Why do killers camp so much

Dude, literally I've been playing as detective tap with detectives hunch, inner strength, Better together and tenacity ######### am I getting camped so hard and tunneled I don't understand. Can someone explain to me why people have to camp like this? I even tried swf bruh. People be like get better like bruh ######### can you do I dont wanna have to use ds its annoying. What perks can I use to help me?


  • Thanotos_Omega
    Thanotos_Omega Member Posts: 100

    Also if a killer goes full hard core camper even in a disadvantageous situation, odds are they have a daily or a challenge and aren't interested in normal game play right now, because doing so means more games as a under leveled or unliked killer,

  • Thanotos_Omega
    Thanotos_Omega Member Posts: 100

    could be, could also just be other factors, frustration with something, the survivor has a item they want gone like a key, the player teabagged them so they are camping them as payback, a streamer did it, someone found a mathematical proof it works better, pvp is weird like that, even more so when it's asymmetrical like this,

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2020

    Because very often you have to camp and tunnel to start a snowball and win. If you don´t, you lose on purpose or simply don´t know better. It´s like asking why survivors do their objective efficiently. Its the games design basically.

    Not even 4% of the playerbase have ever managed to get to rank 1 as a killer. But they are experts in questioning the same things over and over again for years.

    I have never seen a survivor following any made up rules, but a lot of killers that actually do for whatever reason. There was never a survivor that didn´t do a generator or open the exit gate to give the killer more time to play, or even giving the killer the hatch kill if the killer deserved to 4k.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    People camp when they feel they have no other option to secure a kill, or because you or your team did something cocky like teabagged or spammed their flashlight, so they're getting back at you, or, they just like to camp.

    Tunneling...I mean, it just makes sense. You don't have to agree with it, but if you're one hit away from downing a certain survivor vs having to slash, chase, and slash again for the other 3, the choice is obvious isn't it? Sorry. The Killer's job is to kill, the Survivor's job is to avoid detection, and win the chase if they are detected. You failed.

    You don't wanna DS? C'mon, how many scenarios can we name where the Survivor or the Killer shouldn't HAVE to use a certain perk loadout, or a certain strategy to be competitive? It goes both ways man. You want your one set of perks to work and bring you success in all your games against all Killers and their perks and their strategies and never have to change things up? C'mon.

    "Get better" truly IS your solution unfortunately. Be more aware. Pick better hiding spots. Don't get caught next time. Win that chase. Accept defeat once in a while and don't take the game so seriously.

  • Regulus47
    Regulus47 Member Posts: 450

    Because a lot of killers are really, really desperate for kills in any way and don't like to try too hard. If they know they're against good players they will just camp/tunnel to get their kills. It's stupid but the developers say they want camping and tunneling to stay so what can you do. This isn't all killers but I'd say a good portion of them.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    I rather they camp than tunnel. At least with camping, I can admire the art teams work and buy time for my team. Tunneling Spirits are the worst offenders.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I've been getting tunneled a lot more than usual lately. Not so much camping. I think people might be upset about the mori change? I dunno. That was my only guess. I had a game the other day where I was downed five times and he only touched one other person once. The other two weren't touched at all, and no one else was hooked.

  • Demiurg
    Demiurg Member Posts: 122

    Maybe play killer and get rank 1 before asking?

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    Is that how you get to rank 1? By being actively doing nothing? Might try that.

  • Thanotos_Omega
    Thanotos_Omega Member Posts: 100

    The new mori changes would encourage tunneling to get the mori challenges/dailies done faster, especially if you have to grind for a mori on a killer you don't like,

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    sometimes is needed, you need to get rid of survivors and if i can stay there 20 seconds to get rid of you i will.

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2020

    I guess you are a survivor main, right? How much time did you spend playing any killer so far?

  • Demiurg
    Demiurg Member Posts: 122

    Yea, we need more 1st rank killers, not forum warrior.

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228

    I think you dont get it. You pretend like its either impossible to get rank 1 as a killer without camping, or that its mandatory to do so...

    You can´t be a very experienced or knowledgeable killer player. Its either because you are very naive, you simply lack the gamesenese to know whats going on around you when you play killer (no offense).

    There are situations when camping aswell as tunneling, slugging or whatever the killer is accused to do wrong is necessary in order to win, or to get better results. There is nothing wrong in doing so.

    This game is played VERSUS. The killer is not in your team. He is playing AGAINST you, not with you.

    When survivors immediately unhook people or swarm the hook as a team, you can waste their time by playing around the hook or simply refuse the unhook completely. Why should you not? If you completely remove a survivor from the game by tunneling, there is 1 survivor less that can do the objective for everybody else...

    Survivors dont get a debuff for being hooked... somebody that has been hooked twice repairs gens with the same speed as somebody that never got seen by the killer at all. To overall slow down the survivors objective you have to remove survivors from the game, there is no way around that.

    And the only way to play a match where everybody gets hooked 3 times (12 hooks overall), is when the survivors actually refuse to play efficient. When you play killer you should know when you are at the point when you can go for 12 hooks, and when its bad play when you try to get the best possible result. If you lack that knowledge or gamesense, you are simply a toy for the survivors that will do nothing for you in return.

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2020

    My point is that the killer is playing AGAINST you, and that there are situation when camping is mandatory aswell as situation that would make your game completely collapse if you do so.

    When the last gen is at 99%, dont you facecamp and tunnel that gen as a survivor? Or do you start to work on a new one? Well, if the killer defends the gen you probably start a new one, if not you camp the gen until he leaves, don´t you?

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    huh no, I do other objectives if he's camping the gen why would I stay? That's wasting time when I could be breaking totems or healing someone else. Also if it at 99 I would probably find someone else. If a killer is that dedicated to camping the gen why would I stay

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    It depends. If what im going against is a super alteristic team. Then yea camping works, because most will be by the hook.

    If im running franklyns and i hit the key out your hand imma camp that key so it goes byebye. If youre by the hook, well that's unfortunate.

    If all gens are done and youre the only one i caught, im going to defend my hook as much as i can.

    Lastly if youre toxic (tea bagging, flashlight clicking, trying to headon me (yes i feel headon is just a bm perk)) you obviously wanted my attention, so now you have it. You dont get to complain.

  • Lemoniax
    Lemoniax Member Posts: 32

    I think what he means is when the killer starts camping and tunneling at 5 gens for absolutely no reason. I'm a good looper and killers have a hard time catching me so I'm not talking about myself. But I play with my girlfriend and recently, I gotta say, exactly that is happening very frequently with her. She has already given up on the game for now and I'll stop playing too because of that. Off Topic: Also the new chapter is another reason to just stop playing. Too many bugs for me. Breaks my heart because I love this game.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Define camping for me plz.

    I had games where i hook a survivor, go to the other side of the map where i saw one with bbq, and he leads me back to the hook during the chase, and afterwards they tell me i was camping.

    since then, i would like your definition to know what you talk about.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    "I loop Killers and keep them in a chase for well over a minute and I do not understand why players would instead just camp a single hook for their kill instead."

    Truly a dizzying puzzle. Someday we may solve it.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828
    edited December 2020

    Because getting 12 hooks with the current game design is near impossible at high ranks without using 1 of 3 killers, and even then, depending on map RNG, those 3 killers are at the mercy of survivor incompetence.

    balance gen speed and maybe people can play for 12 hooks

    or just keep nerfing every killer down the line and gen defense perks, that'll help

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    If this forum has taught me anything, it's that places like this and the DBD subreddit WILL shame you for running DS. No matter the reason.