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General Discussions

Why many PC red ranks SWF with a purple survivor to abuse match making?

Member Posts: 33
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

I'm seeing this match making abuse a lot of times and it seems that there is no fix for this. 3 red rank survivors and one purple SWF and as a green rank killer I am getting this matches a lot of times (even 3 to 4 in a row).

Can BHVR enable the rank visualization in the lobby again if there is no MM fix?

EDIT: Yes, I can see some Steam profiles and they are friends, also some twitch red ranks that are abusing this (I saw 2 in the last 7 days) shows the SWF lobby.

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  • Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2020

    Matchmaking is disabled it's using default rank pairing atm.

    Default rank pairing technically goes by whoever has the highest rank, it doesn't care if you have a lower rank in your party. It doesn't adjust based on that it goes off the highest rank in the lobby.

    Any bad matchups are literally just because the system is just very, very bad at what it does.

  • Member Posts: 84

    I feel your pain. Once, when I was rank 16, I had a rank 4 who was tagging along with friends. It was not a fun match, when I finally did get someone downed, only to have him flashlight stun me and later body block me.

    Please enable seeing at least the COLORS of the ranks.

    As a side note, as a rank 10, I had some matches with people up to rank 20... and I felt really bad owning them. I'm sure it was no fun for them, as it wasn't fun when I was starting out either. It would be nice to know that I am playing "newer" people and to go easier on them, to help them learn and have an enjoyable match. Not run them off from playing DBD because they couldn't even get ONE gen done!

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    Maybe they're friends?

    You can't just pluck a purple rank out of thin air and queue up with them. That's not how it works.

  • Member Posts: 277

    Sometimes friends and family just want to play together. That doesn't mean they're purposely abusing anything. Survivors aren't always out to ruin a killer's time.

  • Also they can't abuse anything, that isn't how it works.

    It used to work that way, but it was changed.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Because they can?

    I don't know what to tell you. If people can sweat at something, they will. Casual, competitive, FPS, horror, doesn't matter-- there's always a will, a way and a group who's gonna do it, and if they can naenae on someone, all the better.

    So yeah, it's gonna happen with DbD.

    A lot of SWFs are just friends having a good time with eachother, but odds are you notice them less 'cause they're not the ones destroying you most of the time.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    I have a couple friends in green ranks I play with sometimes. Yeah it affects the matchmaking, but what am I supposed to do about it? Not play with my friends because the matchmaking sucks?

  • Member Posts: 5

    My favorite people in life, they are my least favorite to meet for swf. They are 1, but I really am not. They bring me to the slaughter house basically, super fun.

  • Member Posts: 186

    That cant be true. I play with a friend of mine that only plays when i ask. He is a rank 20 survivor and im a rank 4 survivor every match is a rank 20 killer

  • Member Posts: 252

    There is no real matchmaking in this game..... yo ucan be rank one and be put with anyone over a rank 15.... The sooner you accept that, the better. Regardless, look to get better, not worry about ranks, you sound petty.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    The difference between purple and red rank is actually quite small, though a green killer shouldn't be getting matched with reds ever

    Probably just the game wigging out, you're way outside the median rank there

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Honestly the way matchmaking is it really doesn't matter you could be a rank 20 killer and get all red ranks , I faced a rank 20 with a whole squad of red ranks while I was playing solo just 2 days ago , I felt awful and offered some advice but it just goes to show that sometimes the game just throws anyone they can in the lobby , I'm wondering if after so long it just randomly picks a killer in que if there's no match already

  • Member Posts: 364

    red rank survivor lobbies can be miserable. I stopped playing survivor without lower ranked teammates. i guess im tired of the sweat fest. I just want fun chases and I don't run any meta/exhaustion perks. its my best chance to get a fun match.

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