One does not solo que expecting to win

If you've been playing SWF like me, you have been sheltered from the horrors of "the solo experience". When you see a good teammate, you promptly congratulate them, because they're a diamond in the rough. Every one else is the most boosted assortment of players you've ever seen. DCers, immersed players, selfish players, clueless players, Self-carers, pallet wasters, etc. They're a dime a dozen and there's no escape from them. You will see them in all ranks, from grey to red. Your job is to carry them because they're little babies, or play for yourself and get chewed out by them. You can do a 5-gen chase and usually no more than 1 gen will pop. You can take a protection hit for them, and they'll go down 5 seconds later. It's mismatching at its worst.

All of this happens because there's a) not enough ranks and b) no MMR system. All it takes is a little play time and a few carries, and you're in red ranks. Beginners are getting matched with veterans, especially after every rank reset, which makes no sense because everyone gets rank reseted at the same time, but it happens.

Solo is an unviable mode to play in if you want to win, because your teammates do not, but the killer does. That's the problem, and until it's solved, the competitive player base is gonna be FORCED to play SWF and/or meta perks.


  • It doesn't help that people apply those terms to people that didn't do that, because they don't know 100% of what really was going on, and then berate them anyways.

    Tbh, if people are nice post game, I'll be nice back no matter what they did or how they played. It's a game. I don't care. I really don't; but it's exhausting having someone trying to pick a fight in the lobby every other game.

    That's why I love console players. They don't/can't say jack lol.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Idk everybody can't say anything but it also sucks because I can't call out teammates for toxicity. I had a pc Claudette being very toxic to this bad bubba and they even body blicked me just to flash save me so I did the same and when they went down they dc and I teabagged their corpse and the killer let me live

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    you can still pip without escaping as a solo survivor.

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    I mean, what's wrong being "forced" to play swf? Like you I also at some point started playing 4-man only swf with my friends and tbh, that was a blessing. Not only our escape rate skyrocketed, which led to a far more enjoyable experience than before, but this game became somewhat relaxing.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    Because if there's a solo option, I should be able to play it. I also play killer, and I know when I'm facing a SWF because they all have Borrowed, at least 1 person on a gen at all times, things that solos have a hard time grasping. It leads to very sweaty and stressful games for the killer, and chill ones for the survivors. I much prefer facing solos, so that I'm not on the edge of my seat the whole match. Solo mode needs some help, and the best way to solve that is by making good teammates more likely to be matched with you. It's unacceptable that someone who goes into stealth every time Spine Chill lights up for 0.1 seconds is constantly getting matched up with someone who gets all the saves, does 2 gens by themselves, AND know how to loop well. That's called dragging the team down, because the good player should escape, but his teammates decided they want to lose by not doing ANYTHING while a 5-gen chase is going on.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    I play nothing but Solo. I go in expecting to lose but that's perfectly fine with me. It's always a fun surprise when I get a good team but I just kind of by default assume I'm going to be the leader of a group of potatoes :D

    Although once in a while, I get to be the potato who looks like he's never played a game in his life so it all kind of evens out

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Yes I do, solo all the way.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167


    Surprisingly not, even if I die the solo experience just feels better than swf

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    Soloq is doable with bad perks or without perks. Swf is just more consistant in how the games go and i find that more boring.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Ya the lack of accountability can be a reward in itself. Plus the added bonuses of no one yakking in your ear about what you're doing wrong or having to wait for longer queues.

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890
    edited December 2020

    I initially started DBD because I prefer to game alone, and playing solo queue with no chats turned on allowed me to do this in an online game I was interested in.

    But yeah, it's almost impossible to do anything in solo queue at this point except worry about your own points. And in turn, you see more and more teammates being selfish and out for themselves BECAUSE of this very reason.

    And then the cycle continues.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    There's something to be said for this. The theme of the survivor role imo should be despair, but how many swf groups actually feel this helpless dread? Certainly not groups that can complete gens in 4 minutes.

    I mean it's a bummer only escaping every 3rd game or so, but the rush of helplessness solo provides is unrivaled.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Too true, Solo Q is not something you play because you're trying to win. It's something you play to have fun.

    The people playing Solo Q aren't "boosted" per se it's just that the ranking system is crap and doesn't work. You don't need to survive to pip. You just need to do stuff. So tons of people who get killed can pip easily and get to Rank 1, it's not even hard.

    Rank needs to be based on killing and escaping. Doing otherwise renders rank pointless.

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    I dont know about the despair but my mind melts if i play too much swf as it becomes bit too easy to win against average killers and against those rare one we need to try against we are still messing around and lose anyways.

    tldr: soloq is way more entertaining aslong as you dont expect to escape every round but still work for everyone escaping. Some games are easier and some harder.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Solo is indeed a nightmare, and just looking at some pre-match lobbies, I can tell just what sort of match it will turn into. It's not to say that every match is a nightmare. I've had some amazing teammates, and then the not so amazing. For me, I don't play to win on survivor or killer. I just want to have fun. Get chased, mess up because I ran into a wall and laugh about it. It is nice when you do win of course, but I learned over time to not let it bother me anymore when my teammates are purebred pedigree potatoes.

  • Toxic530
    Toxic530 Member Posts: 39

    I mean I'm mid ranked survivor. I do nothing but solo and I escape a fair amount. Also I like just started playing survivor a couple months ago. I can't really speak for red ranks but like i feel like if you're solo queue games are going that bad you probably shouldn't be at the rank you are. Like even if I get a bad team sometimes I'm usually able to pull of hatch or work myself to get gens done. I do escape all the time but a fair amount. Yesterday I played about 20 survivor matches and I escaped about 12 of them. That's fair. You can't win em all.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    Yeah, I've playing solo for months. and it can be a real crap shoot. And some of the rifrt challenges are hard as hell or impossible in solo. the one I'm on now Stun the killer 4 times in one trial, That's been a slog that just can't seem to do.

    You get people who AFK, you get Sandbaggers it's not really that great. I've had great days I've had bad ones. more bad then great though.

  • Noz
    Noz Member Posts: 176
    edited December 2020

    SoloQ in red ranks is a death sentence.