What's everyones opinion on "Friendly killers"?

GriffinsMarkGaming Member Posts: 15
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

I will have to admit that I don't mind playing friendly matches either to get more bloodpoints or just to be nice. Usually I'll be friendly if someone DC'd.

I don't mind a friendly killer due to how toxic most people can be, such as camping Buba, teabagging Ghostface, etc.

But what do you guys think about Friendly killers?

Edit/Note: I am currently stuck in rank 16 due to only getting matched up against ranks 9-1. I'm not even kidding about that. Thus why I have resorted to being less aggressive in most matches.(I will however, target anyone who taunts me to chase them)


  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    It's very boring, I did not sit in a 40 minute que so the killer can farm.

  • I understand that, I've gotten both harsh and nice messages from people since I play on ps4. most harsh I get now are just saying how bad I am at the game for not killing anyone.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    It's ok to have a goofy game every once in a while. If it happened more often than every once in a great while I wouldn't go for it. But I don't see it very frequently at all.

  • Father_Dark
    Father_Dark Member Posts: 84

    When I first started, I would only do killer to complete a daily, and I would be friendly. Trying to get survivors to understand that was difficult.

    Now, I play mostly killer. As mid-level, I encounter a LOT of toxic people. Usually, they are better ranked than me. Every night before logging off, I play a friendly match. I've never gotten hate from it and usually, if they are on the PC, they might chat briefly. Most of the time, I barely make blood points. I'm not the one farming. I let them get pallet or flash light stuns. I'll chase them for a while. I do get a hit in on them, but I don't down them or hook them. (There have been exactly two matches where the survivors actually wanted to help me get points and let me hook them, but as I said, that's only happened twice.)

    I find ending the day, on an enjoyable, stress-free match, more satisfying then trying to kill everyone before they escape. Even if I am successful, it is still stressful.

  • Laffle
    Laffle Member Posts: 82

    Extremely annoying. I want to play the game, not sit and do nothing for 5 minutes(on top of the 10 minutes spent in survivor queue).

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I like it when they are funny but still play normally, like if they nod their heads at you.

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194

    Depends on the situation. If a survivor DC's I'll usually mess around. Sometimes I'll pretend to be a Bot to scare the crap out of survivors. Otherwise I play normal, depending on how well I am playing that day it may be indistinguishable from the bot prank.

    Oh, bit of unsolicited advice, if you have a survivor trying to taunt you and click click at you just ignore them. I just 4k'd because a survivor refused to stop following me with their flashlight. They even got so mad that when I went to hook them last they DC'ed.

    Good times.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Friendly Killers are fine as long as I don't get them every time. I mean, I want to play the game you know. Once in a blue moon is a nice treat, or if someone DC's.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695
    edited December 2020

    Honestly I like to farm occasionally with survivors. DBD is one of the grindiest games out there, and it's not even a free to play game. It's the main reason why I don't purchase any of their "battle passes", because the amount of grinding that it takes just to unlock everything is absolutely ridiculous.

    Right now they're testing daily login bonuses, but instead of giving you cells (the top currency which free to play games occasionally do) they only give you blood points. And the amount is so small that just one killer match will give you more than an entire week's worth of daily login bonuses.

    Simply put, BHVR needs to reduce the grind and make their battle passes more worthwhile. Until then I have no problem farming with survivors and squeezing every last ounce of blood points that I can out of a match.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    depends on the type of friendly

    like, not tunneling and giving hatch? thats cool

    but farming? no, sitting in a queue for 5 mins just to farm is really boring (especially when im forced to farm)

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    Friendly as in don't kill anyone? Or friendly in don't tunnel/camp? When I play I am just looking to have fun so farm games I usually peace out on. I am a "friendly" killer in that I don't use addons/don't camp/don't tunnel and in 99% of my games I will give the last survivor hatch. Game is in a pretty awful state for people playing solo/duo queue survivor right now.

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    I like unintended friendly killers.

