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Who is the best out of all the 4.6ms killers


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  • Member Posts: 481

    Depends on what you mean by best!

    Blight and Executioner are pretty up there in terms of raw power that is easily accessible. Executioner has some pretty nasty tools to just make some loops not work, or really dangerous to try, and even bluffing a shot can mess with survivors. Blight meanwhile is much better in maps that are more open but still have stuff lying around to bounce off of, and has more overall map pressure.

    I think for really good Twins players we may see them be considered top tier, but they will be heavily filtered based on mastery, sorta like Nurse or Huntress it feels like a killer you have to main, because the stuff you can do with Victor is pretty nutso. We are talking about chessmastering it so you end a chase in a few seconds. So probably stronger than the other two but 99% of twins will just get poor results vs anything besides hyper-altruists trying to camp hooks with Victor.

    Freddy is OP as hell vs Solos but is merely very good vs SWF. He is a problem in that regard and definitely needs a change, but their 'upper level' of power isn't that absurd. So the strongest and easiest in a specific type of game, and one that makes the game worse, but not best by any means.

    And I think Ghostface is up there as a 'gold standard' 4.6, even if they aren't strictly as powerful as Billy or the others mentioned. They are more dynamic and feel like they have more tools in their kit, and their overall design is extremely good, feels good to use, and doesn't feel oppressive to play against. Its this weird shining beacon in a sea of killer designs that range from frustrating, weak, physically unpleasant to play, or just one note. So easily best design. Like Pig in that regard for having a cool dynamic design, but way better overall.

  • Member Posts: 4,321


    PH definitely has 0% winning chance against good survivors that split up and do gens and manage to run him for a while using the popular "hold W" strat. Obviously things may be different with Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer.

    I faced Excelite's tournament SWF team yesterday and played PH.

    Took them about 3 minutes to do all 5 gens as I played without slowdown perks (except for Corrupt).

    Most of the time the gens popped while I was walking my way to them after hooking them but I just could not physically arrive before the gens popped all the time.

    And all of them just held W in every chase to waste my time without using any skill. One of them even looked up while taking a hit as in "OooOh nooo I'm getting hit that's soooo dangerous hahaha"

    It showed me just how important mobility is.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Probably Blight. His mobility is off the charts and he's damn good in a chase once you put in the time to learn him. Freddy, Billy and Pyramid Head are all decent contenders for second.

  • Member Posts: 793


    Mobility = Viability

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    Blight, the best designed killer that is strong and has a proper counterplays. Not like deathslinger or spiritus.

  • Member Posts: 464

    Oni's power is indeed the strongest, but it comes at a steep cost, and even then, regaining it does take time too. Blight can immediately pressure everything and down everyone as fast with Alchemist Ring abuse.

    Yeah, Blight is arguably the best 4.6 killer, and potentially the best killer if his full potential is explored. He's still a fresh killer with few dedicated mains. PH and Freddy are close.

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    Pyramid head. Borderline BS chase ability and can negate lots of survivor perks. Along with decent 3 gen potential and great tunnelling ability.

  • Member Posts: 1,463

    Billy is still the best 1.6m/s killer in the game, yh he doesnt have insta-saw anymore but the cooldown is not that bad, and even tho the curving mechanic is kind of ######### up because of the insta-saw add-ons you can still use his power in strong loops like Jungle Gyms and Shack.

    He has great mobility and an instadown, what more do you want?

  • Member Posts: 487

    Never felt threatened by a billy not even a Bamboozle billy he is decent but I feel like you're overestimating him a bit too much

  • Member Posts: 1,463

    Yh and I can say that about all the killers in this game. Just because you know how to loop doesnt make him less than what he is.

    Billy has great mobility, can use curving in any loop except VERY small loops which at that point are unsafe and has an instadown.

    If we are talking about best 1.6m/s killer without taking perks or add-ons into the mix, Billy is your boy.

  • Member Posts: 4,321
  • Member Posts: 1,075

    Oni's power is arguably stronger than nurses even. Literally slide along walls with no collision whatsoever, disgustingly broken stir AND one shot.

    Add some addons like topknot (why is it still in the game even?) and synergizing perks with the power and you have an unstoppable machine.

    The downside is getting the power.

    To answer op: blight and oni

  • Member Posts: 1,463

    Because Im ######### dumb and I kept thinking about 115% and then changing back to 4.6 so I messed it up, that's why.

    I'll just leave it like that, just so more people get confused.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Aah ok. Speaking of Hillbilly I've been trying to practice curving the past few days but honestly just fail like everytime. How do you perform curves consistently without crashing into everything? Does the heavy clutch help with curving around loops?

