Member Posts: 1,246

    Every perk in the game, if we make every perk viable and good, the meta is varied and more fun.

    I'm tired of playing against the same survivors with different skins, and I get actively punished for playing differently because the killer plays with the same meta.

    And then everyone yells about it.

    Make every perk viable and then the game can actually have variety and stop squashing creativity, because the only "optimal" way to play is by adhering to a ######### meta that everyone keeps complaining about.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Unbreakable: remove recovery speed and put it on no mother instead

    undying: aura reading only activates if you are actively cleansing totem

    knock out: remove basic attack requirement and change crawl speed to recover speed

    surge: basic attack requirement removed

    they are the main ones

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Slippery Meat

    Monstrous Shrine


    NOED (tbh, I wouldn't mind for every hex perk in the game being re-worked to no longer be hex perks, but that's obviously just not reasonable)

    Probably others, but these are the ones that come to mind first.

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