One chase = 2-3 gens pop

The second you get into a trial, gens are being done. You fgind one survivor, you get into a chase, but then 2-3 gens pop. How is this fun?
Corrupt intervention would help you in the early game if you're a slow killer. Ruin helps in the early game if you're a mobile killer. You are either not disrupting enough at the start or you're not getting downs fast enough. You may also want to consider enduring if you're needing to cut down how long it takes for you to get that first down.
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Because survivors almost always spawn on gens and killers have to walk around find someone down them pick them up put them on a book then go to someone else
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I second corrupt. It definitely helps. Also try to be conscious of your chases in terms of duration. If you find you are spending too long in a chase with no sign of it ending soon then break off.
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It’s actually quite the opposite but okay sure. Gens are actually hard to do when you go against good killers. The maps are quite small in comparison to each killers current speed and ability to down quickly. Survivors aren’t hard to find. They’re actually too easy to find. You have it all wrong. I play both sides, more so survivor side. but when I play killer I get 3-4K every game. It’s a little stressful managing 5 gens at first, you bring corrupt intervention it gives you a bit of a head start. That’s all you really need though 😂 it’s too easy for killers it’s not really fun for survivors to hold down a button on a generator the whole game waiting to die either.
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Nah, corrupt doesn't do anything. You still find one survivor, do a chase, and they still find a way to do gens. How will this be fixed to keep killers playing?
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They spawn on a gen, but killers also spawn on survivors 😂 so yeah that’s being a bit hypocritical. Killers spawn in a small map with 4 slow survivors people need to stop complaining because they are bad at being killer. Killer is so damn easy it’s ridiculous 🤪🤣
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Killer is not easy lol. You got four people working against you.
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Simply ignore him, he is one of the nearly religiously survivor biased people.
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Your argument is so weak that its pretty clear you only play survivor probably at green ranks as well
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Simply check his post and discussion history and you will see he is one of the few hardcore survivor biased people.
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It gets better when you get better. The feeling your having now is just because your skill level. Just keep playing
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Corrupt intervention was meta (before ruin undying) It was used at the literal highest level. If you think that perks garbage, you're showing why you hold your opinion that you do. Hint: it's because you're not playing well and you can't accept the fact that you're not doing well so you come to the forums to tell us that the game is broken. Nah man.
Edit: this guy is just baiting. A true master at it too.
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You're not using it right then. The strength of Corrupt Intervention is it minimises the active generators from seven to four, making the killers job significantly easier for the allocated time to defend the generators and hopefully secure a down or chase.
CI does absolutely nothing if you ignore what the other three survivors are doing, as the killer you need to prioritise defending generators over securing downs at the early game, which a lot of people do not realise.
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Holy ######### I just did lol yea no point Talking to someone like him
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Thats on you though....why waste time chasing one survivor who is obviously distracting you and letting 3 others finish gens. I think you just got too greedy for that one kill and simply lost a lot more in return.
Like a match i had against a clown, the dude literally up chased me half of the round each time trying to hook me in the basement. I always managed to wiggle out on the basement stairs, ran to the wall, he downed me again and again walked half the map just to try hook me into the basement but in the meantime all gens were done.
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i play red rank survivor and purple rank killer. I could go higher as killer but I don’t play enough to resist the rank resets.
but I’m being completely honest. This game is actually way too easy for the killers. Small map sizes means gens are squeezed together where killers have the ability to move from gen to gen quickly especially with the walking speed they have. There is a lack of hiding on most of these maps, and it is way too easy to spot survivors. There are not many places to hide. The ones that are available are completely obvious. Killers need cool downs in between attacks. It’s not really fair that killers can pummel survivors when they can only take two hits. Yeah they get the speed boost but it doesn’t mean anything when they are going to get caught up to moments later because of the killers speed and the 0 second cool down after the hit. It’s ridiculous. Survivors need TIME to do gens. Quite honestly good killers don’t really give you much time at all to do 5 gens as they have the ability to go from one survivor to the next with ease using the right abilities and the right perks. Keeping Survivors healing and and running around unhooking or hiding is 4K every game. It’s a killer sided game my friend. The killers need a decent size nerf In my opinion.
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Have an actual discussion. Dont dismiss actual complaints. Corrupt is useless after the time runs out.
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Annnd I just had a better match as doc with corrupt than any other killer. This. Is. Bad. Why would anyone play other than doc to get kills?
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Bone heads in here that still believe survivors have it too good no the hell they don’t 🤣 gens are quite difficult to do in the red ranks against GOOD killers. Get good at being a killer and you’ll see how easy it is. (There is a little stress involved being that, as killer, you have to stay being productive the entire match) gen to gen, survivor to survivor. Then It’s 4K every game.
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Wrong. If survivors are on discord and communicating, killer loses every time. Look at the perks used. Playing killer is so boring and you lose every time.
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Lost me at "bonehead".
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This was not with at least one slow down perk was it?
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Seriously. Any killer, you do 1-2 chases, the gens pop and you're done. This is terrible for game health./ Why would anyone pkay killer?
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Absolutely was.