  • Member Posts: 292

    I'm surprised it took people this long to figure out how broken the sprint burst from getting hit is. Allows survivors to run half or the entire map depending on the map size + dead hard, Heck I'm still trying to figure out the 'dead zones' people speak of in Ormond.

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    Depends, if you can get your power quickly then Oni hands down, but vs good survivors who deny you that first hit for as long as possible then I would say PH is probably the best, him or Blight.

  • Member Posts: 481

    The fact you personally lost to a very good team with pyramid head does not indicate the killer is weak. He is considered near top tier because many 50/50s or common loops just plain don't work against him.

    Splitting up and doing gens is a problem for most killers, but you have plenty of tools to deal with that in the current meta. A good PH applies absurd pressure due to how powerful his ability is in chase, his ability to use tinkerer better than almost any killer, and his very low downtime hooking.

  • Member Posts: 651

    I'd say Freddy is the most consistant. He does not care which map he is on, how big it is, or how strong the loops are. He just snare everything and teleport where he needs to be. Survivors HAVE to deal with the Dream. There is no avoiding it indefinitly.

    All the other strong 4.6 m/s killers have things that can really screw them. For all his amazing mobility, Blight's power won't help him in certain loops and he has no innate lethality at all. Oni can snowball hard but he can also fail to build up steam or lose it at the worst time. Pyramid Head and Bubba are scary to deal with at loops but have no mobility etc...

    Freddy is Freddy, always, wherever, forever. You will Fall asleep and step into his snares. And he can pull some tricky move with unexpected gen teleport mid chase, especially when the survivors have no good sense of his location because he does not have a directional Terror Radius in the Dream and his short make him harder to see in the distance than taller killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    See i agree with what you say but there a reason a lot of killer players detest ghostface. Being broken out of your power is aggravating. So much so killer wise hes one of my least played killer. Survivor interaction on paper seems like a cool idea and does add a lot to a lacking survivor experiance. But I would never call them a gold standard because there gameplay contains elements that massively frustrates the player.

    Having counterplay is good but if that counterplay can effectively lock the power out of the game entirely you have a problem. Plague and ghostface are killers I and many others want to avoid due to these frustrations. As for billy well the rework really hurt his playerbase and since then he hasnt recovered. Iverheat is incredibly frustrating and limiting which fir vetrans who enjoyed his mobility is upseting.

  • Member Posts: 555

    GF detection goes both ways. Sometime a survivor is able to break you out of your power when not in line of sight and sometime you stand in front of GF and you can't break him out of his power.

  • Member Posts: 1,463

    I havent tested that add-on, I use both boots just to be able to get more mobility middle curve.

    You dont have to be attached to the wall to curve, if you stand like half survivor away from it you will still be able to hit the survivor and not bump into anything, even if they try to juke you they wont have enough time get their body out of your way.

    But the biggest advise I can give you is this: Dont focus on how you have to move your camera, focus on how much time you have to move your camera. What I mean by this is; lets say you have your E key to turn right and your Q key to turn left, and you gotta curve to your right, what most people do is they start to curve and press a little E, and again a little E and again a little, or they press too much E so then they press a little Q. Just dont do that, if you gotta go right, hold that ######### E key like your life depends on it and just measure the time. You have like 2 seconds to curve, try to allways start at the same distance from the corner, that way you only have to focus on how much time you have to press the key in order to get to the survivors options, pallets or windows, that way it'll be easier for you to not bump into anything because you only have one thing to worry about, timing.

    The boots help you change a little your direction if you see the survivor is trying to juke you, but if you moonwalk they wont expect the curve and they'll go to their savest option, which makes them very predicable.

  • Member Posts: 481

    12 hook is actually kinda boring though and really shouldn't be the default. It would require survivors to be so absurdly anemic in chases for it to be a realistic standard goal.

    Besides, the devs have said, many, MANY times, that they don't wish to punish killers for defending hooks any further, nor punish tunneling any further. Deathgarden (rightfully) spooked them away from that path.

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    I'd have to disagree. Billy isn't even the best 4.6 killer even with add-ons, without them even pre-rework he wasn't that amazing, but he was free to zip around the map whenever he wanted unlike current Billy. You will almost never be able to get curves on good survivors unless you're running engravings, preferably both of them. He's just not fast enough to get round corners like that. You can still do it but only in very specific circumstances. And you absolutely can't do it on a loop survivors can see you on without engravings. Addonless Oni and Blight are better than Billy now for sure. And if you factor in add-ons Oni was already better than Billy with topknot and crutch/lion fang (purple duration or purple speed add-ons, forgot what they were called exactly)

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    If you mean who is the fastest at default 4.6ms, it looks like Clown is.

