Survivor queues in my area

12:29AM CST, NA...solo survivor queues are...
killer queues are fast as #########, minus those 3 survivor lobbies...
gonna try survivor again...will give it 5mins this time
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It's about the same EST. At least mori got nerfed right?
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I don't mind the mori change...
but I do wish all killers had some type of base mori system where there's a chance to mori at least 1 rando survivor...
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7m and 23s for a survivor match...It is just not worth it to me
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Not enough killers. *shrugs*
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I gotta tell ya, this is not bad. I have waited more than half and hour, never got in and had to shut it down cuz it was time to leave. I just wanted to bang out 1 match but instead just sat there watching the campfire for like 40 min. Overall survivor in all aspects is pretty much not worth it anymore.
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2:06 a.m CT here, survivor queues take me around 7 min
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how do you wait for so long? I can't wait like that.
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Really I log in while I am doing homework. So I just work on school stuff till I get loaded into a game, play the match, then go back to studying till the next one. The good/bad thing is I can do 2 hours worth of homework (good) and only play 3-4 games (bad).
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Not enough killers, I'm a killer main and I haven't played the game in a while.
There's no incentive to play killers. Killers are needed and we're punished rather than incentivized to play killer.
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Pretty much. Way more pressure on killer. 1 mistake costs you way more than a mistake from them. Any downtime can be gg for you. You have to constantly be at 100% productivity or risk falling too far behind and if you lose your snowball, gg as well.
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Usually survivor queques are faster or same as killer's earlier of the day. At evening survivor queques are significantly longer because people want to play with friends, add other things like killer will dodge 4-man SWF groups so you will get long wait times.
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Right now, whatever time it is where you are, is the best time to play survivor.
Queue times will be relatively fast for like the next 6-8 hours, you're welcome
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When it starts to become night, IT'S IMPOSIBLE TO PLAY AS SURVI, QUEUES OF MORE THAN 10 MIN.... i sometimes wait 10 min, then the game sends me an error message, and then another 5-10 min to play... then killer all time days finds in 10 seconds...
This happends because more survis, and tons of SWF playing hole day and night
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It varies a lot for me, during the night I get super fast survivor matches and my killer queues are longer, then during the day it's reversed.
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Survivor queues for me are very fast during non-peak hours. During prime time in the evening that changes and the queues can go to about 4 minutes.
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where are u from?, im from spain, and at nights it's impossible to play as survi... queues 8-13 min or more in night.
At sun hours, i find so quickly, not more than 2 min as survi.
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CST US here and in the "peak hours" from like 7pm onward my killer queues are around 10-30 secs and Survivor queues are 10-15 minutes. Used to be able to play killer at night and in my days off of work play Survivor most of the day to get challenges done but even lately Survivor queues early in the day are getting longer and longer while killer remains consistent around the 30 second mark.
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I'm in North America, Central time zone. I can't get survivor games after 8 PM without waiting at least 15 minutes. I've been playing killer to try to work on some challenges. It's sad because I want to play the game more but I spend more time sitting in the lobby.
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No one wants to play as the killer, because it's only stress and nothing else. Nothing new.
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I like playing killer...
I just want to scratch that survivor itch here an there.
Alternate between 2 or 3 games as a killer and then one as survivor would be my target.
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I take it your in the land of Canadia...
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It depends from the time. In Finland it's insta lobbies for survivors in the moring and day, killers take forever but you get insta lobbies for killers in the evening and at night
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Same here in my part of Murica...During the days, survivor queues are supposed to be awesome. After 8pm/9pm..survivor queues suck.
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queueing up as survivor...
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Why would anyone want to play a game that they think is stressful? It's genuinely so baffling to me that killers complain that the game is stressful to them.
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4am est
10min to get a lobby
Rank 1 killer matched with 1 red, 1 purple and 2 yellow rank survivors
This is the overnight trend
can’t really have a somewhat enjoyable match (killer or survivor) between 12am and 6am on the east coast unless it’s a SWF😞
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Go play against broken SWF at high ranks when they has power struggle, flip flop and unbreakable and you will find out. Have fun while you can.
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Good for you.
Playing killer now just becomes more stressful and time wasting. You can't even defend the gens if you want to.
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I mean i've played plenty of killer at red ranks and survivors still do the typical stupid survivor things they do at yellow rank. Even SWF who are trying to bully me get 2-4k. Killer just seems to require you to constantly be trying and paying full attention where as survivor is mostly more relaxed unless you're in a chase or last minute saves.
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Crossplay could be the culprit. I remember when killer queues were like 5 minutes and survivor queues were damn near instant, and that was when PC was all on its lonesome. Now that consoles are getting in on the action, I see majority console players in my matches, and survivor's a lot easier to play on console than killer.
That's my theory, at least.
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I have fun playing killer, and most of my matches are against SWF.... but i agree, im a bit tired about face SWF of 3 and 4 with thousands of hours.... i can dodge that lobby also, but want the challenge to beat them, many times i can, many others i can't.
But this game need a balance with SWF with VOICE CHAT... game is not balanced for 4 guys totally cordinated talking each other and sharing information hole the time.... when the normal gameplay it's just u alone. Voice chat is so powerful and unfair. Trapper against SWF of 4 with Voice chat... is.... sick really sick.
But this, at least, makes me rage and wants to play another match to tryhard and destroy next SWF xD. But then the other experience is play as Trapper against SWF of 4 with thousands of hours, 4 consecutie matches, and do 0 kills. Ha ha, so funny. 4 matches 4 SWF, so funny.
This game needs a balance, they let u play SWF of 4, and then those 4 go to Discord and GG.
A fix? in my opinion? Do NORMAL QUEUES AND RANKED ONES, in the second ones only avalible to play in SWF OF 2( not just because is unfair play as killer against SWF of 4, also because it's not the same reach RANK 1 alone than recah RANK 1 playing in SWF with 3 of ur friends)
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Weird, I get the opposite and we're both UK afaik
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You're missing the point. If you think this game is stressful, why are you playing it? Games should be fun. If you're not having fun, stop playing. And don't bother to say, "Have fun getting a game then." This isn't salty. I cannot fathom why so many killer mains complain that this game stresses them out and is so miserable and yet they keep playing.
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I don't have fun as killer. So I don't play killer. Stopped some time back. It's just so much work and pretty stressful if you take it seriously.
Survivor has its issues too and instead of being stressful is more frustrating. But I love sneaking around and trying to hike the killer, and maybe giving him the slip after a good chase. If you take it seriously though it's rage inducing.
So I don't take it seriously.