Files getting corrupted after every update

Colovorat Member Posts: 30

Platform: PC

When entering game menu, or sometimes when match starts i'm getting error, that says my game files are corrupted or modified

Occurs after every update

6 votes

Need more info · Last Updated

If possible you post a screenshot of the error message and logs from the session where it occurs? Logs can be found in 'C:\Users\Yourname\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Logs'. Thank you


  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    Im currently reinstalling the game. Which is becoming an update tradition.

  • TamboRhyyn
    TamboRhyyn Member Posts: 124

    Can confirm - my friend "Skybones" on Steam is having this same issue.

  • nemeses
    nemeses Member Posts: 1

    when i tried entering a match, i got an error message saying my files were modified, i lost item, addons and got a rankdown

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,475

    Every few updates something breaks, reinstall on console, and verify integrity of game files on steam

  • maaadinsomniac
    maaadinsomniac Member Posts: 440

    It's after every update, EAC error, files been modified. When you verify your local files it takes like another 5 minutes and some .pak file(s) need to be downloaded again, last time it's like 1.8GB.

  • NinjaNinjato
    NinjaNinjato Member Posts: 1

    I still have the exact same problem and I have to uninstall and re-download the game every update it has become a tradition and I'm not sure how to fix it, it keeps saying stuff like EAC error, files have been, and that the pak.chunks are not working properly and I have tried to troubleshoot this for weeks and I cannot find the answer to this problem.

  • Drendara
    Drendara Member Posts: 1

    On PC after each DBD update or steam update I have to verify my files. It doesnt seem to matter if it add my icon packs or not there are always 3-5 files that fail to verify and must be reaquired. This usually results in 1-3 GB needing to be downloaded every update to play the game. If I forget to verify my files before playing I will usually be kicked out of the 1st or 2nd game I play due to files not being found. I just recently did a verification and 5 were found un-verified/corrupted. I have not played since I did the last verification so nothing should have been changed

  • Noisy
    Noisy Member Posts: 21

    I've got the same issue from a long time now, at least the 10ish last update/patch and every time I have to retrieve 2 or more files (1-2 GB). Got used to it kinda xD

    For your EAC problem, maybe try this cause I had the same issue once : put the game AND Steam on administrator properties, both need to run as admistrator. Hope it'll help you.

  • Dr_Smith_
    Dr_Smith_ Member Posts: 112

    I have the same issue.

  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830

    Same issue here.