Can you play stealthy anymore?

I love playing steathy and being sneaky so the killer won't find me. Its intense to know that you could be found at anytime. But lately I feel the game is not allowing for more stealth opportunities. I don't wanna run the killer for 5 gens, others might find that really enjoyable but not me. There a multiple killer perks, addons and abilities that can easily locate survivors trying to hide taking away all stealth and basically destroying a certain playstyle. Survivors do have stealth perks but some are not too good or they only handle one aspect of detection. The cherries on top of all of this is that the community greatly hates people who do play stealthy, survivors hate their stealthy teammates and killers hate stealthy survivors. With all of these factors, stealthing doesn't seem to exist anymore.
Sure you can. I'm a terrible looper and play a lot of hide and seek. Just bear in mind that the Emblem system doesn't reward it. You will have a ceiling on your Pips, i.e. -1 to +1 in general.
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I like stealth too, but comparing to the release state of the game, stealth is basically dead. When I play stealthy I do most of the gens, while teammates farm other teammates from hooks and die early. Some of them who die in the first 2 mins even complain at the end that I played stealthy. Go figure. Doing gens doesn't give enough BP, so everyone rushes hooks.
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I play stealthy, and it works well for me. The hate comes from people who hide and do nothing, while i often do the most gens, the most unhooks, and often be chased and just juke the killer and escape.
However, one big problem is the rise on graphic filters that allow to bypass the visual element that is meant to hide you from the killer. The more streamer use them, the more stealth really is dead, leaving a boring gameplay of either holding only m1 or running around in circles.
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Sure can! The best is at the start of the match. If you spawn alone, make a loud noise notification and start hiding. If you can, throwing a diversion pebble can stall enough to win the game if your other teammates are doing gens.
I think people don't like stealth players because most of the time you see someone being stealthy is when the killer is actively chasing someone else or is not even remotely close to them. At that point you're not stealth-ing around, you're just crapping in a bush.
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I'm not against stealth gameplay but I'm glad they're taking some of that away, too many people hide and don't do ######### the whole game its part of the reason people complain about solo q, when they go down some guy is scared to death urban evading half way across the map from you and not trying to get gens done or anything its like they play the game to wait for the hatch after everyone dies and anything that drives those people away from the game is fine by me id rather not play solo at all than to have those type people as teammates who lack the intelligence to do something as simple has holding m1 on a objective
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Hiding behind a random piece of debris and sitting still is not stealth gameplay.
Have you ever played any other stealth games? Enemies will usually gain tools to detect the player more easily like thermal vision or something. Knowing what tools the enemy has to detect you is key to skillful stealth.
This also holds true for DbD and killers perks & addons. learn what possibilities they have to detect survivors and always play around them if you want to stay undetected. Always have a backup plan in case you do get found.
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I love stealthily playing but it's not an objective. You stealth between things. Generators. Hooks. Totems.
Hiding just for the sake of hiding isn't a game objective and hurts your team.
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How about learning to survive in a chase longer than 5 seconds and playing more cocky in order to get sth done especially when the prorgress bar is at 95%? And after you mastered play the game correct you can also learn how to self in certain situations but this time you know when it's appreciated? Because you learned how to play this game well?
God, I wish there was a MMR filter to bypass those guys...
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Look Just because i like playing stealthy doesn't mean I'm going to be useless, I do gens go for saves ,and be chased if I need to take some of the pressure, I get things done.
Sorry I don't wanna play the play style you like.
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You can play stealthily, depending on the killer and their perks. There are so many ever-increasing ways that the killer can find you and/or deter this approach that I would say it's not something you can rely on, but you can definitely do it if the circumstances are right.
I try to employ a sort of "aggressive stealth" approach as my default (evading the killer using LOS around corners, rotating to gens they have just left, etc.). That said, you need to be unafraid of getting into chases too, or you'll just hit a wall. The emblem system also unfortunately punishes stealth, which is one of many problems I have with the whole thing.
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Look, most problems in stealth can be fixed by buffing Distortion. Almost any other killer tracking perk has a survivor perk to counter it. Breath Sounds? Iron Will. Screaming? Calm Spirit. Loud noise notifications? Technician and Quick and Quiet. Bleeding? Lucky Break (It's getting buffed I think).
Technically aura reading is countered by Distortion but it's so limited that it ends up being an information perk which isn't bad but it's not very useful for Solo.
TL;DR : The day Distortion is buffed is the day stealth becomes viable for everyone.
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Which playstyle do I have? Didn't go into any detail. I'm not this type of clicky clicky bounce babys.
I see so many flaws with those types of gamers. And I most likely know what's going on in a match because of my informations I have (DH, Bond/Kindred) And they are always way too carefully. Like they would heal theirselfs another million times before they try to finish or do a gen at all. Running Selfcare and using it without even thinking about how much time they invest and how much they got off of this perk.