    However if you mean the best killer with 4.6ms including their power, then Blight is definitely the one.

  • Member Posts: 767
    edited December 2020

    Leatherface with chili addons and bamboozle is the best 4.6ms killer in my opinion. He is just unbeatable if you know how to play him.

    Idk why people say blight, he is so map dependent it's sad, also countering him is so easy, you just need to put an obstacle between you and him, voilà, blight is forced to play like a m1 killer until you leave the loop. Don't get me wrong he is a noob-average survivor stomper, but against good survivors I think his power is not that great.

    Oni would be in the second place of best 4.6ms killer for me.

    Freddy is overrated, he is just a good killer because of how tiny he is and how fake his lunge hitbox is. That's why I put him in 3rd place.

  • Member Posts: 1,048
    edited December 2020

    A good chase power.

    Billy is way too easy to loop. You'll eventually instadown me, but I'm giving enough time for my team to do 3 gens. Good mobility, but he cannot keep up in chase.

    Old Instasaw had led to him being overrated. Billy is one of the easiest killers to loop. Have gone against many P3 good Billys. Doesn't matter how good they are, they're still going to take a long time to down me.

  • Member Posts: 1,048


    (Possibly Twins but we still need time)



    Top 4.6 imo.

  • Member Posts: 4,883


  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I'd probably go with Bubba. He's consistent, doesn't really have a horrible map, and has an insta-down, making him quite the threat if you are a good killer player.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    For me it's between Oni and Blight!

    Let's say they are being played to full potential. Blight has great mobility and alright chase pressure. Oni has alright chase pressure but lacks map pressure until he gets pissed off which he becomes deadly.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    Freddy. He has the most tools out of every killer and has been the killer with the highest kill rate (by a significant margin) in both all ranks and red ranks for over a year. He is both mechanically and statistically the strongest killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    Yes im aware gf detection janky as hell. But even then I find the entire aspect of breaking him out of stealth to just be awful to play as. Maybe the killer isnt for me but that fact that i can be forced into m1 killer land is awful.

    Honestly speaking a stalking ghostface dosent need detection mechanic at all. It should have been a cooldown based ability. But eh hes not for me im sure plenty out there are playing him and are enjoiying his gameplay. Right?

    Plague and ghostface are just frustrating and I don't think i could ever recommend them for those reasons. Oni, huntress, deathslinger, hell even wraith feel more fun and satisfying comparitively. Denial of power is imo a dbd game design sin.

    You should be punished for using your power poorly/whiffing/outplays. Ghostface has limited means of protecting or utilising his power without being spotted vs competent players.

  • Member Posts: 7,669


    basekit map pressure, basekit stealth, basekit chase ability and can use add ons for free game slow down.

    is there anything he doesnt have?

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    a high skill ceiling

    which is why blight is above him because a good blight is on par with a good freddy, but anything above a good blight can run circles around a freddy

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    but a higher skill ceiling doesnt mean he was more effective.

    Blight has one problem Freddy doesnt - his power is not covering all gameplay aspects, while Freddys power does. Blight has insane map pressure and a good chase ability, however he is lacking in terms of tracking, stealth and gameslowdown.

    That in return means he has to use Perks to cover his weaknesses, while Freddy can use all 4 Perk slots to further increase his already existing power.

    i dont think a Blight with his best Add Ons and Perks could beat a Freddy with his best Add Ons and Perks tbh.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Blight has insane map pressure, and insane Chase ability, and insane mobility

    Stealth, tracking, and game slowdown can all be made up for and added to his kit with perks / addons

    and yes I was implying that blight can be more effective then freddy depending on how good the blight is, and yes a good blight can run circles around freddy

    Stealth, Throw on tinkerer or vigos journal

    Tracking, bbq and tinkerer is enough because with 4 seconds of aura reading at 40 meters out you can go around 30 meters in their direction or run straight to a gen and stop it from being done

    Map pressure, Ruin undying is basically made for him

    I don't know if its from personal experience but as blight I have only had 6 exit gate escapes, ever, every single match has been a 4k or maybe one out hatch but only 6 survivors have ever gotten all gens done and escaped out the exit gate (technically 4 since I let 2 go because both teammates dced really early into the match)

    Can you say the same about freddy being able to dominate with such consistency

  • Member Posts: 305

    freddy are the best from they all 4.6 m/s and then bubba

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