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You don’t lose every time, you’re just bad at it. It doesn’t matter what they are on or what kind of communication they have. I’m telling you it’s definitely still easily doable for killer players lol
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But at the same time you hook 3 different survivors and still get hit by DS, all in a 60 seconds window? So how come you lose 3 gens in a chase but you also complete 3 different chases in less than 60 seconds?
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You're looking at yellow rank survivors lol
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You are Just a troll lol. Why would anyone play killer? Please. Why would anyone play survivor? Hold down a button on your objective waiting to die the entire game? Naaah. That’s not fun. Killers have no cool down in between attacks like they should. Some killers down way too quickly to allow survivors to do their job. Game after game I see killers 3-4K. Survivors just get to die? Can survivors at least have fun dying? Not in this game. At least Friday 13th had different ways to die that made it interesting.
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No way. You do one chase at the start and 2-3 gens pop. You lose everyone within the timeframe and they escape everytime. It's boring.
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No I’m looking at red/purple rank survivors. Honestly survivor rank doesn’t mean much because you still pip if you don’t escape. You’re not meant to escape in this game and if you do, you’re lucky or the person playing killer is atrociously bad at it lol That’s just how the game is designed.
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Not a troll. A genuine player. Don't discredit me. I'm ignoring you because you don't bring any discussion, just hatred. You suck.
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You dont bring real discussion to the probklem with the game. You want easy wins. You're afraid of any discussion of balance. GTFO
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First of all watch your language. Insulting people calling them boneheads just because they have a different opinion on things is not how we communicate. Please try and keep it respectful.
Secondly the game is in a fairly balanced state at this moment. If survivors know what they are doing in terms of looping, decision making etc. even the most oppressive killer will 2k AT BEST which is what the devs are aiming for.
Yesterday I (a 4000 hours red rank killer main) got almost nothing but 2ks despite sweating my arse off every match because people literally did everything right in most of my matches.
Faced so many incredible loopers and OoO-teams yesterday I almost forgot how difficult killer gameplay is when survivors don't mess around.
That's how DBD should be. Good survivors vs good killers = 2k.
Therefore I think neither killers nor survivors need any major buffs/nerfs at this point.
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Great opinion, I see where you are coming from.
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So my simple response to this is that the game only really gets real when you are at 2-3 gens left. As long as it's not a godly stack where they are super far away, you now have an ability to apply real pressure.
I do agree that they definitely need to address that sometimes gens go too fast in the early game. If survivors spread out properly they can definitely bang out multiple gens early with no way for you to be everywhere at once.
This always sucks because you're immediately in a rough game with a massive disadvantage of having nobody leaving the game anytime soon.
These games get to me the least because I just feel like the survivors did everything right when it's their game to lose. My personal win ceases to be a 4k, but to find some other win condition that makes it still feel like I accomplished something.
I do wish that they added something like completing a gen causes all live gens to surge. Ones actively being works on have a difficult skill check and active one's not being worked on get a tiny pop so SWF can't synchronize stopping briefly.
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Adrenaline? After a getting bombed on hook? Boring.
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Legit, my complaints are as a killer main. Don't come at me as I "suck". Been playing since Bubba and I believe the game needs better ways to play.
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2 survivors doing the same gen take 42 seconds to finish it with proof Thyself. Survivors usually spawn on a gen, while the killer spawns at the other end of the map.
Killer can only chase 1 survivor. Even with insta down, unless survivors afk hide in the corner of a map, 2 gens will be completed before the first hook.
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Alright and? It STILL happens.
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Without knowing exactly what happened during the match it is hard to give any input tbh.
I was just playing Trapper (possibly one of the worst map pressure killers) and only had Corrupt. I never overcommitted nor try to chase the same person without at least knowing a probable location of where the others were. I ended up getting at least 1-2 people before 1-2 gens were done.
I am not saying that what you are describing isn't possible, but that there are other variables to consider when that happens because in my own experience that doesn't happen too often, unless the survivors have an extremely good set up, which even then I will leave before I start to overcommit, unless I am playing someone who can shut down loops.
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? Quote the wrong person?
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You still get shafted, You may have one good game on ONE killer, but it doesnt take from the fact that you'll get boned every game.
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Maybe misunderstanding caused by being on edge after trying to discuss fruitlessly with askingforhelp.
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Losing 2 gens after the first chase is normal, its an average start.
Its a simple time calculation and most killer cant do something against it. Its not bad, defending 7 gens shouldnt be possible anyway. Some gens have positions where its not worth defending them.
Most of the time gens are only not completed at the start bc the survivor are not good.
There are exception like a high mobility killer with ruin/undying tinkerer, an unstoppable chaser (spirit) or corrupt.
Corrupt fails sometimes and survivor spawn near unblocked gens. Then you have wasted a perk slot, but most of the time survivor spawn far away from the killer.
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True, and I see what you're saying, but the majority of killers being weak against as gen rush just feels bad,
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I'm on your side.
The killer doesn't has enough time to slowdown gens.
Chases usually take longer than 42 seconds.
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Yeah, this could be.
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you git gud at game sense and find a chase like 10s into the game and your chase shouldnt last longer than 20s ever. you should have at least 4 total hooks like 2 mins into the match.
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"git gud" You mean playing this game for years and finding that most killers have a bad time finding survivors in the first 10 seconds and when they do, 2-3 gens pop?