I spent 200k bloodpoints on 2 perks. The perk/BP system needs a serious review.

I'm level 50 on my main survivor I use (Adam). I had previously unlocked Balanced Landing, and just bought Built to Last from the Shrine. I decided to get both of these perks to Tier 3, and I went from 300k BP (from the apology gift) down to 100k BP.

And you're giving us 10k BP a day as a special event? Incentive to log in? Seriously?

I've been playing a long time and I'm nowhere near unlocking every perk for every killer, and YEARS from unlocking everything on survivor. Survivors are not "just skins" as you like to say, you pick one and you main it, because putting points into every single survivor to get them all "maxed" is what, a billion BP? It's just ridiculous, it's time to remove tiers from the game or something.

No I did not prestige anyone. Yes I run BBQ/WGLF 100% of the time. Yes I'm tired of having only 3 perk slots because of that. No I don't play for the grind, I want to play for fun. Most of the killers I love have the perks I want, so all the BP system is preventing me from doing is playing niche/bad builds, killers I don't enjoy as much, and changing my survivor.



  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Yeah I just unlocked Elodie and getting her perks on all my characters that are already prestiged has been very painful. I think it's been like 300k per survivor to get her three perks on them.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    It's all by design. The longer it takes to get the perks you want, the longer you have to play. I doubt they'd ever do anything to really make a big difference.

    Best thing to do is unlock BBQ on a killer you're good with and farm points.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I am far more invested in the game now that I have several characters with full perk inventories. I agree that having a progression system is very necessary, and I honestly don't mind the bloodweb at all as a delivery mechanism for items and add-ons -- it is always valuable even when there are no perks in it -- but new players are increasingly jailed from developing a reasonably good build until they have suffered a whole lot. This keeps getting worse with each new chapter.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    They could easily make small changes to help the grind. Make each bloodweb smaller. Add 2 more perks at level 50 so you can purchase 3 each bloodweb. Delete some of the more obviously useless things like the hook distance offerings, shrouds and the brown bloodpoint offerings. Raise the bloodpoint cap from 32k to 40k.

    They say “oh yeah we’ll look at it at some point” but this problem gets worse every 3 months and they keep adding more stuff to clutter the bloodwebs. Like who tf wanted the hatch offerings, basement offerings or that stupid wedding ring add on?

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Yeah. Its insane how long it takes them to address something many of us have complained about for years, and now there are more Perks, and more bloat with those terrible Hatch Offerings.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    I'm very surprised they haven't done much to help with the grind. It's insane! This will also push new players away... They need to fix it as quickly as possible. I'll be purchasing Elodie soon. Can't wait for the grind! :/

  • DirtySalad
    DirtySalad Member Posts: 2

    Dude i agree 100%

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    Yeah ignoring the bugs that comes with every new chapter release (with also the old ones from previous chapter which they don't fix), the grind to get ALL PERKS is ridiculous, we have almost 200 perks for each side.

    Just remove the perk tier, that alone would be of great help. It was a cool additiong when the game released with like 20 perks, it needed some grind, but now, with the actual game state, NO!

    I also like to mention I hate some perk tier that change like 1 second duration to 2 second or something like that.

  • DarthDraithan
    DarthDraithan Member Posts: 5

    Ah 1 of the few discussions both sides can agree on. Also on a somewhat side note I ran the numbers at 1 point and as I recall for a player who had unbound all perks and wants to put them on 1 survivor they need an effective level of 134. Or (for anyone who is unfamiliar with that term) to put it another way starting from level 1 they would need to level up 133 times. Given that you can easily spend 800k-1mil bp on hitting lvl 40 it's not unreasonable to spend 3mil bp or more to fully unlock all perks on someone AFTER getting everyone to lvl 40..I don't remember which but either killer or survivor has 2 more perks than the other so for killers give or take 3 lvls to max them out

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    I get they want people to play a lot, but I feel the grind is just too much. This will just turn new players away (that's why I mentioned being surprised they haven't done much to ease the grind yet).

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    No that would make the game better and we don't do that here we just keep making the game worse for the "other side"

  • cranzer
    cranzer Member Posts: 26

    I quit this game because of the grind and the stress it causes trying to eek out some extra points. Its long past being an issue. I feel sorry for anyone who tries to get into the game.

  • Stealth
    Stealth Member Posts: 123

    Ya the grind is ridiculous. There's a lot of perks that I want and will require millions more BP's to get. It's insane.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    BP grind is a pain and I'm relatively new (a few months).

    I prestiged one killer (by accident after I unlocked the perk I want to complete my build and then clicked prestige by accident).

    I'd be down to buy perks packages with real money and then use BP for add ons/offerings. If it came down to dollars vs. Logging hours, buying perks outright would encourage more playing vs. Grinding and beating new players down.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Only 200K? I usually spend around 2 million to max out one perk I want from a fresh survivor. There's way too much bloat in the game if you've been unlocking everything.