Doing dull totems without having Inner Strenght instead of doing actual objectives. It's so much. That's why I said: How about learning to be more cocky, risky and trying to figure out how far you can go and where the lines are and then when you found out the details how to win against good and oppressive killer, then you can go and learn how ti implement sneaky plays because it's not bad at all. I still hate it as a kilelr when I saw you doing this gen 3 seconds ago, checking everything around the gen and not be able to find you. This is very good but people just life the stealth and that's so frustrating, makes me Dcing and quitting the game for the day or switching to killer and facecamp one stealthy little...something by another.
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Yes you can. I was playing as Doctor, with Distressing, and the map Hawkins came up. My static blast can hit a good portion of that map. I went about hooking the survivors and I had just death hooked my first when I realized, I had not seen one of the survivors at all. It was Yui. I death hooked another and then I found her. I wish I looked at her perks, but I didn't, but she must've been running calm spirit because she wouldn't scream when I zapped her. She died on first hook when the Claud decided to use the exit to escape rather than risk a rescue.
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The problem with Distortion is that there are many killer abilities and perks that reveal your location and which are not affected by Distortion. Doc's screams, doc's hallucinations, Legion's Feral Frenzy, just to name a few. So, even if distortion gets a buff, it won't save stealth unfortunately. I wish it to get a buff, but I still won't run it.
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Stealth is viable, you just have to keep in mind how those detection perks activate. I don't care for looping the killer either as it visually breaks emerson and find it far more satisfying if I die on first hook.
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It would be great if Distortion had more charges, and/or could build charges during the match based on some metric like "Spend X seconds in the killer's terror radius without getting caught to earn a Distortion token."
It could also just straight-up be a flat "the killer cannot see your aura" perk. I actually wonder if that would be fine balance-wise, because you'd be giving up something else to get that ability, and the killer has a lot of ways to find survivors, outside of seeing auras.EDIT: Now that I am thinking about this more, never mind on that last part. It would break the game, combined with Object of Obsession. But I still think there ought to be some more flexibility with Distortion's token cap.
Post edited by Rydog on0 -
Here's the thing though. Aura reading is one of the most reliable information. Even with just a few seconds of it, you can determine where a survivor is headed. Try proving it by comparing the accuracy between Rancor and Bitter Murmur. Plus as I said, almost every other tracking method has a counter to it except killer instinct and let's be honest, Legion really needs it.
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I think it's a confidence issue. Players less experienced with looping are just gonna hide a bit more. It's a process. With more reps comes more confidence in looping, and they'll be less likely to shy away from that protection hit, or hook sabotage.
I agree with others that playing killer and being 100% certain someone is near you, but being unable to find them? That's the tops. That's sexy. You know the survivor is loving every second of it. Seeing a killer spin around for 20 seconds like they're losing their mind is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game for me.
Stealth can work, but be productive. Always be doing something. Once you're comfy with stealth and looping, look out.
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But why are these worse than the guys that run around the map never touching a gen or an unhook just the same?
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I once tried to run 4 stealth perks (Distortion, Calm Spirit etc) and besides Feral Frenzy there are two Doc powers that reveal your location that can't be countered by any survivor perks. I forgot what what they are, one of them was scream aura I think. There are also perks that are not affected by Distortion, I don't remember what they are called. So, I gave up on that idea. While aura reading is surely the most powerful way to discover survivors, and for some survivors buffing Distortion will be enough, but personally it won't make me use it again because I have to give up 3-4 perk slots and I can still be easily discovered by some powers and perks that reveal my location. And I'm sure there will be more different killer powers/perks in the future that Distortion won't be able to counter. Not worth it.
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They're both bad , the difference is most of the time the one running around is gonna be seen and at least provide a chase or something that benefits the team by wasting time of the killer, someone who solely stealths and doesn't do anything but wait the hatch out is a heavier burden on a team by not getting chased or doing objectives , I would rather play with someone just running around any day of the week over someone who does literally nothing but hide and doesn't repair/unhook/cleanse/ or heal
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You are totally free to play as stealthy as you want. Expecially when I'm playing Doctor.
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It's not that stealth players are disliked, it's just the ones that are hiding all game while everyone is dying. The ones that bring The Killer to you with Bond and will rescue you and then UE away while you're getting tunneled. my favorite of the ones that eventually get found and then last microseconds in a chase and immediately disconnect when they're put into the dying state.
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90% of my random teammates do stealth because most people are dogshit at the game. So yeah, you definitely can. But it incredibly boring and mostly hurts your teammates.
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Stealth is very often hated because over relying on it is as bad as over altruism.
It is a very good way to make killer waste more time aslong as it doesent negatively impact your team mates.
If the killer never finds you then your friends are dying faster and if you get found in a bad spot youll go down faster.
Often it is a good way of wasting the killers time before initiating a chase adding an extra 10-20 seconds on it giving your team more time to do gens.
However most stealthy people never do anything else leaving them to throwing most of the game and it is very frustrating to play with.