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why i didnt play never killer again until hit vali is fair ! (punished by a good ping)

so sad hit validation was the last hope, in the Test its was perfectly and i liked to play killer too, but that realy realy bad hit validation, i just feel unfair and WILL NEVER PLAY KILLER AGAIN (no missions, no daylis, nothing!) for my good ping not be punished!
i am mainsurviver but sometimes I like to play killer, but when I play killer I have to hit PERFECT and I mustn't miss a 5cm, but when I play surviver ALMOST EVERY MATCH bs hits
NO BHVR ! it is enough ! It cant be that people who have a good latency are punished and those who have a bad latency are rewarded, dbd is the only game that is! defamatory!
MAKE IT AT LEAST SO THAT YOU CAN SEE THE PING FROM THE KILLER IN THE LOBBY! thats the minimum you should do until youve fixed all of this, I really dont know what the problem is that you dont want to bring out the hit validation of the test versions but enough is enough! i am out for killer and if it goes like this then no longer a surviver or dbd ...
that is not the main problem, the main problem is like that, i hit the surviver and didnt hit
but when i play surviver and they shoot me that happen
when i play huntress (this killer who throws ships) my huntress throws nomral hatches (watch that in slomo)
and other huntress player (ships incoming)
they have the wood sound (that happen when you hit the wood) and she hit me
when i play freddy, that guy who all says "ffreddy has a greater range than any other killer" my freddy be like
other freddys
and then a handful of people in all time they have a good ping like me and punished to by daylight
THAT IS NOT HIT VALIDATION ! its was before hit validation comes that dude has only a very good ping
that is nothing i have so lot of them...
I agree, it's freaking ridiculous. This has been a problem for a long time and they just can't seem to get it right. Here's a snippet from a game I had against the twins where Victor clearly dives in the opposite direction but is rewarded with the hit.
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same.. i get often punished as killer with my 40ping with cancled grabs, no hit through pallets etc.
and nearly every survivor round i have to deal with high ping killers from russia who can throw their hatches around corners or get hits when the pallet is completely on the ground... not to mention the hits through the windows when iam already 2m away...
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In front of the bad dedicated servers you could at least see the ping from the killer, and avoid the lobbies with a bad ping, but now there's nothing you can do about it ...
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Your non-validated hit with Freddy while the survivor was in the window; I cannot tell you how many times that has happened to me. It gets infuriating when it constantly happens. Or how often I'll smack a survivor directly in the back of the head and it won't register (no Dead Hard).
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You forget one thing.. Killer and you doesn't see the same thing. For you seems stupid but for the killer looks normal but after the stupid hit the server adjust the position for the killer player the downed surv teleport to the correct position on his screen. That why hits looking so weird. The biggest issue is not the ping.. Client sides detection is the problem. They need to go from that and switch to server-side detection and all issues are gone or maybe all.
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Is it because of the ping ? Looks like some of us face this problem including me and some of us arent affected at all.
I can't use dead hard either, i won't get iframes at all and if i use it before the lunge i still get hit because they get a lunge boost for some reason. And the different pov, for example played custom, friend hit a wall after i 360 i'm running away and get a hit, i showed him the video and he said that's not how it was in his pov. You can confirm it if you're the killer and a survivor is live on twitch or the other way around. Wasn't that bad in p2p
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when i play killer, i attack surviver and THEN they use dead hard its worked (watch that in slomo i attack first and then comes the dead hard) i have a 15 ping and to the bad dedicated server 30-35 and that is overkill
dead hard can be use that style give you perfectly imuniti attack from killer first ? np dead hard save you but when i play surviver and play over 95% matches vs guys from a cave with tree internet then first comes the dead hard and then the attack...dedicated !
and when i use dead hard as surviver and THEN comes the attack from killer dedcated, ITS LATENZ (ping, internet, connation)
watch it ! my dead hard animation is activ but they dedicated me...
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yah that right you see them in the right positioning when you down the surviver,
but that doesnt excuse hits ! why does it look like this on my screen? let me guess all 4 survivors are wrong and the killer is right? ask, why does it work with every game except for dbd ? why is the ping irrelevant for every game except in dbd ?
but that is in my screen, when other guy become bs hit
he drop the palli and then the killer hit and what happen ? hit validation gives thanks its was on... pls watch it in slomo, and see how dumm that is
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I don't have any video but at one point I was mostly playing Deathsligner and I notice that when playing at around 50ms of ping I wouldn't have any problem but when I was at 80ms+ I could hit people with my harpoon at 10-15meter and 1-2 second later they would still be able to jump a window/ drop a pallet. When they are fully healed I guess I still injure them but when they are already injure I basically just lose the chase because of the cooldown/slow movement speed on Deathsligner.
I've played many only games, especially Smite, a third person moba where everything is skill shot based. I usually have 30-40ms ping and even at 50-60-70ms the difference on the client isn't really noticeable while on DBD it's night and day.
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that right ! i say it ! you will punished when you have ingame ping max 50 and get reward when you have 100+ ping
that is only in dbd so !
cs go: bad ping ? your character is lagging no reword nothing ! what do you think what would happen if you were rewarded by csgo for a bad latency ? hahaha almost everyone would switch lags! never ever !
imagine you are shooting with a sniper and didnt hit any because you have a good ping, but other guys that have a bad ping almost always hits you... I promise you most people with a good ping will stop playing or lag switching
so sad so sad dbd...that it is not a matter of course that the ping is not beside the point
Post edited by DudelPumaAce on1 -
yeah its painful. but many issues comes from the desynce issue. But in your clip this was the pallet stun the right frames you are invincible and get no stun animation..but the surv geht the points for that.
