How to play killer now, undying + ruin...

Every single match now, hex undying hex ruin and maybe you want to be extra toxic and use death slinger with monitor?
Spirit with strider maybe? Or maybe just go for a hag 3 gen camp.
Add this with the awful match making the game is becoming more stale than it ever has before, the above combo is just silly for some killers and even if it's "balanced" it's just makes for an awful game and the same thing over and over and over
Using Monitor on yeehaw is toxic? #########. Do you even read what you are writing?
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I'm only still using it on Blight rn as I dont have corrupt or surge on him and I'm prioritising bp for other killers atm. But yeah its pretty boring. And its definitely boosting a few killers. I've seen a lot who panic the uf Undying goes first and just religously defend their ruin and lose or resort to panic camping.
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Toxic, deathslinger with monitor and abuse. Pick one.
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I wouldnt call that toxic. Just annoying. A ranged killer with a 16 m tr is pretty obnoxious
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Death slinger with monitor is just broken especially on indoor maps /areas with no vision. You have 0 chance of escaping a shot if the killer isn't a potato 🤷♂️
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Indoor maps are just awful in general.
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There is nothing more broken than DS+UB x4. Slug the survivor? He gets up. Take the stun? He is free to go to the nearest loop. Add x4 BT and DH to the mix and all the team is invincible.
At least you can easily counter Ruin + Undying with small game or detective's hunch, but I know you can't play without your second chance perks.
Also, these two combos are not even comparable to each other. The survivor combo is way stronger than the killer one.
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You know you can look around when doing a gen etc.? There is no reason to only depend on the terror radius to detect a killer. When you cant see him, he cant shoot you.
There are not many places where he can approach out of line of sight and then shoot you over 16m.
His low terror radius helps him to get really close like other stealth killer, but you should almost never get shoot without knowing that deathslinger is coming
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Sometimes that's just how matches are, take it on the nose, move on, and don't make an angry post on the forums.
And since when Is a 3 gen toxic? That is purely the survivors fault for allowing that to happen.
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Ruin/Undying has LITERAL counters in the form of totem perks, patrolling the map for totems, or even bringing a map with reach add-ons. It's so exaggerated how oppressive ruin/undying is when bringing any of these countermeasures makes totems get cleansed extremely fast.
And let's not forget how totem placements are usually trash and undying can be cleansed first, negating the combo, whilst DS/UB has no counter other than letting the survivor... survive, which is counter-intuitive to the killer's goal.
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Stacking massive Slowdown is basically the easiest to do for Killers. You dont need to play good if you run 4 Slowdown-Perks. Just yesterday I faced a Twins-player with Ruin, Undying, Sloppy and Thanatophobia. And we did not manage to cleanse Ruin, Shelter Woods must have at least one really godlike Totem Spot, because I got 4 Totems, but not Ruin.
And that Twins-Player was horribly bad. So you can expect this even more in the future, because Killers see that it works to just stack Slowdown over Slowdown.
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It is possible, but I've seen enough Killers using different options to think we are there yet. Almost all Killers I know take some regression (I do myself) but I never use a 3-4 stack. To some degree, I think this is due to a path charted by the DEV. I think that instead of dealing with the root of the problem (SWF), they tried to fix it with patchwork Perks. The problem is that any Perk that slightly or moderately slows down the insane Gen-Rush potential of a SWF hits the Solo players 10x as hard.
When playing Killer against a SWF I find that they do not have too much trouble with my regression. Their coordination finds my Hexes, allows them to know which Generators are near, and so on. These new Perks gave them some new obstacles and simply slowed them down. Against the Solo, these same obstacles are crippling. I know almost immediately when I'm facing a SWF and when I'm facing Solos. In truth, if I feel I'm facing Solos, I take it down a notch and let them get a Generator or two to even up. I don't like being put in that position.
I've long felt that there should be a Solo Que and a Team Que. *I think most people would play in both, just as many people play both Killer and Survivor. I would play Solo when I couldn't get with my pals, and Team when I could. Then we would not need Perks to balance things. The objectives could be altered in the SWF, i.e. perhaps an additional Generator would need to be turned on to open the gates, and/or the KILLER gets a 5th Perk Slot unlocked to balance the SWF's 5th Perk (Comms). Heck, we could even have cosmetics for Teams, like matching out fits and so on. It would be win/win. Killers don't mind fighting a SWF, they just want a level playing field to do it.
