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When are they Nerfing Undying?

Can't believe we're at that point where ruin is 'broken' again and would rather nerf the perk then cleanse totem.

GG survivors.

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  • Member Posts: 1,316

    Let's nerf solidarity whilst we are at it. Remember that meta perk no one runs.

  • Member Posts: 977

    What survivor perks have no counter? DS+Unbreakable was solely because of killers tunneling and slugging..

  • Member Posts: 529

    Only thing questionable with the perk is aura reading, but right now as survivors have DS, unbreak, DH which are stronger combo imo.. survivors have nothing to complain abaut. I doubt undying gets nerfed anytime soon as survivors are already struggling with queque times

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    Little advice: Tap a gen and if there's ruin go find and cleance all the totems until it's go and then start to do gens. If 4 survivors do this ruin is gone in 2 minutes and you can play vs killer with 2 perks

  • Member Posts: 76

    Honestly, when I play killer with ruin/undying, the game is too easy. It's stale for both sides. Let's not forget adding Tinkerer into the mix.

  • Member Posts: 39

    either ruin should not be a hex totem but it should be a passive 100% gen regression when a gen is not being touched.

    or undying should be nerfed to the point where its not giving the killer information about survivors location. simple solution

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    Hopefully when DS UB gets nerfed as well. Both Ruin Undying and DS UB are pretty busted and unhealthy so I'll be happy seeing them go if they ever do.

  • Depends on how many people use it.

    They don't really nerf OP perks they nerf ones people use too much. If something is good at what it does but it's the only thing that does it, people use it a lot, and it gets nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 1,319

    Use a perk called small game btw

  • Member Posts: 499
    edited December 2020

    Otherwise it is worthless without running a second hex perk. If it didn't reveal auras you might as well just delete it, as it would provide minimal extra protection. Killer would have no clue that his totems are being cleansed without running around the map.

  • Decisive strike has always been a bit of an exception; this rule primarily is just for killer perks however anyways.

    New perks are also an exception, they preemptively do all sorts of weird nonsensical stuff with new perks.

  • Member Posts: 422

    Undying can be countered. Do bones. If you can't find totems then used repressed alliance to prevent regression. The good thing about strong killer perks is that the majority of them are hex totems and therefore can be removed from the trial.

  • Member Posts: 951

    Im just tired of hearing "BuT gUyS KiLlErS hAvE iT So MuCh EaSiEr NaO" like,

  • Member Posts: 841

    Then you have the fact that if you're actually getting tunnelled, the perk only lasts 60 seconds, punishing the survivor for evading the killer for the period of time after that, almost promoting the idea of letting yourself getting downed so you can use it.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    if it ain't broken don't fix it.

    Do bones

  • Member Posts: 4,186

    Ehm that's why survivor hop into lockers?

    Killer gets 3 options now,

    1. grab them and eat it (depending on the amount of generators done, the best one)

    2. Camp them for one minute and lose the game

    3. Leave them and let them use it on their second hook and letting them go, free of punishment.

  • Member Posts: 841

    Yeah and all those options suck for the killer. Survivors can have DS up and not even be tunnelled at all but spam getting in and out of a locker once the killer even goes towards them.

  • Member Posts: 74

    Yesterday I watched my ruin get destroyed 5 times in under 2 minutes and then my undying... like totem spawns are a joke and this combo is either awful or strong. Never is it OP, it’s not hard to find totems, you just don’t want to do it lol.

  • Member Posts: 4,186

    Ah okay we are playing the same tune here.

    Sorry, I read the quoted post as a defense for ds.

    Yeah ds still needs more reliable counterplay than slugging and (if even possible) eating it early. Survivor grow mellon's for balls as soon as it's up, going for unpunishable saves with bt and the like.

  • Member Posts: 1,911
    edited December 2020

    If they nerf undying could they at least reduce ds timeframe. Getting really sick of 55 second ds when there literally sitting on a gen its utter nonesense. I do agree undying is nonsensically strong past 2 cleansings but its in a field where other perks are broken for the killer side as well cough unbreakable ds cough.

