Survivors mains are the worst

Im actually a survivor main but sometimes I play killer for fun and for rift challenges.
When I play killer I play bad, but I dont tunnel or camp or slug and I use fun builds and bad perks. Because I enjoy the game and I dont care to win.
But half of end game chats there are always survivors complaining about me, insulting me for nothing... tell me horrible things I cant write here.... I always report this kind of players but I still saw end game chats like this.
Ive never seen a killer fair like me. I know that Im loosing but I still dont camp and ran away from hooks to practice chases and get better.
Survivors are escaping and still insults me in end game chat. They calling me a tunneler but everyone have been hooked twice...
I know the most popular opinion is that killers are toxic etc but its wrong survivors players are way more and insults killers for nothing.
Its very sad because this game is very fun but players are just trash people, sorry to say that...
I just want to say : Behaviour please do your job and ban players like this from the game. They are very hurtful for free, with no reason. There are games rules but they dont care because they are not banned and still in this game.
I just start to think that killer is the bad role and whatever your gameplay, kind or toxic, survivors just like to insult killers because they are the bad role.
Sadly i agree with you but everyone is just gonna tell you "grow a thicker skin"
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Both sides have toxic people. Neither side is better or worse they’re all just bad.
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Well, most people are going to consider your post "bait" and such, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. There are more (numerically) Survivors than there are Killers. That means that yes, you will encounter 4x the bad sports among Survivors than you do Killers. That is a simple truth, assuming the statistically number of bad sports was the same among them. We don't really have a way to determine if the percentage of bad sports among Survivors is greater than that of Killers, so it is safer to assume it is the same.
It is unfortunate, but true, that Killers have to put up with more crap. The only thing you can do is thicken the old skin, and turn irritation into drive. I hate bad sportsmanship and salt. I record every game just so I can report them. I figure if it results in the odd warning or ban I'll have done my civic duty to try and lessen things. I do get a lot LESS of that stuff now. I don't know if it is because I record and report, if my name is recognized, or if there are simply fewer bad sports among the Ranks I now play in.
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There are 100% ######### Killer mains, but they are usually just low rank players, and sometimes they don't even realize they are playing like an #########. Very few are just outright #########.
But survivors... oh god. I can't tell you how many times I've had to defend the Killer because they are just being assaulted for no reason. I actually had a game once where I played against a pretty good Legion (unfortunately, those are very few) on Lery's. They played very (massive air quotes here) "fair" and still demolished us. He always went out of his way to not tunnel, never camped, and brought a mori for a daily, but only mori'd on death hook (and to be even more nice, he would walk to a hook with the survivor before dropping to mori.)
The other survivors had no reason whatsoever to be toxic to this guy. By all standards he followed the Survivor Rulebook™ perfectly, and he still got called a "camping tunneling PoS baby killer needs mori to win ######### uninstall you're trash no one loves you".
It's why I only bring BPS if I'm in a 4 man SWF. Survivors are just horrible.
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Hey I'm a survivor main and I like to be nice to people
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What I noticed is that the better you play, the less toxic survivors are. If you confidently win, then, of course, they may still complain and insult, but to lesser extent. Killer is a more demanding role, so if you're not playing good and trying to be nice, then you may end up being disappointed with both losing and getting insulted in chat.
I was also confused on why do some survivors insult, when they played good and all escaped? Probably, it's something in human nature, some people enjoy piling on someone else's misery. If there was no misery and you destroyed them in game, there will be nothing they could pile on.
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Can't disagree more. I notice even if I'm going against a try-hard killer they're very rarely mean in the after game chat. That's not at all true for survivors. They'll crap talk until the chat times out if they technically won and didn't like it, is what I'm discovering. There have been periods were it's worse than others, but because we have so many veterans I think they're just used to getting their way and being rude to people. I really don't like it when I'm on the same team as other survivors and they start crap talking the killer when we had a great game and I'm feeling good about it (this is usually because the killer tried to camp their last chance at taking out a survivor- a completely reasonable thing to do).
There are plenty of nice survivors too, but the rate is far lower as a proportion of the whole. I do like that most survivors now will communicate something to a killer. I notice when they want peace they rapidly crouch in place or point at me now instead of just pooping in the chat afterwards. Saves us both feeling bad about things.
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Me too it happened to me. I defended the killer because survivors are just unfair to them.
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Because bullies always surrounds themselves with others and that is why these kind of people play survivor and not killer.
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Got way more threats and death wishes from killers than from survivors.
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Really? I hope you are recording and reporting. That is not common at all. Most annoyed Killers don't even stick around for chat, much less engage in bad faith chatter. I'm not saying there aren't a few (there are always some bad apples); it is just that level of it is actually pretty rare for Killers. Tell us more and give us examples?
