Depip because the killer is bad

Had a game today where the killer chased me once, I got away but let him hit me to save a good pallet. So evader took a blow but w/e, team game right?

He leaves me and chases another, 4 gens have popped before he can hook someone, then the final while he's camping and manages to snag a naive saviour. At this point, I know it is futile to get the saves since it's an insta-down killer and just bail with the remaining solo.

Despite doing gens, doing an ok chase and escaping, I de-pipped, because the Killer wasn't capable of doing anything. I don't expect to pip here, that'd be silly, but I firmly believe escaping should yield a Black pip unless you've done something pretty bad like an unsafe unhook and have nothing to compensate it. Just overall frustrating that my score is contingent on something other than my own capabilities, beyond just my own team being potato (comes with the territory).


  • KaarelK
    KaarelK Member Posts: 89

    You can black pip easily but you just choose to be toxic to a killer and to your teammates by doing nothing useful. Even if the killer is afk with insidious and lightborn (no blinding points) atleast 1 will pip and other 3 will black pip. You're just bad, l2p

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    How can you deduce that I was toxic in my post? The team did gens and the killer was incapable of getting a down or protecting gens until it was too late. By then he was resigned to camping and I did not want to trade places with the hooked, which would lead to a depip anyway. It's absolutely ludicrous to be expected to throw the game in the hopes of safety pipping.

    You're clearly a troll.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    You should black pip for doing nothing? Yeah you know what ######### it i agree why not lol. More BP with less grinding right?

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Well you have to remember if you're trying to pip and you escape, if you went down even once the max you can get is gold by escaping. You need to focus on the other emblems. You only have a limited time to fill out Objective, and you need to heal/bodyblock/rescue team people for altruism. If you're not sure you've pipped and you really want chaser just bug the killer. Even just hanging out in their terror radius will count towards emblem progress.

    (Personally I think there should be emblems in the bottom right corner telling you where you're at on emblem progress, but that's just me.)

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    If the killer's resolved to doing nothing themselves, then yes. Why be punished because the opposing side sucks so much they can't offer any decent chase or altruism? Also, escaping wouldn't mean you've done nothing, since you've done the objective or managed to find hatch. Although I'm a bit iffy on a free safety pip upon getting hatch. Perhaps this should be evaluated differently.

    It's less about pipping, a reward, and more about black pipping, not getting punished, for a mediocre match with a sub-par killer. I don't think I should be obligated to throw myself in a hook they're camping (with an insta-down, it was a Myers) or waste time hanging around their terror radius doing absolutely nothing.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Myers, so low terror radius and insta-down ready to make as many trades as needed.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I think the entire community and developers will all agree in unison that matchmaking is a sore spot. To my understanding they're trying to work out the kinks for MMR with individual killers. It is coming.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    I appreciate this, I'm certainly not trying to ######### on killers who have issues. But when they do play #########, and that happens to the best of us sometimes, it's silly to punish the opposition for it. The Myers was a rank 2, but it felt like they were not used to playing this killer, so yeah, I agree that MMR would have been helpful here!

  • KaarelK
    KaarelK Member Posts: 89

    You didnt do anything and wanted the killer to chase you, probaly clicking with your flashlight too... There can't be any other reason for you to depip, well maybe you're just that bad ? Who knows but you said you didnt go for unhook because you didnt want to trade places, yeah you're bad. It's not 1vs1 you know !?

    What were you doing when your team did gens ? Don't blame the killer, as i said already in my post even with a afk killer its impossible to depip unless you dont own a brain, its like a luxury car.

    The ######### troll ? I say it again, it's impossible to depip vs an afk killerand you managed to depip against playing killer that was bad. You're bad too, deal with it stop blaming the killers for your depip, ######### hell

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    Nah thats what you're saying you should black pip by default. Dont be afraid to say it because you think it might be a bad idea, people on here already say the dumbest ######### ( much of it implemented into the game) so no pressure.

    The thing is tho that survivor has a pretty low skill cap while all individual killer each have thier own much higher skill caps. The game is not fair, the game is never going to be fair. The obvious counter argument is that rank doesn't matter but i think that's why this is such a great idea, it should just be like a personal progression tracker

  • KaarelK
    KaarelK Member Posts: 89

    You do realize if you can't atleast black pip vs a noob killer, you're on the same level as the killer and it's fair for both sides, because you both dont know how to play

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Well no, not by default, since I do die quite often in my solo matches, or even with some friends since we're really not the sweaty types. I simply feel like accomplishing your objective as a survivor, which is finishing gens and escaping, should earn you a black pip at the very least. You did everything, and even if you messed up, you managed to escape. But I also think bad decisions should be punished, such as unsafe unhooks tanking your score no matter what. Ultimately, even if you got downed quickly, you apparently bought enough time for your team to pull through and still escaped, which I feel shouldn't be punished.

    Survivor does have a lower skill cap than killer, yes, I agree. But I also think the game's frustrating enough in its default form (solo) that it's silly to punish survivors for not bothering to milk this game which imo isn't a proof of any sort of skill or effort. It's just annoying.

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    I like all the comments saying OP is being toxic and played horribly. Nowhere in the original post did it indicate either of those things.

    That's like saying survivors against a cloaked Wraith in the corner deserve depips and deranks.

