Anyone else think Blight could use some tuning on console?

I've watched PC blight mains do their thing... and holy [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] those guys make some of the tightest turns I've seen.
Meanwhile I'm on ps4 and survivors can move slightly to the left or right and I'm essentially screwed. I can only watch as I rocket past them regretting my decision to go for the lethal rush.
But in all seriousness I think he could use some tuning on console.
Maybe give him some sort of flick? I dunno, something along those lines.
Absolutely. I always feel bad whenever I see a console player talking about how hard it is to play Deathslinger and such.
devs should really start giving controller-users advantages balance patches to help with the downsides
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I personally thought it'd be easy to play slinger with a controller, is it that bad?
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It's not terrible, but PC is much better at reactionary shots.
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I never played shooter games on PC.
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Even if they gave to him for the first half second of Blights lunge, it would be much better than what we have now.
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Yeah, it really sucks to see someone pull off some sick moves with Blight and then realize I’m on controller so that play is either impossible or going to be an enormous pain in the ass to pull off.
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to be fair I don't know how well they can implement the fact that pc blights near the peak of their skill ceiling can hit people around 3 corners and basically 180 other than EXTREMELY high input sensitivity, but also one of the hard parts of it is what I call the double flick which I think console players are leaving out a bit, where before you flick you first flick your view model then flick again for those big swings
my only advice for console blight is look to the side you want to swing around a corner before you start attacking around a corner
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Me watching PC blight mains
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There is no flick on console. The closest thing we can do is turn around really fast during a slam. And if I try to look before round a corner, chances are I'll hit the corner even though it was barely on my screen.
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but do you start turning before a lethal rush attack, because some of the turning before an attack helps you turn into it
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Yes, I've tried. The attack is still easily avoidable by sidestepping.
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I have come up with an even better solution, get a pc (totally not sarcasm)
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On pc he already has flicks. It just takes high dpi. At this point I could care less about console blight as I'm switching to pc.
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It's not even the controller, though it IS less precise than a mouse, it's the game's performance. On most Consoles the Frame drops and stuttering make playing the Slinger a mess. Especially if it's on a busier map or a Gen pops right as you are about to shoot. It's better than it once was, but turning the camera quickly still can cause issues on Consoles as well.
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Blight is a brick on console and makes me want to blow my brains out every time I use him. Can’t flick my camera more than 20 degrees when swinging in rush. Like so fun having less mobility that Billy’s chainsaw
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They don't put any particular thought into how killers will work on console imo, although you're expected to pay the same price for them. Cyberbullying the devs until they give in to m&k support or becoming a ximmer might be the most viable options, sadly
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It's really not as bad as people say it is, sure the frames are ass but other than that controls are only slightly worse than a MnK. It's harder to hit vertical shots but horizontal shots are fine. I would assume it's the same for huntress as I've seen some dirty PS4 huntress mains.
Where you start having trouble is killers like nurse and blight, who require many quick flicks of the camera to do well with. Blight especially because these flicks need to be super accurate or you lose time in a chase.
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Just optimize him, he has the same problem nurse has, its not necessarily that the fact that he is difficult, rather, that the FPS are too low on him.
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Oh ok, I was curiosu because I ahve a Pc an a xbox contoller I could run it on so I was curious
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Low FPS is a problem sure.
But the fact that the sensitivity/turn rate is so damn restricted on console is the bigger problem
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My favourite thing is when i try to pre-turn my next rush,accidentally bump into something and then spin like crazy :]
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I was on ps4 for 2 and a half years. I was learning blight and was doing fairly well with him at rank 1 but some small objects could completely counter my lethal rushes.
i recently got a PC and the turning is WAY BETTER. In my opinion turning with a mouse is as good as turning with a PS4 controller with BOTH turn rate addons. Maybe mouse being a little better. You get so much more control and at a higher turning rate. Not to mention the faster and more accurate accuracy after bumping into something and then turning around to find the survivor. On PS4 it’s tough but the frame drops make it harder. The more you play the better you’ll get but you’ll never be as good as someone using a PC unfortunately. Same goes with nurse. I was a pretty good nurse on PS4 and it only took me about 3-4 games to get used to the mouse to begin to dominate games.