I'm a slug killer & I love it.

So, I have been trying out a very sluggy build recently on my beloved nurse.

Infectious Fright, Nurses Calling, Sloppy Butcher and BBQ (for when nobody is around and for a bit of BP bonus).

Now, the reason I actually first even attempted this build is because I got tired of being body blocked, saboed (not that saboing is much of a problem for a nurse but it does get annoying) and my biggest gripe, flashlight saves.

I also noticed that I was struggling with multiple gens popping far too quick while chasing at the start of the game. So I also needed a way of pulling survivors away from them without running slow downs because, nurse.

I'm never going back. I love slugging and I honestly don't care what people think of my playstyle. The beauty is you can decide just how hard you want to slug. You can ease off and play around with the more chilled survivors, then absolutely decimate the sweats trying to sabo, body block, ds etc.

It's amazing really I get multiple reactions. Usually the ones that are in my face clicking the flashlights or overly cocky SWF with meta builds are the ones that cry, and that only makes it sweeter.

It's a genuine strength of the nurse and one I'm going to utilise, a lot.