But I digress; let's get back to the subject at hand. As they didn't go that way, we now have a horrific imbalance based on whether you are playing the 5th Perk (Comms) or not. I think we are still treating the symptoms rather than the disease. However, to tweak these Perks it would require Generators to be slowed down base kit, or repairing them being harder, or built in regression. Finding that magic number is really hard. That is why I harp so much about splitting the Ques. There are too many variables in this game to ever have it 100% fair 100% of the time.
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I take it OP has not played that much killer. I recommend OP try it in red ranks and see if they can do well without the meta killer perks, should be quite in
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ye also undying can be deleted in the first 30 secs
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3 Gen camp? 3 gen is not up to the killer survivors do that to themselves
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Split up, do gens, last longer than 5 seconds in a chase, get totems. Hell maybe use a perk to find totems faster and easier? dont complain about a build you can easily beat if you and your team actually play well and do the objectives and chase, especially if you arent willing to change your perk to counter the killers.
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It's the best way to deal with fast gens at the moment. And you are giving up two perk slots for that combo.
I get that it's stale, but the problem is that these are simply the meta perks, just like DS or Borrowed Time for survivors. Hopefully once the new early game phase will be added, those perks can be nerfed. Same could go for DS and Borrowed Time once tunneling and camping is nerfed in some way. And weak perks really need to be buffed more, and properly.
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People complain about ruin + undying for some reason even though ruin only works if you stop doin the gen. Just split up and do gens it’s that simple
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3 gen strat is what a hag is suppose to do. And Slinger with MnA or Spirit with Stridor is annoying but not toxic. And Ruin+Undying can be broken near immediately.
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Largely yes, but also no. A good Killer can herd the Survivors and affect which Generators they do and to a degree the order. Bad Killers will pick three Generators early and try to defend them, giving up pressure on the rest of the map. This is not a good strategy. However, making note of your Generators and where they are being worked, you can herd your chases and affect selection in a subtle way while still keeping up pressure. Survivors takes the path of least resistance. It is their nature. Thus, you can still get that 3-Gen just by chasing them and simply not pursuing them towards Generators you rather they do first.
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Survivors have control on what gens get done and when even if a killer is herding them away he can only commit to one chase at a time. 3 gens happen because all 4 survivor jump on the first gen they see and just start popping them
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I don't think you understand what I mean by herding exactly. When I say "herding" I'm not talking about chasing one Survivor. I'm talking about running the chase in a way that pushes the Survivor you started with towards other Survivors and thus causing greater disruption. You can do this by swinging wide opposite the direction you want them to go. As you pick up more people, and/or push them off Generators you can be a bit chaotic so they don't know who you are going to stick with and thus multiples bolt.
Herding is a term used for pushing 2+ Survivors in a chase, not just one.
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Alright run ruin, undying, thrilling tremors and corrupt intervention clown tell me how that goes.
Wait I can do this too. Man ds, unbreakable, adrenaline, sprint burst is so broken. You have so many live the killer dosent stand a chance. It seems like second chance stacking gonna be the future of survivor gameplay.
Practise some self awareness all of these issues we have raised as killer got the git gud treatement time. Now suddenly some busted build is messing eith your games and gasp horror this is unfair.
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Sorry to hear that you think killers are threatening with certain perks.
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Why would anyone run Corrupt Intervention with Ruin and Undying? You dont want Survivors to move from Gens to find your Totems earlier. Either Ruin/Undying or Corrupt Intervention. Let alone that Thrilling Tremors is not a Slowdown-Perk, but a Tracking Perk which also gets overshadowed by BBQ and especially Whispers.
And I get 4Ks in Red Ranks with Clown with just Corrupt Intervention as a Slowdown-Perk, it is not like playing Killer is any hard in DBD. Sure, against good teams, you need a strong Killer, but luckily those are rare in DBD.
(Of course, good is always a matter of perspective - I guess most of the Forum Killers will think a Team of Rank 20 Megheads is good, given how much they complain about this game)
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hello, I'm Spine Chills, pleased to meet you!
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Did I say that playing Survivor is difficult? Nope. DBD is an easy game on both sides.
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Hows killer easy?
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I don't see how anyone gets any use out of Ruin/Thana/Sloppy if they're playing horribly, as Ruin requires constant gen pressure and Thana/Sloppy requires landing successful hits on multiple people using M1.
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You are correct, all regression Perks REQUIRE the Killer to be applying pressure, period. That is why I think it is kind of unfair to fault stacking them as a problem. I don't ever use more than (2) Regression type Perks myself, but that isn't some moral choice. It is simply because I have other things I want or need more. :) What we are really talking about here is a difference in skill between the Survivors and the Killer, and the advantage of the SWF.