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I tried but after a while it just becomes boring, the time it takes for me to file the report ingame and on the help center is worth 1 whole trial.
Someone that threatned my gf irl got banned (i even made a post a while ago) but after a while as i said the procedure its too long and complicated to get any "result" because i'm afraid ingame report alone won't do anything.
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Pain or not, it needs to be done.
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Yeah. Agree to disagree here. I get about 4 times as much hate mail from survivors than I do killer.
Interestingly enough there are 4 times as many survivors than killers.
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*People who are toxic which can be either side are the worst
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When I started killer, I was a entitled survivor. I wanted to show ppl that u can play killer and satisfy the entitled survivors.
So I hook everyone 2x each so no one dies. And chase them enough so they have fun.
I let everyone go. I carry everyone to the gate.
But for the reasons u listed, and bullied the whole time. I came to a realization that survivors were the hypocritical toxic players the whole time. I think the nature of the survivor role makes them the way they are.
So now I kill everyone. Don't give hatches or carrying them to the hatch.
Except potatoes.
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I know but sometimes the work to: file the report ingame, copy offender's profile link, getting stead id64 website, zipping videos or screenshots, my cloud id of dbd that sometimes my browser forgets so i have to type it letter by letter, captcha, is too much, i wanna relax in the evening and play the game not being a bureaucrat
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You need to change your perspective.
It's not "survivor mains" who are the problem, it's "people who act like jerks." You can mostly play survivor, enjoy survivor, be good at survivor, and still not act like a jerk to the other players.
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It's easier to see one side as more toxic when you see 4 of them to one of the other.
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Exactly people that play like jerks will do that in both sides they're playing, people that tbag, flashlight spam or else will probably be the same that tunnel, hit on hook or fancy stuff like that.
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They're actually not though if u truly played both sides. 99% of toxic messages I received came from survivors.
I barely get toxic messages from killers. Or they just remain silent and leave while survivors trash talk.
If I do message them, they're surprised I wasn't sending hatemail. They appreciate my good will atittude towards the killers. Even when I didn't get the hatch when the killer could of gave it to me. I'm happy for the killer. Cuz I'm not entitled.
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Your personal anecdote is worth nothing
Killers don't need to send toxic messages, the games gives them the means to be toxic through gameplay (caming, tunneling, slugging, bodyblocking to hold game hostage, slashing on hook) meanwhile survivors get "crouch/teabag to slow me down in a chase" and "clicky-clicky, let's waste my batteries"
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I've never experienced body blocking to hold game hostage before by the killer. I got body blocked near hatch and exit gate, but not simply hold the game hostage. Isn't that literally boring?
But I've been body blocked by other survivors before and I couldn't get out until the killer heard the crow and came killed me.
As for camping, tunnelling, and slugging, that's just part of the game usually offended by entitled survivors.
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In sotry you have to deal with that. In assuming you aren't at red ranks because at least the server I play on xbox players don't talk crap all the time but they did at low ranks
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This is a poorly thought out post. The majority of what you cite are tactics which are:
- Valid and specified as such by the DEV.
- None of those are defined as "holding the game hostage."
- Irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
Of the things you mention, only slashing people on the hook even comes close to trying to send some kind of Killer version of tea-bagging. Let me break it down for you, since you seem out of the loop: Tunneling, Camping, Slugging, Blocking, and even the Mori are all valid tactics that Killers can choose (via agency) to employ. By definition they are part of the game and not "toxic" or whatever other silly term you want to use. Holding the game hostage has a specific definition and is extremely difficult to do and has no place here. That is an offense which can be reported if the very rare terms are met. It is inappropriate for you to try and merge tactics you don't like with something else.
Right now, we are talking about people behaving like obnoxious idiots, i.e. BAD SPORTS either pre-game or post game. This is reflected by their chatter. Outside of breaking the actual, reportable rules of the game, it is the only thing that qualifies for bad behavior. Hence:
- Do not cheat, either by hack or lag spikes.
- Do not disconnect; if you start a game, finish it.
- Be humble in victory, and gracious in defeat.
Doing those three things is all that is required to be a good sport. Thus, Killers are not defined as being toxic by YOUR personal standard, but rather by reportable behavior. Are you picking up what I'm putting down? Your Survivor's Rulebook for Killers has no place or validity.
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Just ignore them.
The other day I had two survivors claim I was a bad teammate because instead of going into the basement against a basement camping Freddy, I went to work on generators.
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I cant ignore people that told me to suicide myself just because I play the game. Just because im the killer, the bad role. I play super fair and they still talk like that. Im still learning killer im survivor main im not toxic or whatever. Even if i was they should not say that.
