Double Reload Clown Opinions?

I just played a Clown Match for the Challenges and used double Reload Add-Ons. And even me who never plays Clown thinks that this Combo is extremely busted. Now imagine someone who mains Clown playing with both of those Add-Ons.
I think it's very devestating. I'd like to know your opinion on this combo @TheClownIsKing
Do you use Add-Ons on Clown? I'd probably think since you main him you probably play without Add-Ons. But I had a Feng cornered with so many Clouds and I was reloading mid chase in 2 seconds. It felt very powerful.
I was just feeling "why the frick not". It feels so good but also unfair at the same time. It literally gives the Survivors no distance at all and you got 4 bottles in no time.
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I think it helps. But it still doesn’t fully make up for his lack of map pressure imo. Hopefully that will be fixed soon.
Those 2 add-ons do really help me though, as someone who only really reloads when I’ve got a survivor pinned in a corner of the map or at an unsafe pallet.
Combine thick cork stopper with cigar box and you’ve got my 2 faves
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It’s a very strong combo, but not extremely busted. You wouldn’t ever use more than 3 bottles if you use them efficiently in a chase so being able to reload fast mostly just saves you time.
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Eh. I'd rather take the yellow reload and the one that causes exhaustion.
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Imho, Yellow Cork and Green Porn are his best reload combo. You get the high speed reload and aren't slown at all while you do so.
If you want to machinegun bottles, this is how I'd do it.
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It’s good for fun until learning to use bottles efficiently in a chase. Then the reload speed becomes redundant.
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If you think double reload addons on Clown makes him busted, I think your understanding of the game is WAYYYY too 1v1 focused. You need to think in the grand scheme of things here.
- Clown bottles are still weak, even in the 1v1. They shut down loops, but pallets can still be pre-dropped and Clown will waste a lot of time getting hits.
- Clown still has literally no map pressure. No mobility, no secondary ability, nothing. Just slowing bottles. Whoopdedoo if he can reload them faster.
- If this was busted, Clown would not be known as the worst/one of the worst killers in the game. The issue still stands. Even with a million Clown bottles (which WOULD be very irritating) Clown is still Clown. The power is still mediocre at best.
You NEED to see this game as a 1v4, NOT a 1v1. You NEED to release that the killer is eventually going to down you, and Clown is still going to take longer than most killers to do so, giving your teammates PLENTY of time to do the generators. It's a very feel-good combo, but extremely busted? Best combo? Noooooo way, man.
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I love double reload on Clown. 90% of the time it's the only addons I use. It just feels nice.