    For starters, the level 50 blood web needs to be trimmed. make it smaller and while we're at it please remove Toolboxes and all Toolbox addons, because they are all ######### anyway.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649
    edited December 2020

    What is wrong with these devs? What are their priorities exactly? How many posts do they need, how many players do they want to lose before they do something? So many great ideas have been posted on the forum on what the devs can do to reduce the grind, posts that are years old, why have they not taken these ideas into consideration and then made it happen? The grind is awful, BHVR should do something about it if they want new players to stick around.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    I’ve went from level 1 to 45 on my survivor to get one perk. AND ITS THE ONLY UNLOCKABLE PERK I HAVE

  • ugDUST
    ugDUST Member Posts: 51

    I don't see the problem. I have dwight, claudette, feng, and nea and p3 50 with all perks and I've only been playing since April 2020.. I also have spirit, doc and trapper p3 50 with all perks. Maybe do the challenges?

  • Evelyn208
    Evelyn208 Member Posts: 31

    I think the bigger problem is Killer mains get consistently more BP than Survivors.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827
    edited December 2020

    I think there should be an option to spend 500 to 1000 bp to just bypass a spot.

    I'd gladly spend it to skip things like padded jaw traps (that I have 90 of and never use) or almost any of Billy's new add-ons lol. I refuse to upgrade him even though I need the perks because like all but 3 actually make him worse.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    I used to have every perk on my all survivors and killers. Got a huge burnout around Blights release and took a break until the midchapter. Managed to get all perk on every survivor (except Felix) and most killers, right before The Twins release.

    I feel like I'm so far behind and won't be able to catch up again, cause I don't play as much as I used to. To get just the 3 new perks is 300k for each survivor/killer + having to get like 15 million bloodpoints to get every perk on the new survivor and killer. Grind is becoming unbearable, even for a veteran, like me.

    I mean, I know I don't have to get every perk on all survivors, since they're just skins, but I'm a completionist and play like 60/40 survivor. They really just need to remove perk tiers. It's an outdated thing, that worked back when the game didn't have that many perks. Now there are a combined 164 perks in the game, which all have 3 tiers.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827
    edited December 2020

    I count my levels now considering it currently takes 120+levels to get all perks 180+to get all tier 3. (Why is level cap 50?)

    I literally went 98 levels after I prestiged doctor (before I knew how useless prestige was) to get "distressing" for the first time. 98 I counted AFTER prestige. I actually had distressing very early before I prestiged.

    I'm currently level 62 with Eloise and still trying for Spine Chill.

    That's ridiculous.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    They should just have a perk stock market where you can buy the perks butt the purchase price changes depending on what percentage uses the perks.

    If perks get buffed or nerfed, if better perks change the meta than the purchase price will change.

    And I should clarify, i mean blood points not actual money.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    That's around the time I have been playing and I have freddy, huntrees, wraith, spirit and bubba P3. The rest are P1 except nurse and Blight. All survivors except felix and elodie are p1 just shy of p2. The anniversary cakes I took big advantage of and as someone said above killers do get more BP. i also only use a killer in my roster who currently has BBQ. I feel it's a wasted game if not. I would be farthur but I do work a 8-5 job and have 4 kids to take care of so the grind can be done. Oh and the rifts pump out BP too.

  • Im with you. There should be an option to not have to get at least 5 things on a level 50 bloodweb. I've been at level 50 for probably 30 bloodwebs already and have not even close to half the perks i want. I have plenty of the perks in purple that noone in there right mind would ever use though, its ridiculous.

  • Jedi_Pirate
    Jedi_Pirate Member Posts: 2

    There is so much useless stuff in the blood web, Lessen the Dark Mist. I have never used this or seen anyone in any match put this up as an offeering...

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    if u play with BBQ you can get only 1 level of the bloodweb, if it was a good match, and you got your 4 stacks... as survivor the grind es way harder since is very hard to get the 4 tokens and even if u did wich is way harder, most likely you decided to do lot of altruism wich means you probably didnt do other categories so in the end you will get 8 or 10k extra points anyway... wich is totally sad.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    The current perk Grind system is too much. It takes hundreds of hours to just unlock an interesting variety of perks. Many of us won't play this game 500+ hours and putting such a grind wall in front of all the perks is foolish

    if the game is fun, we will play. You don't need this level of grind.

    In addition, perks should only have 1 Tier. This only would reduce the grind by a Lot and help balance the game. perks should be shareable much sooner as well. Level 20 should unlock shareable perks at the latest.

  • WindyCityBum
    WindyCityBum Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2020

    Omg. I'm 700 hours in and prestiged most of my killers at least once (Cone Daddy is at P3) and I've unlocked all the teachables on my killers and survivors. Just started to P1 some of the survivors.

    It's a grind for sure but what are y'all doing if you can't get there in 2k hours lol. I'm using the most of the old rift challenges to get more BPs once I've exhausted the "active" ones. Although I've only started playing recently, I play a lot in that small time frame.

    I can't wait for the double BP days. Those are when I'm going to make the most BPs with BBQ, survivor puddings, cakes escape cakes and party streamers.

    I'll also mention i have all the killers and survivors if that wasn't already obvious.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It would be cool if every 5 or so bloodwebs after 50 was a bloodweb with only perks

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    They don't care how grindy bloodwebs and rifts are, they just care about player retention.

  • Knots
    Knots Member Posts: 49

    The solution is we get rid of tiered perks tbh. No more Ruin I, Ruin II, Ruin III. Just Ruin. This would at least help the bloodweb situation out for awhile.