They need to be banned i cant ignore them.
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Are you saying it doesn't happen? Killers are able to corner Survivors in corners and if they don't swing, they're stuck there. Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean it doesn't happen, that's why YOUR anecdotes alone don't matter.
You are totally missing the obvious point. Survivors can't do anything to the killer to be truly toxic, so their aggression is released at the end game chat (that's why I keep it off) whereas Killers have all the tools they need to be toxic in game.
And when I say camping/tunneling/slugging, I don't mean as strategies. I mean as ways to grief: If you're camping a hook and a nearly finished gen, that makes sense. If you camp the first survivor you down for 5 gens? That's toxic. Get it?
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No it isn't. You're just not understanding.
Pinning a survivor down and not letting them go is holding the game hostage, are you kidding me lol. It's the definition of it haha, you're trolling.
It's also super relevant. OP is talking about how most toxicity is post-game by survivors, I am explaining why. Survivors are limited in game so they save their direct aggression (toxic chat) for the post-game. Killers are prevented from griefing in game, so they are less likely to feel the need to release aggression post game. Duh. I'm insulted that you said what I said wasn't relevant, when really it was just you not understanding. You owe me an apology for your condescending "Well let me tell you the rules, you're confused" post. I doubt you'll say sorry tho.
Btw I am not talking about camping a hook when there's a 99% gen nearby. I am talking about camping/tunneling the first survivor you find. That's toxic: Throwing the game to ruin one player's experience is toxic. Don't twist it
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Even better, camp and tunnel hard. If you do that, most players are already gone until the game ends for you and the last survivor.
At least that what i found. If i tunnel them out, there is less toxic talk after that.
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I don't owe you an apology. Your post was poorly written. If you mean blocking a Survivor into a corner and then not hitting them to hold the game hostage, that does fit the limited criteria. But lots of people complain about the Killer blocking a pallet and so forth. But again, what the Killer does in the game has no bearing on what Survivors do or say afterwards That is entirely on THEM. It doesn't matter if the Killer tunnels and camps on first hook at five generators because that is legal, whether you find it bad or not. That is just the game. The only thing we can hold Killers and Survivors to are the RULES of the game, not our personal preferences.
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"Are you saying it doesn't happen?"
A: no, i'm not saying that all. it is simply just rare. and has never happend to me. what's the purpose of this? there are 3 other survivors who are completing objectives while the killer... just stands there.... looking at u.... for no reason.
"You are totally missing the obvious point. Survivors can't do anything to the killer to be truly toxic"
A: this is simply false and you wouldn't know if you dont play killer consistently. dont be telling me u are a killer main. show me a video of u playing killer, otherwise judging by your comment, u are a entitled survivor.
"And when I say camping/tunneling/slugging, I don't mean as strategies. I mean as ways to grief: If you're camping a hook and a nearly finished gen, that makes sense. If you camp the first survivor you down for 5 gens? That's toxic. Get it?"
A: yes i do get it. i understand that it sucks. i understand the frustration of the survivor. i have been slugged, tunneled, and camped to death. when i use to be a entitled survivor, this really bothered me. and i really hated killers who do this. i use to send hate messages to them for camping me. i thought it was unfair.
it bothered me so much that i googled if face camping is bannable. becuz i thought they should be banned for doing this. but when i came across a video of the devs answering the ultimate million dollar question:
"is face camping bannable?" the devs said no. the devs said face camping is a viable strategy and they said not to bother them about it.
i was furious, i thought this was really wrong. so i went out to show the world of DBD how a killer should really play. and on my epic adventure of showing the DBD world that killer shouldnt do toxic things by playing killer myself, while playing killer consistently, i came to a realization that the real hypocritical toxic ones were the survivors. the shock i felt when i came to this epic truth. i have since stopped playing killer, but i no longer get worked up about getting slugged, tunneled, or camped. it is just part of the game. and ppl who want the killers to play in a certain way are entitled survivors.
i have since been cured of the entitlement mentality and play the game for what it is.
I really hope you understand what i am saying. if you play killer consistently, you too, will most likely come to this realization, and truly, understand the other side of the fence.
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There's a few bad apples in the bunch, doesn't mean the whole bunch is rotten.
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Both sides got some nasty folks. It's easier to remember and encounter nasty survivors since there is 4 to 1 ratio and that Survivors can gang up on the Killer in the after game if the whole group gets upset. Another poster also had a good point that a Killer can take out their rage better than Survivors in actual gameplay.
