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How to rank up as survivor?

I've played a few hours of survivor, but I'm mostly a killer main. I've been trying to rank up as survivor though, but it's absolutely impossible because no matter how well I do, my teammates almost always throw the game. How am I supposed to rank up?
Read the four emblems after a trial. They are short concise explanations of how each emblem is increased. If you just want to vent, you can ignore this comment.
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Don’t try and force it. Ranking up as survivor is really easy so if you’re struggling to rank up, it means you’re at the right rank for now.
Instead, focus on what aspects of your gameplay you can improve and your rank will naturally improve with time.
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Try to prioritize co-op gen repairs as that'll get you a lot more BPs than doing the task solo.... meh what I do other than that I just screw around, cleanse every bone I see and looting chests.
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Pipping at most ranks is gonna be on you. I once had the bad habit of blaming my solo q teams.
I was stuck at rank 15 purgatory for months last year.. mainly because I couldn't loop, had no awareness, and couldn't consistently hit old ruin skillchecks.
Boldness, Altruism and Objective. Check each of these boxes during the round, and you'll at least black pip. Then there's no lookin back.
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Solo survivor gameplay is about... well not being anti-social or selfish... but not being willing to put yourself out there for your team until its tested.
As a killer main, if your high ranks your perception of optimal survivor gameplay is probably tainted by consistently good survivors who even if they aren't SWF know what to do for each other. Low rank survivor gameplay is NOT that. Until you get past 15 I would honestly say games where you win via gens rather than hatch are a rarity. Take em if you can get em, by all means, but don't assume your team will rescue you, or do gens while your in chase, or anything.
At the high end, stealth, healing, selfishness, ect are anchors. And if you find a good team at the low end they will be anchors too. But at the low end? Absolutely use these tools.
Stealth is bad for good survivor teams because chases delay the killer and stealth is just you avoiding a chase while not doing gens with no guarantee the killer won't get another chase down the line. But solo it means your not the first one in the chase, which lets you guarantee that A: you will not need to be rescued by people who are potentially questionably sapient potatoes, and B: that a gen WILL be getting done even if someone else goes down or is in a chase. Don't be flippin immersed about it, track the killer and know when you can just be loud and proud because they are busy, but try not to be the first one down.
Healing makes sense, because while it delays your gen based escape, it makes it easier for you to avoid detection, and survive till the hatch.
Don't do rescues unless you know the killer is somewhere else. Alturism points for pipping are rad, and other survivors being alive gives you a chance to do gens, but also more meat walls to go on chases with the killer while you do gens to try to find the hatch early, get emblem points, and maaaaybe win as a team.
If someone goes down crazy fast, discount the team, play to hatch, unless a slick rescue goes off and a gen pops that you weren't working on. Still get those alturism points because, you know, emblems, but really don't stick your neck out.
If someone goes down by another hook, go for the rescue unless its basement. Don't eat the hit for them, don't farm them off the hook either mind, and just go back to gens. If the killer chases you, ditch the chase ASAP and wait for another chase to start before rescuing the second victim. Being in chases is an action you do to help your team, and your not here for your team unless you know they are legit.
Ultimately follow the golden rule of rendering aid in bad situations: Help yourself first, and then once you are secure, render aid to others. You cannot render aid if you are incapacitated. Again, DON'T BE IMMERSED OR A SELFISH PRICK. Its just you can only vet your own abilities until you see stuff that impresses you, so your number one goal as a solo is to not be the first down and, ideally, not be the first chase, and you should be willing to do something like hide behind a rock for 10 seconds while the killer is in your area to ensure that. Solo games also get MUCH easier if 1-2 gens can get done before the first down because it primes the team to not over-focus rescues and to keep pressuing gens. Solos are weird in that they often do the opposite of what they should and go for rescues right away when its still a 5 gen situation. The gen count being low also lets you give the killer anxiety, make them think the team is more coordinated than it is
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Do your best! Low ranks usually have newer players, and a LOT of camping/slugging killers. My advice is to do two gens, cleanse at least 1 totem for boldness, and go for unhooks when you can! Survivor isn't easy in solo q and I find that more purple/red ranks are good teammates for solo. Also, don't take the game too seriously, everyone does BM and sometimes we mess up, but all you can do is move on and hope for the best next trial! Good luck and have fun :)!
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You can rank up without escaping just saying. If you're actually doing good(Which I doubt since you're new) you would pipping regardless if you got sacrificed.
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If this potato can do it, so can you.
And even if you're playing with potatoes, there's always something productive you can be doing, and when you get better at optimizing your time efficiency you can get decent emblem points even with terrible teammates. Like, hey-- not being chased? Hop on a gen, self explanatory. Someone else being chased and downed? If they're far, keep working, and if they're close, position for the save. Save, heal depending on danger, get out. Not being chased after that? Cool, hop on a gen again. Killer's coming in hot? Take the aggro, maybe a protection hit, lead the killer around-- you get Lightbringer points for gens worked on while in chase, lead 'em around as best you can, even lose them.
The better you get, the more naturally ranks will come-- don't overthink it.
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It's easy. Evne iwth potato teammates you can easily get to red ranks. Believe me, most survivor players are potatos from Rank 20 to Rank 1. that includes me. Even potato survivors can easily rank up.
Just follow these rules:
- Don't hide in the corner of the map.
- Stop urban evading everywhere. Run around.
- Do gens
- Bust totems
- Go for unhooks
- Don't use Self Care
Just don't waste time! In fact potato teammates are great. You can farm them for unhooks.
And since you say you're actually good, if you can loop then you got it made. You only need to do well in one chase (meaning survive for like 30 seconds), do one gen, and do one unhook and you more or less will get a pip. Do other stuff like busting totems but focus on those three metrics. If you can achieve those three you will usually pip.
It's so easy only morons can't do it. By moron I mean those people skulking in the corners of the map and self caring and running the moment they hear a heartbeat.
I guarantee you no matter what rank you are playing, no matter how crappy your teammates, and no matter how bad you are at the game, if you follow these rules you will slowly and steadily pip towards higher ranks.
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It's not about BP's for a long time now.
You need a chase, 1 gen, 1 totem, little bold, 1 unhook, nothing to do with BPs