A SWF gets MORE information, which means they deal with pressure better than those who don't have the same free info. If someone is telling you the Killer's current position, direction, etc. throughout the game, you are going to have an easier time avoiding said Killer and the pressure applied to the group is going to be mitigated. This is true regardless of the Survivor Skill levels. Information is power. While not all SWF are crack commandos who move as one, they are still going to have an edge over Survivors (and Killers) of equal Skill simply by benefit of having that 5th Perk (Comms).
So let me summarize, Regression Perks only work if pressure is applied. SWF can mitigate pressure more effectively than a Solo. This means Solos will feel the impact of Regression Perks more acutely than the Teams they were built to slow down. The game is being BALANCED around the Teams rather than then Solos and I think that is a serious issue. It isn't the Perks that are the problem; it is the approach.
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The game can feel easy at times. But both killer and survivor take a good amount of skill to play effectively. Killer without a doubt is noticeably harder since you are one person playing against 4 survivors.
Killers have to kill as many survivors as they can while preventing them from getting generators done. This is where the killer pressures survivors off of generators and with each killer being different in terms of power, it can become quite difficult to use a certain killer's power effectively and definitely takes skill across all killers to play for the most part. The most basic thing all killers can do is pressure survivors by being in chases. However, each killer is different as I have said, and takes a different playstyle to manage.
Survivors are much simpler, but this does not mean they take very little skill to play. Survivor is all about maximizing the amount of distance between you and the killer in a chase as much as you can as efficiently as possible. This can take hours upon hours to learn and takes most people a long time to learn how to do well.
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lol it's toxic to use a build that requires map pressure on a killer with no map pressure. Big brain time
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No i get what you mean by Herding but good survivors know how to break gens up early bad survivors don't. Good Killers with try to keep pressure on the 3 gens they want to keep but in the end its up to survivors to break them up.
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"How to play survivor"
Bring every 2nd chance perk in the game and a key for good measure
Pick Claudette so you won't be seen
The moment you hear a heartbeat run to the nearest jungle gym
Every time you lose call the killer toxic
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Or you can use your eyes and see a 6ft tall cowboy man walking towards you with a gun.
Either that or use spine chill.
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Ruin/Undying is painfully boring on both sides. Makes the games way too easy as killer, and it makes more games than not unplayable as survivor. Add in Tinkerer, and.. well... EZ 4 kill for the killer.
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can you see through walls? you do realise that some of the gens especially on indoor maps have 0 vision of what is approaching ?
I love these comments of "it's easily countered by such and such perk" am I missing some secret game setting where we can determine which killer we are going against so we can plan our build ? or are you just assuming that people are psychic and picking the right perks for the right killers ?
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Like many discussions on undying and ruin those two perks are fine. Hex totems should be a risk to cleanse. Will the killer continue a chase or protect the totem? Its up to the killer. Theres options for you to find totems. Theres 4 survivors 5 totems. Most of the time my team mates see a dull totem and won't bother with it. The build is meta because of how well it works. Its the best slow down combo in the game rn. Killers also are rewarded for pressuring gens which so many survivors tell us to do. But when killers do it too well now its unfair and needs to be nerfed. But survivor meta perks have not been touched for years
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Spoken as someone who knows next to nothing about it. :)
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If you are constantly having issues against a specific killer and a perk exists that helps you against that killer. I fail to see why you wouldn't equip the perk to make facing the killer you have the hardest time against easier.
It's not like Spine Chill isn't useful against other killers either.
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If you can't see him he can't see you, meaning he can't shoot you and you can start running when you hear the TR.
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killers are forced to stack slowdown, no matter how good you are, you are not gonna win against good survivors
2 - *Cough Cough*
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Lol that is a horrible argument, with his terror range and going towards a generator.... Alot of the time you will not have time to hide if you have no vision because of walls etc he is basically a stealth killer with a ranged attack, do you play many high ranking death slinger? Or do you just think you're amazing at the game and have a sixth sense about it?
Its funny how alot of the streamers agree with what I'm saying(the people that play day in and day out) but average Joe with half the play time think they know better
Maybe we should be forced to run spine chill in all our games incase it's death slinger?
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Ruin/Undying rewards killers for pressuring the gens, because without it those perks you can have insane pressure and the gens still fly because of no passive regression, or the crappy base regression of kicking a gen. It discourages camping, and isn't that what we all want?