And all survivor have a different screen..for you its bullshit..but for player b its can be legit..and die hit valid will never fix bullshit hits. its a band aid fix for there own fault. the need only change the client-side to server-side..and many bs hits are gone..
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This post need more upvotes. It needs to be at the top. IT IS a REAL problem which is happening to everyone right now but for some reason no one is complaining about it.
As killer you miss attacks that should've been hits, and as survivor 50% of the hits you receive are FAKE AS [BAD WORD]. And my ping is always green.
I used to love Deathslinger but nowadays I don't even know if I'm good at the game or the game is doing the job for me, because I hit shots that in my opinion they should have missed, and then my shots literally go THROUGH THEM.
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Same problem here, @Peanits do you still work for bhvr? I haven't seen you from months. Same for @not_Queen
Please bring this post to devs attention
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Having good server & fixing the difference between what each client see should be priority number one. Only after that it would be useful to look after bad hit (hit that do connect with survivor but don't injure them or hit that don't connect with the survivor but do injure them).
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Havent seen him in a while.. he hasn't streamed in over 2 months as well.
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I play survivor almost exclusively, and I honestly don't know what to think of hit validation. I thought it would solve most issues but I do still have many instances where the killer is very obviously lagging and hits me where I should NOT be hit.
HOWEVER, I have noticed an uptick in situations where I USED to would have been hit, and instead make it out without a scratch. I have good internet and good ping so it feels good to have that be rewarded now instead of punished. But I do find it surprising how many situations still exist where the laggy killer is rewarded for having crap internet LMAO (and this gets confirmed in post game chats- sometimes the killer openly admits to having garbage tier internet when multiple survivors complain about BS hits LOL)
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It's insane how fun it is to play vs good ping killers
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I've read BDB Eastern US server are in Ohio, about 9h drive from where I live and that's what I got from Speedtest:
I rarely have under 50ms latency, more often it's between 60 and 90ms. With that it's not rare for me to get cucked as playing Deathsligner or as survivor against a killer with similar latency.
My ISP provide me 400Mbps download and 50Mbps upload and I get all of it from Toronto in Canada or NYC with 15-20ms from either of those cities.
Mind you that on some games I'm able to get 50ms from US West server and less than 100ms from Europe.
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Recently I've been having a lot of grab animations without grabs, it's rather annoying.
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The server are not the problems they using the azure and amazon servers..the issue comes from netcode and the game itself
plus clientside hits plus prio the killer sight...etc.
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Ping doesn't mean nearly as much as everyone in this thread seems to think it does same with speedtests, I'll never understand why anyone thinks they're important. Those that are assuming that you have "good" internet what does that even mean? What did you do to verify it's good and not on your end?
Having a wired connection with little to no bufferbloat or jitter, as well as good routing to the servers is many many times more important than your ping or the results of a speedtest
Don't get me wrong this game has issues but put some effort into trying to make things better.
Do some testing to find out routing and bufferbloat and post results, there are ways you can improve things on your end to help make things better. I was surprised when I looked into mine and with a little work I managed to make it much better.
Edit: I had massive bufferbloat as well as my routing to the servers was mind bogglingly silly averaging +30 hops. Yet 40-45ms ping 24/7 to the servers. Now I have no bufferbloat and average 10 hops, all fixed on my end without help from my ISP.
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Bumping because this is exactly what's happening to me and it's so infuriating. It's gotten to the point that I'm having to aim hatchets 1m to the side of survivors or they will go right through them...
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its really annoying. literally 3 matches i had tonight were lost because of bs hits (2 huntresses hit me with a hatchet when i already turned the corner, and 1 demo hit me 5 feet away from a window.) all led to gigantic snowballs which won them the game...
its stupid, if the killer has horrible ping they should be punished for it, not rewarded.
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Yeah It's BS for everyone. Like people got go go gadget arms sometimes now:
Edit: It's also funny how anytime someone posts a clip of a killer having a weird miss "That's totally BS" but anytime someone shows a survivor getting hit when they shouldn't it's always totally fine; literally every single time.
I've tested this too, I've shared 10 weird survivor side ones, and 10 weird killer side ones. 8 out of 10 of survivor side ones someone immediately comments how it looks fine, every single killer side one agrees it's BS. So there seems to be a bit of community favoritism.
Post edited by [Deleted User] on1 -
I tested that in kyf with vpn on pc and console.. Console doesn't affect my vpn and is stupid. Survivor get hits miles away but killer get the hit. On his screen i was there but on my surv play i wasnt plus some times the killer movement is not correctly applied or was too late. Or you dropping pallet correctly but on his its need years to show and in this time you are downed.
Dont blame the killer for that. Blame the game or devs for this decision.
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Yup the worse your ping is the more advantage you gain.
I allready had my doubts with the hit validation because of the incompetence of bhvr.
Had a game as freddy vs a 4 man swf from a certain region of the world.
I play with 30 ping against them with 200 and rising pings.
1 of them went even as high as almost 800 ping.
I was literally hugging them when I tried to hit, but did I get the hit?
Nope they get the free pass because they have a worse ping than you have.
I already said it when they were talking about hit validation, that they should look at the one that rainbow six siege has.
There it is, the worse your ping is, the more at a disadvantage you are.
Your ping stays above a certain ping to long?
You will get disconnected from the match.
With bhvr it is the reverse of that.
Will they learn?
I hope so but probably not