mAKE mORI's more like bloody party streamers 2021

what do you guys think? Should they rev up mori's and make them more wholesome for everyone gettin and givin the mori??? Comments? Questions? Anyone agree?
Give everyone 100% more bloodpoints like bloody party streamers.
change mY mIND
With the nerf, they could actually make moris basekit. So every third hook is a mori sequence.
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How would that work though mori animations are made for on the ground.
Also they want it to be the entity taking the sacrifice as that is the entire plot of the game lore wise.
And they can't make mori's themselves just base kit without the hook; because that would be broken. Mori's still negate an entire last leg of the match, no flashlight saves, no pallet saves, no Decisive saves, none of that.
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But that's not worth paying 7k bloodpoints for.
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Maybe after you mori them you put the dead body on a hook
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I honestly love this idea. Would make getting mori'd more enjoyable lol.
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I like this idea so much
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I think it is wishful thinking. The only reason anyone should be getting more BP out of them is if they somehow are negative in another way. Right now they are a very BP expensive joke. :)
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If u do that, bbq becomes useless. And mori are instant death. Which means hatch opens asap.
If u hook someone, it takes several seconds for them to die and another few seconds for the hatch to be opened by the entity.
Which means u will lose the last survivor by mori.
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I completely agree, mori's cost bloodpoints and unless you feel completely confident that you can double hook all players, you're spending bloodpoints on something that may or may not happen. If they make mori's more like bloody party streamers then it would be way more enjoyable!
I wouldn't feel like sucha pickle when the killers offering doesn't turn around.