    Ruin and ds both share similar levels of broken power but in ruins case it has a glaring weakness that is way more exploitable. Undying came along and changed that much like how unbrekable and ds guarranteed a survivor more freedom to push gens.

    Why is it impossible to patch both as opposed to hitting the killer side first then survivor is it possible to hold off on a patch till all the neccessary changes can be made to guarrantee appeasing both sides.

    You need new killers players and you keep rasing the skill floor the queue for survivour are startign to get longer then the actual games meanwhile killer lobbies are 5 - 10 seconds.

    Address both ds and undying. Limit undying to one use. Nerf ds window down from 60 to 45 seconds. The ds change would be easy to code. Literal time change thats it.

  • Member Posts: 613

    man survivor players are just the worst

  • Member Posts: 522

    This is exactly why ruin/undying is broken. Any killer that is not complete potato that gets 2 minutes of no gen progress is gg ez.

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    BS, every BS Survivor Perk and Combo has already been nerfed. The really BS ones like Mettle of Man got nerfed within weeks.

    What's pathetic is you still crying about supposed broken Survivors perks.

    That's a recipe for failure. No gens done in the first minute while everyone is hunting totems = GG survivor team wipe, and since the killer can see you doing totems, you basically just made it a 10-gen game with a killer advantage on aura reading for the first five gens.

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    I understand why some people think ruin undying are op now

  • Honestly, at this point, they should just remove hex perks

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    They said in the last stream that the data was showing its starting to become used more and more as a combo and if the trend continued and it became a popular combo like ruin itself was before where used in most games they'd nerf undying. But a quote from memory " We're watching undying carefully and if it continues to grow in usage to a certain point we'll look into taking it down a notch" something like that. Which basically is if too many people use it we'll nerf it.

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    It punishes bad solos too much is probably why all the crying is happening. Undying is only good with ruin and noed. Its pretty ######### for any other hex because it resets tokens if cleansed. Personally If it gets nerfed I'm happy because I won't have to deal with it anymore and if it doesn't get nerfed then I guess good, but anything killers use to make ruin better will most likely be nerfed because they don't want everyone and their mom using ruin. Its a bit funny though they could've just slowed gen speeds and then nerfed some gen stopping/slowing perks a little to compensate and maybe the game time would be better. Though they take the Band-Aid approach and give perks to help slow them, but then when everyone uses it they nerf. Funny situation to me

  • Member Posts: 408

    yeah aura readings are strong & give too much information. But then again.. a SWF with One or multiple OoO is too much information...

  • Member Posts: 408

    How about memorizing totem spots?? Is it really that hard?? I find totems very quickly by memorizing their locations. I guess it requires too much brain cells for you to do. Just saying.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Memorizing totem spawn spots works well on older realm maps where totems generally have specific spots they like to spawn at. For example, LT walls.

    It's much harder on a map like Midwich which has so many nook and crannies totems can spawn in that trying to memorize every possible location is not that easy.

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    Power struggle wants to know your location. The most broken perk in the entire game. Yes more broken than Decisive.

  • Member Posts: 571

    All this time and survivor mains didn't learn the basics of the game. Bones. Do them. Counters 99% of the Hex Perks 100% of the time. If you "lose" to ruin + undying it's because you didn't save the "precious" 12s to cleanse a totem. Hell, go on and cleanse all 5 if you don't trust your team, it's 60s, less time than it takes to do a gen.

    But killers must face 4 DS's most of the matches (with at least 1 or 2 UB) and I'm seeing more and more DS, UB, Soul Guard and a exhaustion perk (mostly DH) AKA non-existent PP build.

    Killer's really can't have anything good in this game 'cause survivors will cry their salty tears and the devs will, most of the time, do their will (oh look, let's nerf Coup de Grâce, a total meme perk, 'cause survivors find unfair a double range lunge).

    For real, I rarely use UD+Ruin 'cause I want to run weird stuff on my killers, but if they nerf it I hope that killers just run spirit/freddy constantly so survivors can be reminded what unfairness is.

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