Questions to pc players. (Not bait) -SOLVED.

As a console player (ps4), I'm unable to see how many hours I have into dbd.
Can some of you list your hrs and devotion level?
I'm hoping to use an average to figure my hours out by my devotion level.
I don't care if you're new or have thousands of hours, all data will help.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: also please put whether you are a killer or survivor main and the approximate ratio too if possible.
I'm curious if killer mains have a lower hour hour per devotion average because in my experience I get more bp as killer.
Xbox1 shows the days so I have to resort to that math stuff. I'm approaching Devotion 4 and have about 1200hrs, with some before devotion was introduced.
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Thank you, that's a start.
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Devotion 5 - 84
Hours 1048
For me the equation is multiply your devotion by 1.8 to get hours 584 x 1.8 = 1051.
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You can see hours for both versions on PS5 when you upgrade.
Not sure about Xbox.
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Awesome thank you.
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Can you check your combined hrs and post it with your devotion level?
I'm curious how ps compares to pc .
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Something like 1,800 hours, Devotion 7.
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Thank you
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Using your formulation I have 1384 hrs dev 7-69.
My god I didn't think I had that many hours 🤯
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Devotion 10 Level 50
2,126.7 Hours recorded since 5th July 2018 (I began playing in November 2017 but had to switch accounts due to reasons. I have 391.5 hours in that account, as well as a couple more in alts + switch which equal about 50.
So that's ~2,568.2 hours in total, or 107.00833 days, 3.51807834 months, or 154,092 minutes, playing dbd.
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Devotion 3 Level 74
814 hours
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Holy hell. If I ever need play advice I'm coming straight to you!
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Oh no there are significantly better players than me 💀
Except Pyramid Head. I call myself EU's Worst for a reason 😎
[for anyone who doesn't understand the joke I'm very good at pyramid head]
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Thank you. I'm getting a good average. It seems like the formulation is somewhere between 1.8 and 2.5 (hours divided by devotion).
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Did his change to punishment hurt or help your play?
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Devotion 11 and 3,255 Hours. But I also had like 500 hours before devotion on my pc account. Wish I could check my ps4 one, I feel you on that lol
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Using a middle ground average I've got just under 1700 hrs.
Please keep them coming. The better average I can get the better I'll feel I've figured it out.
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So would that mean I'd want to deduct 500 from the hrs to get your devotion per hour avg?
Edit: I meant your hours per devotion level.
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3217 hours. Devotion 6 Level 70
I was probably right around 2000 hours when devotion came out.
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Yeah, deduct 400-500, I was around there when devotion came out
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Devotion 4, Level ~45, ~950hrs. I started right before Demo after live servers, took a break before Pyramid Head was introduced, then came back in time for Blight.
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That's probably close as it puts your hours per devotion at 1.8 which is the lower end of the average. Good guess for hrs pre devotion!
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It seems like your average hours per devotion is 2.5 (if you're at 11 with no remainder). So if you take your ps4 devotion level (all 3 or 4 digits) then multiply it by 2.5 you'll get a good idea of your ps4 hours.
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Perfect so your hours per devotion is 2.13. Dead center of the average so far.
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Devotion 4 lvl 76 and 896 hours. Started playing almost right at the midchapter between Ghostface and Stranger Things.
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I dunno if this'll help at all but Devotion 2 - Level 35, hours played per steam, 589.2. <3
(oh and if this seems off mathwise, I'm a really REALLY bad player - so there's that).
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It absolutely helps with my average. In fact, Newer players seem to help the average better because a lot of people with 1000 plus hrs got some of them before devotion levels existed.
So thank you.
Edit: also that puts you at 2.5 hrs per devotion level which is right at the mid top of my current average so not bad at all.😁
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1279 hours, 473 devotion, PC (steam), as of this moment.
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Thank you.
That puts your hours per devotion level at 1.88 very impressive considering you're only in devotion 4! Great job
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2.53 hours per devotion level. Right in the average. Thanks
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Lol. My daily is pyramid head! That's gonna take me a bit.
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I think devotion 15 level 15 at just a bit over 5k hours.
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Mid Rank - Devotion 4 1250 hours.
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Don't know if you're still looking but Devotion 19 with 5,693 hours. Don't know how many hours I had before Devotion was a thing though. My estimate would be about 500-700. Sorry :(
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Idk if these stats are helpful, cuz a lot of people already played before devotion came out... In my case I get more xp playing killer than survivor (im playing 50/50 both sides).
But here are my stats: Devotion 12 and 4k hours. I had already a lot of hours before, cuz Im DBD addicted :3
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I'm approaching 2000 hours on Xbox.
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I have 2740hrs and I'm devotion 12 lvl 93 on PC (Steam).
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They're all helpful. Everybody who had hrs before devotion has stated it (and in most cases they're guess on pre hours is close because they stay near the overall average). So thank you 😊
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No worries thank you for the data. Are a lot of your hrs on nurse? (Not relevant, just curious)
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Do you know what devotion level you are?
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Perfect! Were all of your hours after devotion levels started do you know?
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Devotion doesn't necessarily correlate with in-game hours as some people played before Devotion existed.
I was by far more active in DBD before Devotion was added.
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I've noticed that. If you have hours before devotion just state it and an approximate guess of how many. So far people with pre devotion hours haven't been far from the general avg just based on their guesses.
I'm also adding that people answer if they play killer or survivor more as I think that will also effect hours per devotion level.
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Devotion 7
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Sweet. Thanks!
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Honestly help lol. Gl with your daily ^^
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Finally got it... Only took 4 matches to send 4 people to cages🥳
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I've done some rough calculations factoring in my 2 year break from dbd since I started in 2016 which brings my 2686 hours to be roughly 26 minutes spent per day for 2 years
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My god. Is your profile pic an indicator that you're a nurse main? Because I feel like I'd need at least that many hours to use nurse efficiently.
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Devotion 17 - 49. 4665 hours are shown on steam, but when i started playing, i havn´t upgraded my system yet, so when i started dbd and ended it, i could only relaunch it after i rebooted my pc. Thats why i started the game, played some, and then left the game running in the backround for some hours till i needed it again. So its not exactly accurate.