I've had probably 3 nasty survivors and 1 nasty killer since the Twins came out, in terms of toxic post game chat that I can recall. Two were Survivors tearing into me for sparing the last guy since I'm a simp for Steve. (and Felix) The Zarina was intent she going to report me for "working with" the Steve when I spared him and he couldn't find the hatch... so I had him do a gen and and use the door. THE HORROR! Meanwhile the Yui took being sacrificed super personal since I had left the others slugged on death hook to be spared earlier on, but I downed her on death hook with only 2 gens left and now needed to finish someone off. One was for playing the super over powered and cheap killer (Twins) with 0 counter play and complaining about my mori (post nerf) from a suiciding Nea. The killer was salty Deathslinger upset I got hatch cause he deserved the 4K when it was more the randoms I was with were quickly slaughtered with little resistance on their part. One of them even tried to rat me out when it was down to her and me even though I reversed the 2 hooked and 1 slugged state of the match early on. His name calling was rather weird and sexual based, which was a weird one to witness.
To be honest, most of you like to stir the pot in the first place and get surprised pikachu faced when it spills over on you. I've played tons of games as the Twins (who some really get salty about since they don't heal and get Victor wrecked) and have only had the few toxic post games.
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Imagine trying to stir up class wars in a video game.
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You haven't seen the brazilian DbD survivor community. I'm a killer main and I've had to go days without playing just to rest from all the toxicity I face while playing.
Worst part, most aren't even bad players, they're GOOD players who love to shove it in your face and then use all sort of slurs in the end game lobby.
There's not a SINGLE game I've played where I don't get people taunting me at the gate whenever someone manages to escape, NOT A SINGLE ONE.
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People that play survivor get upset because dying = losing. Almost or all Survivors die every game. It’s too easy for killers to be honest. They need to make it harder on the killers. 1) they’re too fast for current map sizes 2) they don’t have any cool downs in between m1 attacks and survivors can only take 2 hits. That’s broken. 3) killers are faster than survivors
#1 or #2 need to be fixed or both. Its quite ridiculous how often I win playing killer than survivor. I get it, 1v4. You aren’t meant to stand much of a chance. But honestly I really firmly believe it’s too easy to find and down survivors in this game. The perks give you too much info as do most of these killers abilities help them too much
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I think you mean toxic people who main one side only are the worst. Its easier to find toxic survivors because its a 4 to 1 ratio, but that doesn't mean there aren't douchebag killers.
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You're not wrong. I'm tired of being subjected to stupid arbitrary rules. I'm done with people talking smack to me post game. Tired of flashlight flicks on a top floor then them getting mad when I have franlkins.
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That would be an issue if survivors didnt constantly push for a class war within the videogame
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For threats of violence or racism/homophobic insults etc all that is required is an in game report as it saves a chat log, no need to go to the help centre as well.
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Which is why survivor queue times are long. Killer has to deal with so much bs that not enough people play.
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Highly doubt a single ingame report alone is gonna do anything
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As a survivor main I can tell you that we are utterly misconstrued by many killers.
At the end of match before exiting I crouch and bow my head down and up in respect to killer for being a good sport and making the game fun to play only to be called toxic t-bager and a bad person for that.
When I meet Pig I often run at her to boop the snoot. Like before many times I got called for being toxic again just because of a meme.
So the morale of the day: don't assume something you don't really understand or simply don't know unless it ends in harrasment in the end chat. Reality may be much simpler than you think.
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I main survivor and I am offended by this post.
Many of us aren't that bad, but if I see a fellow survivor T-Bagging the Killer or just being Toxic I'll take it upon myself to make things a little bit more difficult for them. If things are extra bad for the Killer I'll actually offer myself up to them at the end of the match.
However, Killer Mains can be nearly as bad.
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For as many teammates that i have like this ive gotten slugged for 4 minutes because i spawned ontop of their ruin.
Both sides have problem people and its mostly the people who only play one side.
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You found ruin? You were too dangerous to be kept alive /s
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Im making this post because many survivors told me to kill myself in end game chat. And only when I play killer. Im survivor main too and i can say that survivors mains are worst than killers mains just because killer is the bad role so they say very bad things. It never happened to me to see a killer saying this. But survivors..... just because they like to insult killers for nothing.
And I dont camp or tunnel or slug, Im very fair killer and im not good, i play killer for fun, im survivor main.
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I have so many screen shots of things survivors said to me. Hell one of them even told me i was toxic for bringing franklyns. Another told me i was toxic for "camping a gen". Another group told me i was trash because i had noed. (Destroyed them when they had 3 gens left).
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Imagine a forum without any posts about toxicity, entitlement and fairness...all of these are as @Moundshroud put so well, are constructs within the rules of the game. Play the game... employ any strategy... just don't cheat. Oh and if you are a survivor, you should do things to help your team, not fiddle about being useless... That's it.