    I had a game against a Pig earlier tonight and they went to grab a survivor off a totem and the grab motion bugged them out, they couldnt pick any survivor up and had their arm up against their own head (as if carrying a survivor) for the rest of the game.

    They could still hit so eventually the other survivors figured out we were farming (I kept getting downed, healed, downed again) and we all 'booped the snoot' and sacrificed ourselves to the EGC so it'd give the pig some hooks.

    That kind of farming is OK in my eyes.

    Also OK is when survivors disconnect or ragequit, farming with the killer (trading hooks, pallet stuns, grabs etc.) so everyone left can actually safety pip. When I get two early DCs and the killer decides to go full turbotryhard and everyone including the killer depips I just sigh.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    I'm always happy to he dragged to and dropped on a hatch.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2020

    Love em, very rare.

    You can thank toxic survivors, usually PC player groups for that. Killers try and play without gross addons, non meta builds, low tier killers, no tunnel no camp and survivors bully them RELENTLESSLY and harass them in the post game chat. So they chase away any of the killer players that might actually meet their incredibly restrictive criteria, and are left with only the players who don't give a ****.

    The groups I had today convinced me to stop playing brown addon only low tier killers with non meta builds anymore. Hell, I might quit killer entirely and I loved giving last survivor hatch, going easy when they have a DC so we can all get points, etc....but they kept spitting in my face so...

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    Honestly, I don't play "friendly" or meme builds often, but when I do, it's some dumb fun.

    My primary meme build will always be Rancor Roulette Ghostface: Rancor, Furtive Chase, Nemesis, and a flex perk you can put whatever in. I put Insidious on because fukkit.

    The game strategy is simple, and can be done during the main game, or as the gens are done:

    1) Find Obsession.

    2) Hook Obsession.

    3) Lurk nearby and wait for Obsession to be unhooked, transferring Obsession status in the process.

    4) Repeat from step 2.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    I don't consider it friendly, I just consider it good sportsmanship and manners to occasionally let the last person escape. If a game is going well, and I know I've racked up a good number of points, I might as well. I don't do it if I see them behaving badly toward other survivors in match, though, and sometimes I get a little capricious and kill them all anyway. But some games, I just take the L because I don't follow anyone straight off the hook, I don't "proximity patrol," and I don't slug unless survivors are pulling ballsy moves and get in my way while injured.

    Farming is something I don't do a ton, and if I do, I do it in as close a manner to normal game play as possible. I only hook each player twice, still do chases and the like, but I'll let them slap me with pallets and flashlight me.

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293

    I don’t mind helping a killer do one of those garbage tome challenges

    few weeks ago l played against a trapper on dead dawg, he literally lined up his six traps all in a row down the middle of the street and waited.

    l dunno exactly know what challenge it was but l just started stepping in traps as he reset them

    when he had obviously completed the challenge he walked over to a gen and smacked it and everyone got out.

    hopefully it saved him some time trying to get it done vs the sweatlord swf groups or what not.

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    It's a nice move from killers to be friendly when a survivor DC's at the start of the match, otherwise it's just boring

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    How is a killer friendly if they kill?

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    It's all about how they do it. You know, like service with a smile and that kinda thing. They tell you "My Pleasure" at the end of the match.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    It's nice sometimes, especially when two teammates DC right off the bat. Happened once tonight and I pointed at the hook so I would die even though the Killer was going to let me go. Not the Killer's fault my random teammates were jerks, and why shouldn't they get some good BP too if they're being nice like that?

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    For myself, I try to be, if not friendly, than not an a-hole. I play killer for points and less seriously than Survivor, so if I can end a game early I won't because that doesn't favor me.

    My usual philosophy is "plan to sweat, hope to screw around. " If I go into a match with a specific objective, be it a ritual, rift challenge, barbecue stacks, etc, I'll play seriously until I've got what I want. Then I'll play less hard and build up points. If someone d/c's or I see Bloody Party Steamers or anniversary cakes, I'm happy to go full farm and take advantage of that, or at least go out of my way not to go for the kill and let the survivors take away an extra 10k+ points.