    If the killer can't catch, down, or hook anyone, then survivors aren't going to get any altruism.. therefore that hurts their score and leads to a depip, no matter how well you did at gens or chases. Even just escaping doesn't earn much. You need all four.

  • Stealth
    Stealth Member Posts: 123

    I don't think you understand OP and the issue he is describing...

  • KaarelK
    KaarelK Member Posts: 89

    His issue is noob killers and because the killer sucks he depips (yes assuming their gender).

    And i'm saying you can't depip against noob killer, if you do that means you're on the same level as a that killer.

  • KaarelK
    KaarelK Member Posts: 89

    How come, op said they depipped because killer is noob, but its impossible if you're not toxic, meaning you wont chase the killer so that they chase you or they are blendette main, that chase op is talking about was accidental, luckily they escaped and hide the whole game doing nothing while others were doing gens.

    10th time saying you can't even depip if the killer is afk with insidious and lightborn. If you know what you're doing as a survivor, you'll black pip or if you're hiding or trying to make the killer chase you you'll depip, easy as that

    It's not possible to depip against noob killer, if you do you're on the same level as that killer and have much to learn about this game, crying on the forums wont help.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2020

    I just don't care about rank at all. I always hit red rank as either role no matter what cause it's too easy to pip anyways. It caps out skill wise at "you've played some before" lol.

    You have dreadful players at red ranks and all the best players in the world at red ranks, cause skill of player base be divided like

    [--Brown--] [-Yellow-] [-Green-] [------Purple------] [[--------------------------------------------- RED--------------------------------------------- ]]

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited December 2020

    I propose the mmr ranking should factor in your rank the previous season for the first 3 months of its implementation. Maybe 50% of yyour mmr value. Then add actual experiance and wins the mmr objective as the remaining 50%.

    My theory on og mmr failure was that starting everyone at 0 was a fatal mistake. This is all theory from my experiance so who knows for sure.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464


    To start with the lightborn wraith: This means you cannot get evader or altruism emblems. So let's say you get Iridescent Lightbringer and Survival. This gives you a total of 8 emblem points. You need a minimum of 9 to safety pip in red ranks, which is what we're discussing here. So, no, an AFK Wraith with Lightborn WILL make you depip, as you are INCAPABLE of getting Benevolence or Evader emblems.

    Now for the situation I presented. Because my team was actually EFFICIENT, I was not able to get Iridescent Lightbringer. I actually got Gold or Silver. I never got hooked so I'd get Iridescent Survival. There was no altruism to be made since he downed the people at the end and I know better than to trade with a Myers in endgame (He'd probably stop me from saving anyway via grab or T3, it's stupid to try in this situation). Regardless, I've had only one chase with him where I got a stun, but let him smack me later to save a strong pallet. In the end I'm pretty sure I got bronze due to the overall low amount of interactions.

    Lightbringer: 3

    Chaser: 1

    Benevolence: 0

    Survival: 4

    Total: 8

    I could have farmed the hook, but I'd still depip as a result for dying and thus getting a crap Survival. It was a lose-lose all around. The only solution was farming evader via terror radius for 10 years or bait a hit to heal each other, but with a T3 primed Myers? Yeah, no.

  • Stealth
    Stealth Member Posts: 123
    edited December 2020

    You absolutely can. How do you get enough altruism points if no one gets hooked? How do you get enough chase points if you escape too quick? How is he the same skill if he escaped easily?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,670

    You can easily depip against a bad Killer. If the Killer is over-committing to a chase and cannot catch that Survivor, you will not get any Chase Points and you will not get any Altruism points. And how is it the Survivors fault if that Bubba tries to catch a Survivor for 4 Gens and then facecamps them until the end? Not much the other 3 can do at this point.

    I mean, unless you say that the Survivor should try to get chased by the Killer by running after them, flashlight-clicking and stuff. But given how some people on the forum react on this, I doubt that this is the nicest thing to do.

  • KaarelK
    KaarelK Member Posts: 89

    ######### where did this situation come from ? Ofcourse you depip if you get chased the whole game and get 1 hooked after. Read what OP write, thats' the situation we're talking about, dont throw random #########.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,670

    I am talking about the Killer chasing someone else for so long so that the rest of the team depips. Which is the situation OP was writing about.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464
    edited December 2020

    Because if the Wraith is the go-to for AFK bots, but it is essentially the same with face-to-wall insidious AFK killers, yes.

    I've said I hit Lightbringer Gold (or maybe Silver) due to my team splitting up on gens EFFICIENTLY. Which means, at best, I got 3 emblem points. Learn to retain basic information.

    I'm going to report this as some sort of trolling, there's no way you can be this incapable of coherent thought without making a spelling mistake at every word.

  • KaarelK
    KaarelK Member Posts: 89

    If the killer is chasing someone the whole game and camps how can't you manage to make points for emblems. You wont get downed = 4 points for unbroken, doing gens = 4 points, your fault if you cant manage to get 4 points, using a brain helps. And benevolent aka alturism is 1 points from the start you wont lose anything if the killer is chasing and camping 1 survivor. 9 points for black pip, done.

    Noone in red ranks had a problem against afk killer, all black pipd, these few i faced were in low ranks and they were not the brightest survivors.