    Otherwise, I mostly just actively try to not be an a-hole. I won't tunnel off hook, though I will slug off hook (or trigger Borrowed Time) if the opportunity for the added pressure presents itself, I wait until I've got multiple people on death hook before going for the kill, and don't get super sweaty unless the Survivor team is going out of their way to be annoying.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    I think farming for no reason is very annoying. If they're farming for a difficult achievement like the nurse grab achievement then I don't mind helping but then I'll just rush gens and leave. If there are dc's or suicides then a nice killer is appreciated. But if the killer is farming and it's not for an achievement or because there have been rage quits then I'll just rush gens and leave.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    I'm cool with it most of the time. I'm usually working on some kind of challenge. Some of which can be a real PITA. So I'm usually happy for the break. The problem can be when you are trying to do a challenge that actually requires the killer to hook a player and they refuse.

  • Iudex_Nemesis
    Iudex_Nemesis Member Posts: 326

    I rarely see them so it doesn't bother me. I'll farm a challenge or daily especially if I have to use a killer I don't like playing.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    they didn't queue as killer just to deal with sweat pouring over the ######### matchmaking and get trolled by swf again, the problem with this game is each side can only think about the experience from it's own perspective. maybe that killer is tired of bs. maybe they justw ant some damn bp so they can get some decent perks and are tired of swf bs or the rainbow matchmaking. but either way their queue is only 40 seconds if not less so if you happen to be one of those that likes to troll and abuse the poor matchmaking theyc an always sit in the corner and give no interaction at all on a bad night and quickly jump into their next match afterward

  • ImBrakingBike
    ImBrakingBike Member Posts: 454

    I just had a game like that, Killer and Survivors working together to get bloodpoints. Nothing can really be done, I do report it but I doubt it makes any difference. I don't even know if the report feature is for real or if it's just there for the lulz

  • Wongrath
    Wongrath Member Posts: 17

    I can teabag as ghostface to be funny, and it's always a good time if the survivors teabag back. However, I don't like it if they then go up to me later expecting me not to hit them. I still want to play as normally as possible

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    devs already said theyd on't care about "friendly killers" unless you punish another player for not farming with you through annoying or 'punishing' gameplay. common sense would let you figure out what that would be. whatever you want to do to convince themt o play along with you, or to lash out in anger, probably falls under those things. Just ignore them and farm with those that wanna farm, and don't killt he dweeb otw out or for doing gens. a common sense thing. by the time one party pooper wants to finish the gens all by their self the killer and cool kids have a ton of bp and that survivor gets punished through your avoidance by depipping and having bad teammates so it's all good, and, not bannable that way if you didn't 'harass or pressure them to farm'. only hooking, or, only killing them on death hook and nobody else would fall under that if they recorded the gameplay and whined about it. hence the avoidance, they can't get mad and claim you did anything when you didn't even see them most of the game

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Fine for me. I rarely get a farming Killer, its a nice change of pace to get a farming Killer like every few months (which is the normal rate I see a Killer who just wants to farm (outside of double BP-Events)).

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Love playing friendly... I always do

    I get the whole “killers job is to kill” mentality, I just don’t abide by that, and I enjoy playing with other players who do the same.

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    Because of long ques and dc penalty i will go out of my way to only be a shithead to people who farm and are friendly. Also not participating in regural gameplay is one reporting category so i will usually report them afterwards too. I play this game to have fun and if you make me waste 10-20 minutes for few fex extra bloodpoints in a match you deserve the toxic behaviour in my opinion.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,369

    Nice to come across one every now and again, good to see players that try to be nice to other, would be boring if it was every match though.

  • Ghalam
    Ghalam Member Posts: 99

    I'll only go friendly if there's a DC and someone else dies super quick. I imagine it's not fun for people to come in and get 5000 blood points because someone dced early.